Multi Asset Similarity MatrixProvides a unique and visually stunning way to analyze the similarity between various stock market indices. This script uses a range of mathematical measures to calculate the correlation between different assets, such as indices, forex, crypto, etc..
Key Features:
Similarity Measures: The script offers a range of similarity measures to choose from, including SSD (Sum of Squared Differences), Euclidean Distance, Manhattan Distance, Minkowski Distance, Chebyshev Distance, Correlation Coefficient, Cosine Similarity, Camberra Index, Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), Lorentzian Function, Intersection, and Penrose Shape.
Asset Selection: Users can select the assets they want to analyze by entering a comma-separated list of tickers in the "Asset List" input field.
Color Gradient: The script uses a color gradient to represent the similarity values between each pair of indices, with red indicating low similarity and blue indicating high similarity.
How it Works:
The script calculates the source method (Returns or Volume Modified Returns) for each index using the sec function.
It then creates a matrix to hold the current values of each index over a specified window size (default is 10).
For each pair of indices, it applies the selected similarity measure using the select function and stores the result in a separate matrix.
The script calculates the maximum and minimum values of the similarity matrix to normalize the color gradient.
Finally, it creates a table with the index names as rows and columns, displaying the similarity values for each pair of indices using the calculated colors.
Visual Insights:
The indicator provides an intuitive way to visualize the relationships between different assets. By analyzing the color-coded tables, traders can gain insights into:
Which assets are highly correlated (blue) or uncorrelated (red)
The strength and direction of these correlations
Potential trading opportunities based on similarities and differences between assets
Overall, MASM is a powerful tool for market analysis and visualization, offering a unique perspective on the relationships between various assets.
Portfolio Tracker For Stocks & CryptoThis is a portfolio tracker that will track individual, overall and daily profit/loss for up to 12 assets. You can set the size of your buys and price of your buys for accurate, up to date profit and loss data right on your chart. It works on all markets and timeframes.
Go into the indicator settings and you will see all of the available settings. The first is the ability to turn the tracker info table on or off from the chart, so it saves your portfolio info but let’s you remove it from the chart while trading. Second is the option to move the position of the info table to suit your preference.
Next we get into setting up your portfolio tickers, order size and price. Each ticker lets you set which stock/crypto you bought, then set how much you purchased and then what price you purchased them at.
Go through and set up all of your assets and then turn off any tickers that you don’t need. Once that is all done, your portfolio will be shown on the chart with all the data.
Top Section
The portfolio tracker has 2 sections. The top section shows each ticker in your portfolio individually with the following data:
- Ticker Name
- Weight of that asset compared to your total portfolio in %
- Current value of that position in $
- Profit or loss value from purchase price in %
- Todays change in value from yesterday’s close in %
The $ Value, PnL % and Today % will all change colors from green to red depending if they are in profit or not.
Bottom Section
The bottom section of the tracker will give you info for your portfolio as a whole. It has the following data:
- Total cost of your entire portfolio in $
- Current value of your entire portfolio in $
- Current profit or loss of your entire portfolio in $
- Current profit or loss of your entire portfolio in %
- Todays change of your entire portfolio value compared to yesterday’s close in %
The $ Value, PnL $, PnL % and Today % will all change colors from green to red depending if they are in profit or not.
Benjamin Graham Net-Net AnalyserA simple indicator that displayers as a table, telling you whether or not the stock you have selected has a current price that is less than 67% of the company's net current asset value per share (NCAVPS) at its last reporting period (FQ, FY, TTM).
Benjamin Graham uses this 67% rule to decide whether or not a stock is significantly undervalued, and studies have shown that investing in companies whose share prices are less than 67% of their NCAVPS can be highly profitable, and will beat markets in the long run.
Feel free to use as you please or repurpose the code for your own projects.
Graham Net Current Asset Value per ShareNet current asset value per share (NCAVPS) is a measure created by Benjamin Graham as one means of gauging the attractiveness of a stock. A key metric for value investors, NCAVPS is calculated by taking a company's current assets and subtracting total liabilities.
NCAVPS = Current Assets - (Total Liabilities + Preferred Stock) ÷ Shares Outstanding.
According to Graham, investors will benefit greatly if they invest in companies where the stock prices are no more than 67% (or 2/3) of their NCAV per share (price <= (2/3)*NCAV).
Coloring pattern:
- price <= (1/3)*ncav -> light green
- (1/3)*ncav < price <= (2/3)*ncav -> green
- (2/3)*ncav < price <= ncav -> dim red
- price > ncav -> red