Astro: Moon SizeThe Astro: Moon Size indicator, built using AstroLib , calculates the distance and visualizes the apparent size of the Moon based on astronomical positioning. This script is tailored for the 1D timeframe and provides insights into lunar perigees (closest approach) and apogees (farthest distance), making it useful for astrologically-informed trading strategies.
New Astro Indicators Feature:
By setting the Julian Date to X number of days in the future, and offsetting the plot by X number of bars accordingly, it is now possible to visualize future projections of TradingView indicators that reference the AstroLib . This feature has been long requested and is far overdue, so thank you to everyone who pushed for this feature release. Enjoy, time travelers from the future!!
Key Features:
Moon Size Calculation: Uses Julian Date (J2000) conversion and AstroLib functions to determine the Moon's apparent distance.
Future Projection: Displays the Moon's distance from 28 up to 500 days ahead, with color gradients indicating proximity/size.
Pivot Identification: Marks local maxima (apogees) and minima (perigees) with labeled date stamps for easy reference.
Dynamic Labeling: Adapts label positioning and size based on the Moon's current trend and relative size.
Usage Notes:
⚠️ Timeframe Restriction: For now, the script only functions on the 1D timeframe and will prompt an error otherwise.
⚠️ Asset Restriction: This script is meant to be loaded on charts for assets that trade 24/7, like BTCUSD historical index.
Solar System in 3D [Astro Tool w/ Zodiac]Hello Traders and Developers,
I am excited to announce my latest Open Source indicator. At the core, this is a demonstration of PineScript’s capabilities in Rendering 3D Animations, while at the same time being a practical tool for Financial Astrologists.
This 3D Engine dynamically renders all the major celestial bodies with their individual orbits, rotation speeds, polar inclinations and astrological aspects, all while maintaining accurate spatial relationships and perspective.
This is a Geocentric model of the solar system (viewed from the perspective of Earth), since that is what most Astrologists use. Thanks to the AstroLib Library created by @BarefootJoey, this model uses the real coordinates of cosmic bodies for every timestamp.
This script truly comes to life when using the “Bar Replay” mode in TradingView, as you can observe the relationships between planets and price action as time progresses, with the full animation capabilities as mentioned above.
In addition to what I have described, this indicator also displays the orbital trajectories for each cosmic body, and has labels for everything. I have also added the ability to hover on all the labels, and see a short description of what they imply in Astrology.
Optional Planetary Aspect Computation
This indicator supports all the Major Planetary Aspects, with an accuracy defined by the user (1° by default).
Conjunction: 0° Alignment. This draws a RED line starting from the center, and going through both planets.
Sextile: 60° Alignment. This draws three YELLOW lines, connecting the planets to each other and to the center.
Square: 90° Alignment. This draws three BLUE lines, connecting the planets to each other and to the center.
Trine: 120° Alignment. This draws three PURPLE lines, connecting the planets to each other and to the center.
Opposition: 180° Alignment. This draws a GREEN line starting from one planet, passing through the center and ending on the second planet.
The below image depicts a Top-Down view of the system, with the Moon in Opposition to Venus and with Mars in Square with Neptune .
Retrograde Computation
This indicator also displays when a planet enters Retrograde (Apparent Backward Motion) by making its orbital trajectory dashed and the planet name getting a red background.
The image below displays an example of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Pluto in Retrograde Motion, from the camera perspective of a 65 degree inclination.
Optional Zodiac Computation (Tropical and Sidereal)
Zodiac represents the relatively stationary star formations that rest along the ecliptic plane, with planets transitioning from one to the next, each with a 30° separation (making 12 in total). I have implemented the option to switch between Tropical mode (where these stars were 2,000 years ago) and Sidereal (where these stars are today).
The image below displays the Zodiac labels with clear lines denoting where each planet falls into.
While this indicator is deployed in a separate pane, it is trivial to transfer it onto your price chart, just by clicking and dragging the graphics. After that, you can adjust the visuals by dragging the scale on the side, or optimizing model settings. You can also drag the model above or below the price, as shown in the following image:
Of course, there are a lot of options to customize this planetary model to your tastes and analytical needs. Aside from visual changes for the labels, colors or resolution you can also disable certain planets that don’t meet your needs as shown below:
Once can also infer the current lunar phases using the Aspects between the Sun and Moon. When the Moon is Opposite the Sun that is a Full Moon, while when they are Conjunct that is a New Moon (and sometimes Eclipse).
I have made this indicator open source to help PineScript programmers understand how to approach 3D graphics rendering, enabling them to develop ever more capable scripts and continuously push the boundaries of what's possible on TradingView.
The code is well documented with comments and has a clear naming convention for functions and variables, to aid developers understand how everything operates.
For financial astrologists, this indicator offers a new way to visualize and correlate planetary movements, adding depth and ease to astrological market analysis.
timing marketIntraday time cycle . it is valid for nifty and banknifty .just add this on daily basis . ignore previous day data
Financial Astrology Vesta LongitudeVesta is one of the largest objects in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, the orbit duration is 3.63 years and seems to be very relevant celestial object in financial astrology. The experienced financial astrologer "Bill Meridian" indicates that this asteroid rules the security business, and paper securities such as bonds and stocks. We have confirmed through statistical research that adding this asteroid to astrology machine learning models provides an increase in daily trend predictions accuracy for crypto-currencies sector.
Our statistical analysis of Vesta zodiac sign location concluded that when is transiting the signs of Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo and Libra the daily trend is 59% or more of the days bullish. When Vesta is located at Capricorn is very bearish with 60% of the daily trend going in downward direction. In the other zodiac signs the daily trend was neutral showing most of the time a sideways pattern.
Is very interesting to note that the exact date July 21, 2021, when Vesta entered in Libra BTCUSD started the last bullish wave that finally broke the congestion zone of the 30K-35K and started a new bullish optimism. Pay attention on what happened in the previous cycle when Vesta was located in Libra and do your conclusions.
Note: Vesta longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology True Lilith (Black Moon) LongitudeTrue Lilith (Black Moon) represents the wildly perturbed Moon apogee orbit, is not averaged (as Mean Lilith) and shows an erratic path with constant change of direction and speed. This Lilith uses the actual, real orbit rather than the average used by Mean Lilith. This perturbations are caused due to the gravitational pull of the Sun and the change of the orbit center which is the Earth-Moon Barycenter. The move of this apogee point toward all the Zodiac signs takes around 9 years to complete and as we can observe, the True Lilith moves back and forward within two consecutive zodiac signs during a prolonged period. In this erratic motion we can note that the peaks and valleys of this waves usually present a swing trade opportunities, is really impressive to note how a full or half True Lilith wave period correlates with short term local peaks and valleys in the BTCUSD price.
Note: The True Lilith (Black Moon) longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Mean Lilith (Black Moon) LongitudeMean Lilith (Black Moon) represents the apogee of the lunar orbit (point where the Moon is farthest from Earth) as the Moon experience perturbations due to the gravitational pull of the Sun and don't orbit in elliptical path due the fact that don't follow the Earth center but the Earth-Moon Barycenter cause that an average projection of this apogee point location needs to be calculated, for this reason, we need to differentiate the Mean Lilith and True Lilith. The move of this apogee point toward all the Zodiac signs takes around 9 years to complete so in BTCUSD asset we only have one complete revolution so is difficult to emit any clear judgement of the zodiac sign location influence in the trend. However this imaginary body named Lilith is widely adopted by astrologers and is very important in Chinese Astrology, for this reason, we decided to contribute the indicator to support the research of Chinese astro-traders.
Note: The Mean Lilith (Black Moon) longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology South Node (Ketu) DeclinationThe declination of South Node (Ketu) is the inverse of North Node (Rahu), therefore, the only relevant pattern that we detected is that when declination was within -6 to +6 degrees the price was congested within narrow price zone as was previously mentioned at the North Node (Rahu) declination indicator.
Note: The South Node (Ketu) declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology North Node (Rahu) DeclinationThe North Node (Rahu) declination is a long term cycle so don't seem to provide useful pattern for short/mid term trading, however is interesting to note that when the declination was within -6 to +6 degrees the price was congested within narrow price zone. As observed in all planets declinations indicators the boundary of moving from North to South or viceversa is critical to determine trend change but in the case of the Moon Nodes it seems to show that the planets energy becomes in equilibrium which causes that price are more stable.
Note: The North Node (Rahu) declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology South Node (Ketu) LongitudeSouth Node (Ketu) in Vedic astrology is considered to cause a bear trend when Eclipse occurs at this Moon Node. Moon Nodes are important because when Moon and Sun are in conjunction or opposition very close to the degree of a Moon's Node, a Solar or Lunar eclipse occurs.
The effect of the trend will be coloured by the Moon Node zodiac sign position. Based on statistical research we have noted that the periods where South Node (Ketu) was located in Sagittarius the trend was bullish 56% of the days, in Aquarius 54% of the days and in Pisces 62% of the days. When located at Aries was bearish 51% of the days. The other zodiac signs experienced mixed results that don't show a clear pattern.
Consider that the transition of South Node across all the Zodiac signs takes 19 years so in all BTCUSD historical prices, we don't have a complete revolution yet, for this reason, our understanding of all the energy frequencies related to South Node location are incomplete.
Note: The South Node (Ketu) longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology North Node (Rahu) LongitudeThe Moon Nodes are the points where Moon crosses the ecliptic and transition from North to South latitude, North Node (Rahu) in Vedic astrology is considered to cause a bull trend when Eclipse occurs at this Moon node. Moon nodes are important because when Moon and Sun are in conjunction or opposition close very close to the degree of a Moon Node, then a Solar or Lunar eclipse occurs.
The effect of the trend will be coloured by the Zodiac sign where the Moon Node is located at, based on statistical research we have noted that the periods where North Node (Rahu) was located in Geminis the 56% of days was bullish, in Virgo 62% of the days was bullish. The most bearish location was Libra with 51% of days bearish. However the transition of North Node around all the Zodiac takes 19 years so in all BTCUSD price history we don't have yet a complete revolution to have a complete understanding of all the energy frequencies.
Note: The North Node (Rahu) longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Ceres LongitudeCeres is the largest object in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter orbits, most of the people don't know that Ceres don't have the category of asteroid but a "dwarf planet", the same as Pluto. Many astrologers don't take Ceres into account when casting an astrological chart but my thinking is that if is proved by experience that Pluto with a mass of 1.30900 x 10^22 kilograms is relevant for market predictions, why not to consider Ceres which has a mass of 9.39 x 10^20 kilograms (7.2% of Pluto mass) but is closer to the Earth?
Through the statistical analysis of Ceres transit through tropical zodiac signs we noted that for BTCUSD there was a significant bullish trend where Ceres transited Aries (62% days), Gemini (67% days), Virgo (57% days) and Pisces (62% days) and significant bearish trend where Ceres transited Libra (56% days) and Scorpio (61% days).
The astrologer Bill Meridian indicated that Ceres rules: food and nursing homes. Other astrologers suggest that it rules: cooking, eating, farming, growing, gardening. I think we need more research to identify the specific sectors that are ruled by Ceres but definitely this dwarf planet is very relevant for financial markets trend forecasting.
Note: The Ceres longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Pluto DeclinationPluto moves very slow in declination as can be viewed in this indicator, therefore, is logical to think that looking Pluto declination for short or mid term trading is useless. We cannot determine any useful pattern from Pluto declination or longitude but we was willing to document here that we did the exploratory analysis of all planets declination. The conclusion is that what is relevant for trading are the declinations of the tradition astrology planets: Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. However, Pluto speed phases seems to be relevant so we recommend to keep an eye on the Pluto speed indicator.
Note: The Pluto declination indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the declination is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Pluto LongitudePluto energy manifest as destruction, rebirth, death, waste, obsession, extremism, transformation, crime and underworld or unconscious. It takes in average 21 years to transit each zodiac sign so in relation to financial astrology, Pluto in Capricorn (current location) represent a generation that tends to be extremist and obsessed in materialism. This position also represent the evolution and transformation of some emergent economies that are raising the hand as the successors of the world power and the destruction of old professions with the rebirth of digital oriented jobs driven by technology (blockchain, artificial intelligence an internet). As Pluto travel towards Aquarius, this technology oriented transformation will reach the maximum momentum with a very intense technological disruption of the old tools we are accustomed to use today in favor of more powerful inventions that can take humanity toward the next level of evolution. Very likely this will be the massive adoption and popularisation of quantum computing, alternative energy sources and touristic space travels.
This indicator is not useful for short/mid term trends but as Pluto transit into different zodiac signs this will mark relevant disruptions in the humanity leadership organisation.
Note: The Pluto longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the data is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Mercury SpeedMercury speed phases (stationary and retrograde) was closely observed by W. D. Gann in order to determine potential trend changes, in BTCUSD we can see some turning points close to the speed dips (when Mercury speed cross the zero line). However, what looks more interesting is that when the Mercury speed is accelerating the price range of the candles is larger, is the same pattern that we noted with the Moon speed indicator so we can conclude that speed acceleration periods produce more intense effects when Mercury aspects occurs.
Note: The Mercury speed indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the speed is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart timezone.
Financial Astrology Mars LongitudeMars energy control the initial impulse, the courage to execute a risky action or to start a new entrepreneurship, to declare the war and fight. It allow us to focus our energy into impulsive action that will require a lot of our forces to produce the initial movement and momentum. Mars drives and directs our motivation into quick and impulsive actions. This planet also rules the angry, fight, conflict, wars and explosive reactions. Therefore, from trading perspective, Mars rules all the industries that imply a higher risks: sports, military, defence, startups (new entrepreneurship), high volatility industries and so forth. Aries zodiac sigh, the domicile of Mars is the archetype of the persons that are willing to move quick from the idea into the action, that are looking to explore new territories and take high risks.
With the manifestation of this impulsive and initiating energy through the zodiac signs we can predict the level of risk that the traders influenced by Mars and dominated by fire will take. This individuals, will desire higher risks when Mars is located in a zodiac sign that strengthens the fire force. Is not a surprise that BTCUSD is more bullish when Mars transits Aries, Gemini (air strength fire) and Sagittarius and bearish when transits Leo (this energy becomes more oriented to pleasures, parties, romance, passions), Virgo (challenge the impulse with the analytic thinking), Aquarius (boring of the existing holding needs to move into another stuff and is desiring a change), Pisces (period of reflexion and mediation of the results of the impulsive cycle that completes).
The most relevant Mars bullish zodiac signs positions for BTCUSD are: Aries 62% days, Gemini 66% days, Sagittarius 58%. The all history buy/sell frequency distribution is 55% (bull) 45% (sell) so BTCUSD has bias to the bullish side, even considering that, the bull frequency on this signs seems to be very relevant and can be analysed with this indicator in the BTCUSD TradingView index that provide historical price since 2010.
With this indicator there is unlimited possibilities to explore the impulsive risk prone actions across different markets to study how this plays out, no more manual chart annotations to identify the zodiac sign location of Mars. We encourage you to analyse this zodiac sign cycles in different markets and share with us your observations, leave us a comment with your research outcomes. Happy research!
Note: The Mars tropical longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the longitude is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart reference timezone.
Financial Astrology Venus LongitudeVenus energy influence the affections, beauty, passion, arts, festivities, finance, marriage, speculation. As a traders the Venus cycle will determine the affection, love and interest we manifest for specific industries that we perceive more fascinating and seductive for our speculation purposes. Financial astrologer Bill Meridian suggest that Venus rules the industries of "recreation, cosmetics, fashion, leisure".
Personally I believe that the affection to hold shares within specific industries will be determined by the zodiac sign position of Venus. For example, Venus in Aries will rule sports, war industry, high risk and volatility, in Taurus the land, agriculture, cattle raising, banks, exchanges and and desire for stability, in Gemini the mass media, newspapers, marketing, publishing house, conferences and desire to discuss the trending topics, in Cancer the real state, bars and restaurants, fishing and so forth with the standard zodiac sign industries rulership. Therefore, traders will feel more affection for the industries / emotional behavior ruled by the sign that Venus is transiting. Therefore, as Venus transition to other signs that are incompatible with an industry characteristics, that desire to hold shares in a given industry would diminish.
Within the financial astrology research we have identified that the BTCUSD bullish Venus zodiac signs are: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces. The bearish signs are: Taurus, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The other signs show mixed results. As expected, Aquarius was a prominent position due to the fact that represent "technology and innovation", Pisces seem very relevant because represent the destruction of the previous model, the end of the traditional banks financial system in favor of the decentralized finances (DeFI) approach. Aries, because is the entrepreneurship spirit of the new opportunities that arise with this financial system transition where masses are willing to start trying, exploring and taking risks (adventures) in this alternative way to manage and storing your assets. Leo because cryptocurrencies is the new tech fashion and hot speculation area. Virgo because it provide a perfect immutable decentralised database (the blockchain) that couldn't be altered or manipulated so is precise and exact financial system that correlate well with the precision and exactness affection we feel within Virgo influence.
With this indicator there is unlimited possibilities to explore across different markets to strudy how the Venus energy influence plays out, no more manual chart annotations to identify the zodiac sign location of Venus. We encourage you to analyze this zodiac sign cycles in different markets and share with us your observations, leave us a comment with your research outcomes. Happy research!
Note: The Venus tropical longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the longitude is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart reference timezone.
Financial Astrology Moon LongitudeMoon energy represent the masses, crowds, public places, children and emotions. The transit of the Moon through the zodiacal signs will color the crowd emotional responses that fluctuate based on the elemental qualities of the signs: fire (energetic and impulsive), earth (rigid, static, patient), water (assimilation, transformation, humor fluctuations), air (expansion, fervent, germination).
The daily average speed of the Moon is 13 degrees, for this reason the emotional elemental energy is transforming in average every 2 days and few hours, this mood fluctuations produces the short term instinctive and emotional actions performed by traders that forget the precise mathematical / statistical approach in favor of irrational and emotional impulses.
Based on statistical buy/sell frequency analysis we discovered that for BTC-USD, the Moon is usually bullish in zodiac signs: Aries, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius and Pisces, the most relevant bullish sign is "Aquarius", from 206 observations in all the BTC-USD price history where Moon was in this sign the 60% of those days the price increased compared to the previous day. The bearish zodiac signs for BTC-USD are: Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius and Capricorn, the most relevant bearish sign is "Capricorn".
Interestingly this zodiac sign locations tends to fluctuate during some periods of time and from the last 10 observations of the Moon transiting through Aries we noted that 7 of the 10 observations coincide with a dip, sometimes the Moon in Aries indicate the reversal of the short term trend, this is kind of expected considering that when Moon approaches Taurus the fall becomes more likely due to the fact that Moon in Taurus is a bearish signal.
With this indicator there is unlimited possibilities to explore across different markets and complementing with Moon phases this may be the perfect financial astrology indicator for those intraday traders that keep positions only for few hours.
We encourage you to analyze the Moon zodiac sign cycles in different markets and share with us your observations, leave us a comment with your research outcomes. Happy trading!
Note: The Moon longitude indicator is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the longitude is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart reference timezone.
Financial Astrology Mercury LongitudeMercury energy influence the mind, the intellect and mental temperament, in mundane astrology is well know that rules: news, science, debating, trading, commerce, contracts. telecommunication, short-distance travels, among others. W. D. Gann discovered that the Mercury speed phases (stationary, retrograde, direct) transitions was very relevant as trading signals, he used the Sun conjunction retrograde Mercury to confirm the formation of top and bottoms that seems to be a relevant leading indicator in multiples markets.
As part of the Financial Astrology Research Group experiments, we created hundreds of machine learning models that try to predict daily trend direction for a research portfolio of 10 crypto-currencies and is confirmed that including the Mercury speed and aspects features (variables) in the models increase the accuracy in a consistent manner. Therefore, there is enough evidence that Mercury is one of the most powerful mid term trading cycles.
This is the first open source PIneScript indicator that is able to plot the Mercury Tropical Longitude for the years 2010-2030, we publish as open source in order to support and simplify the research of the amazing astro-traders community at TradingView that have been working manually with annotations and lines to represent the Mercury longitude zodiac signs entries and the speed phases transitions. That manual work is over. Let's move faster in our cycles research!
We encourage all astro traders to continue researching and sharing your ideas of astro cycles trading strategies with us and contribute your experiments at our Github Financial Stats exploration project
so we can improve the cosmic energy models that influence traders behaviours.
Note: The Mercury longitude is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the longitude is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart reference timezone.
Others astro trading indicators from Financial Astrology Research Group:
Financial Astrology Sun LongitudeFinancial astrology is a branch of mundane astrology that research the correlations of planet cycles with market prices, this indicator developed by the Financial Astrology Research Group provides the visualization of the Sun Tropical Zodiac Longitude to support that astrology traders can study multiple markets within the powerful Trading View UI to detect potential cyclical patterns in price action that are connected with the cosmic rhythm of the Sun.
The Sun have been very relevant cycle among all ancient civilizations such as Maya, Aztec, Inca, this cyclical move is the fundamental frequency of our life's due to the fact that our calendar year is a model from this cycle. Chinese astrologers and W.D. Gann was aware of the powerful predictive power of the solar terms which is a representation of the most relevant weather transitions within the Sun longitude path.
With this indicator we try to ease the research work of the amazing community of astro-traders that prior to this indicators needed to create hundreds of manual annotations on the markets price charts to visualize the Sun zodiac position within a long period of time in order to research potential cycles. That manual work is over. Let's move faster in our cycles research!
We encourage all traders using astrology to continue their research, please share your ideas of astro cycles trading strategies and contribute your experiments at our Github exploration projects:
Note: The Sun longitude is based on an ephemeris array that covers years 2010 to 2030, prior or after this years the longitude is not available, this daily ephemeris are based on UTC time so in order to align properly with the price bars times you should set UTC as your chart reference timezone.
Morun Astro Trend MAs cross StrategyAstrology machine learning cycles indicator signals with technical MAs indicators strategy, based on signals index of Github project
Chaos 2.0This is pure chaos!
I just wanted 1 thing I can put on a chart to try to get a clearer picture of what is going on (and not take up all the indicator spaces a free user is allowed haha)
Many things going on from so many different users
honestly I'm sorry I cant shout out everyone whose code I have ever read and used in another project just for the sake of learning more about pinescript!
As a way of shouting everyone out! (and giving out my most useful and configurable system)
I give you... CHAOS
I originally got an Alligator, AO, and Fractal script from a user ChaosTrader, then realized I love using averages!
I added the MESA (lazybear?) and the McGinley Dynamic Range (sry idk) and a simple 233 SMA.
I also found about something called the another user had created for Pinescript.
I really liked that script so I adapted it to do the same kind of signal printing for circles and squares (crosses and series)
Check it out tell me what you think and how I can make it better for everyone!
thanks all!