Other altcoins BTC capitalization histogram [peregringlk]Introduction
This study is intented to be used in combination with my other study "Other alts compensated cap". Read its description, in particular, it's rationale, to understand why I have removed the big capitalized altcoins from these studies.
The middle indicator in the image is that other study, while the indicator in the buttom of the image is that one.
It shows, in form of histogram, the BTC capitalization change rate (per candle, using closes) of the "OTHERS" altcoins together with the inverse of the BTCUSD price change rate per candle.
NOTE: I call the change rate to the multiplier factor of price from bar to bar. For example, a change rate of 1.20 means +20% respect to "yesterday", and a change rate of 0.80 means -20%.
The idea is to know what are altcoin markets (against BTC) doing after each BTC price change.
I will use ALT from now one as the name of an index or fictional coin that represents the average price of all other altcoins combined. I'll use then ALTUSD to represent the price against USD of such fictional coin (= the OTHERS capitalization, as if the USD capitalization of altcoins were the USD price of ALT), and ALTBTC to represent the same price but against BTC (calculated by taking ALTUSD/BITSTAMP:BTCUSD; the choosing of BITSTAMP is because it's the market with a longer history in tradingview).
Since I use the "OTHERS" security, I cannot know the real altcoin index so I can only estimate by using the capitalization. CIX100 could be a solution, but it is too recent in time as to inspect past price actions.
For example, let's assume BTCUSD decreases by 20% today. It would cause a fall in ALTUSD of 20% (just maths). So, what should it happen in ALTBTC to preserve the original ALTUSD price? People should buy alts in BTC markets by a factor of 1/0.8 = 1.25. Or in other words, unless there are a +25% grow in ALTBTC, ALTUSD would see a decrease in value.
This is what the histogram shows. The red columns shows the ALTBTC change rate per candle, while each green column shows what is the required change rate in ALTBTC required to preserve its ALTUSD value (capitalization). In other words, the green columns are the "targets" to preserve USD capitalization in ALTBTC, while the red histogram shows the actual changes.
Also, it shows two curves. There are just the change rate accumulation during some customizable interval (the same for both lines, and 7 by default; or the "week" for daily candles).
The green line is the accumulated "target" change rate within that period of time (the accumulated product of the last `interval` change rates), and the red line is the actual change rate for the same `interval` candles.
If red column values are bigger than the green ones (green column is negative, and red column is positive; or both are positives but the red one "put outs", or both are negative but the red column doesn't "put out"), OTHERS USD capitalization has increased.
If red column values are lower than the green ones (green column is positive and red column is negative; or both are positives but the red one doesn't "put out"; or both are negative but the red column "put outs"), OTHERS USD capitalization has decreased.
The same for the continuous lines: if the red line is above the green one, OTHERS USD capitalization has increased during "the past week". Otherwise, it has decreased.
The added value of this indicator is that it allows you to know "why". For example, if a green column is positive, and its corresponding red column is positive as well, but below the green one, the capitalization has decreased but BECAUSE the btc price has fallen, not because there was a sellof in alts. Actually, there was some buys (the ALTBTC price increased); it just it was not enough to counteract the btc fall.
That can be clearly seen in the remarked candle in the plot, the "coronavirus" sellof. The BTCUSD fall was huge (the hugest in BTC history), and the green column is telling you that to preserve the capitalization a lot of buys were required. However, that didn't happen. Actually, the OTHER alts were pretty quiet (the red column is tiny), causing a massive indirect loss of capitalization.
Also, with the curves, you can know if there was a total gainning or loss of capitalization during the past few days or candles. Also you can try to spot the beginning of alts seasons by crosses between red and green lines: if the red lines crosses above the green one (because there was a continuous sequence of red columns above green ones), it means that, potentially, were are at the beginning of an alt season because people are accumulating.
Table of cases
- if the green column is positive (BTCUSD is down)
- if the red column is positive (ALTBTC is up)
- bigger than the green column: ALTBTC buys are stronger than required by arbitrage and have counteracted and overcome the BTC fall.
- shorter than the green column: there have been some buys but not enough, so the BTCUSD fall has not been fully counteracted.
- if the red column is negative (ALTBTC is down): the loss is double: BTCUSD have lost value + ALTBTC is bleeding.
- If the green column is negative (BTCUSD is up)
- if the red column is negative (ALTBTC is down)
- bigger than the green column: ALTBTC sells are so strong that have counteracted the BTC increase in value, causing a loss of USD value.
- shorter than the green column: there have been sells but overall the ALTUSD price has increased.
- if the red column is positive (ALTBTC is up): the gain is double: BTCUSD has gain value + ALTBTC is also growing.
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Other alts compensated capitalization [Peregringlk]DISCLAIMER: I'm not a native English speaker, so let me know please about mistakes in my wording.
This indicator (the middle one in the image) shows how the "others altcoins" (all altcoins except coins with high capitalization) are adding own value to its capitalization by removing BTC price changes. By "own value" I mean USD value gaining by actual buys in BTC markets beyong arbitrage effects of BTC price changes.
The main idea is that, if bitcoin has increased is value by 20%, and the other altcoins has increased its capitalization by 30%, the chart will only plot an increased of 10%. In other words, it will show its increased capitalization measured in BTC (the combined altcoin/BTC market is uptrending). Its purpose is to try to identify altseasons. A bit more concisely, the graph will only grow when both USD and BTC capitalization are growing. If any of them are going down, the graph will go down as well.
- Altseasons are characterized by an incresed in BTC value of almost every altcoin during some period of time, although not all at once, but distributed over the altseason. For example, in the crazy altseason of Dec17/Jan18, almost every (low capitalized) altcoin increased its BTC value by a minimum of +300%, some at the beginning of the season, some at the end.
- When this happens, BTC loss capitalization dominance, but this also can happen if BTC is downtrending while altcoins are being bought in BTC markets but its USD value doesn't change too much. This happens when altcoins are uptrending in BTC price, but there are actually no gain of USD value because the BTC gain in value is not enough to compensate the BTC fall in price. Since BTC is losing USD price, but altcoins are not, dominance falls. So, looking at BTC dominance is not enough to spot possible beginnings of altseasons, because of arbitrage of other effects.
- The "big altcoins" are removed from the counting because one single big capitalized altcoin that grows, let's say, a 20%, will have an observable effect on the total altcoin capitalization, even if the rest of the altcoins are stagnated in price. For example, at today's date (8th April 2020), Ethereum by itself has the 23.89% of the total altcoins capitalization. A +10% in Ethereum price will increase the total altcoin capitalization by a +2.38%. I wanted to remove that effect to focus on generalized price changes of all altcoins. Remember that there are only 9 big altcoins 9 coins representing the 71% of the alts capitalization, while there are exists more than 5000 altcoins in total.
- Another key factor is that I want to focus on what happens in alt/BTC markets, because almost every altcoin can be traded against BTC, and most of them can only be traded against BTC. However, big altcoins can usually be traded against USD or other alt coins or fiat currencies as well. Removing the big alts from the equation helps (just a bit) to simplify the interpretation of the chart because arbitrage effects of those "impactfull" alts are limited (although not removed, because arbitrage also happens cross-markets).
- There are situations where BTC price is going up, alts USD capitalization is going up as well, but alts BTC capitalization is going down because altcoins are being sold in BTC markets, it just happens that the speed of the selling is not high enough as to compensated the increased in BTC price. That makes the USD capitalization grows, while alts are really being dumped in BTC markets. I wanted to reflect that effect as well by making sure that the graph is growing only when both USD and BTC capitalization of alts are growing.
If you want, you can see this chart as if plotting the Other alts capitalization as if priced against a fictional coin FCOIN, that start by having a price of 1, that combines the up and downs of both BTC price and alts USD capitalization in a very conservative way: if FCOIN price goes up, means that the other alts are gained USD value but only when they have overcome BTC price changes. Otherwise, it goes down.
If this fictional FCOIN has went up during some days straight with a total gain of maybe, greater than 10%, we are maybe in front of the start of an altseason. Sometimes, maybe (it requires some more years to extract a theory out of here), it can be used as proxy of the BTC near future (trend changes or continuations): if this FCOIN goes up, while BTC is doing nothing relevant or even is going down, it could signal that "people" is getting prepared and a generalized altcoin accumulation process has started, because of a combined people's assumption that BTC will start to have an stable uptrend, or will continue the current trend soon. There's some matches in the past about that, but there are also false positives, as usual.
Additionally, four customizable EMAs are added to the script, by default 21, 50, 100 and 150.
- Let's call `altcap_btc` the altcoin capitalization in USD, divided by BTC price. In other words, `altcap_btc` is the capitalization in terms of BTC.
- Let's call `x` the BTC price change rate as `btc_price_current_candle / btc_price_previous_candle`. So, if BTC has grown a +20%, `x = 1.20`, and if BTC has gone down a -20%, `x = 0.80`.
- Let's call `y` the `altcap_btc` price change rate, calculated as before but for `altcap_btc`.
- For pure math equivalence, `x * y` is thus the USD capitalization change rate.
For plotting the graph, for each candle, I choose a change rate, and then I plot the total accumulated change rate as by `ch0 * ch1 * ch2 * .... * ch_today`, where each `chX` is the choosen change rate of each candle since the beginning of the chart. So, if the "alts compensated value" has grown yesterday +20% and today's -10%, `1.20 * 0.9 = 1.08`, which means that in two days the compensated value has grown an 8% in total.
- If `x * y > 1` (USD cap is growing), I take `y` as change rate (alt/btc change rate).
- If both `x` and `y` are `> 1`, then the graph grows because I'm taking `y`.
- If `x > 1` and `y < 1`, the graph goes down because I'm taking `y`, reflecting the BTC markets are dumping.
- If `x < 1` and `y > 1`, the graph goes up because I'm taking `y`, reflecting the BTC markets are pumping so much that it overcomes the btc fall.
- `x < 1` and `y < 1` is impossible here because `x * y` must be `> 1` by precondition.
- If `x * y < 1` (USD cap is going down), I take `y` or `x * y` depending on the individual change rates:
- If `x` and `y` go in different directions (one up and the other down), I take `x * y` to reflect that USD capitalization has gone down. I don't take `y` here because it could be `> 1`, and I don't want to make the graph grow if alts are lossing USD value. Also, if `y < 1` and I take `y` the graph will go down faster than USD capitalization and I want to show that "alts compensated value is gown down slower than BTC because some boughts are happening". I don't take `x` either here for the same reasons.
- If both `x` and `y` are `< 1`, I take `y`, because otherwise the graph would be less than 0.000001 today after two years of bleeding, making literally impossible to see if alts "grow tomorrow".
- `x > 1` and `y > 1` is impossible here because `x * y` must be `< 1` by precondition.
Modified version of On-Balance Volume [ChuckBanger]This is a smoothed version of the classic On-Balance Volume indicator. And I added a signal line with alerts that the user can set through TradingViews alert panel to indicate long or short play. I also find that this indicator is good to do divergences analysis on the asset you want to trade.
Price CorrelationsThis indicator shows price correlations of your current chart to various well-known indices.
Values above 0 mean a positive correlation, below 0 a negative correlation (not correlated).
It works well with daily candle charts and above, but you may also try it on 1h candles.
The default indices:
- Gold
- S&p 500
- Mini Dow Jones
- Dow Jones
- Russel 2000
- Nasdaq 100
- Crude Oil
- Nikkei 225 (Japan)
- FTSE 100 (UK)
- Silver
- DAX Futures (DE)
You can change the defaults to compare prices with other indices or stocks.
Hi-Lo VT-Trader24月 1
Displays the daily basis of the selected currency on the chart below the daily basis.
Reflects how to avoid repainting when using security()
DMI + ADX + OBVThis trend following indicator is made up of 3 parts.
A normalized (OBV) On Balance Volume (the gray line) which ranges between -100 and 100 and has a 55 period SMA overlayed (the orange line) to give an indication of the overall trend as far as volume goes.
- If the volume decreases without a drop in price, it might indicate a move down.
- If volume increases without a rise rise in the price, it might indicate a move up.
The (DMI) Directional Movement Indicator which shows the strength of the bulls versus the bears.
- The red line measures how strongly price moves downwards.
- The green line measures how strongly price moves upwards.
One way to trade this is on crossovers e.g.when the green line crosses the red; although it's best to combine this with another indicator or pattern for confirmation.
Another useful feature of the DMI is the ability to see strength of buyers and sellers pressure at the same time, acting as a confirmation before entering a trade.
The third way to use the DMI is when price makes a new high but the green line does not. (Or the price makes a new low and the red line doesn't) This is known as divergence and should act as a warning to tighten your stops or take profits because it signals a possible change of direction.
The last part of the indicator is the (ADX) Average Directional Index
This is the blue line and shows the strength of the trend regardless of direction. This can act as a confirmation for the DMI or other indicators in your trading system.
When the blue line is:
- above the green shaded area there is an extreme trend.
- in the green shaded area there is a very strong trend.
- in the yellow shaded area there is a strong trend.
- below the yellow shaded area there is no trend.
Cryptocurrency Spot RatesThis is an overlay indicator on the chart that will plot cryptocurrency spot prices of the following exchanges:
- Coinbase
- Poloniex
- Binance
- Huobi
- Bittrex
- HitBTC
- Kraken
- Bitfinex
Additionally it plots the price average of all those exchanges.
This overlay is intended to be used on charts with derivatives/futures such as BitMEX/Deribit/...
It works with all USD and Tether pairs on the main chart (for example BTCUSD, ETHUSD, BCHUSD,...)
Function Highest/Lowest by PeterONo matter how much I like PineScript, there are still things missing in the language. One of the most annoying issues is that you cannot set dynamic length value for highest/lowest functions. This length must be fixed integer. But it doesn't make sense in a lot of cases, when you'd like to know what was the highest/lowest value of a series SINCE EVENT in the past, but you don't know WHEN this event exactly happened.
Us, coders would like to do this: `highest(series,barssince(...))`
But it is not working.
Numerous coders are using RicardoSantos' f_highest/f_lowest script (), probably the most often copy/pasted snippet of PineScript code out there. It is doing more-less what `highest(series,barssince(...))` would be doing, but with hardcoded max bars back.
Ricardo is my idol by the way, but that didn't stop me from creating my own version of Highest/Lowest functions. They are fast, simple, effective and very light for Pine engine.
Please treat this as an OPEN SOURCE snippet of code, which can be used in variety of ways.
I have implemented a simple use-case myself, to demonstrate what can be done. The example shows what was the highest/lowest value of RSI since the previous cross of Stochastic. So that you don't enter SHORT on Stochastic crossunder, if RSI didn't reach oversold (<30) since the previous Stochastic crossunder = aka maybe the downtrend has exhausted.
I'm sure you'll find plenty of use cases for it in your studies and strategies as well. If you create your own code using my Highest/Lowest functions, don't hesitate to put a link down here in comments.
P.S. This is not a strategy in any way, so don't ask me "does it backtest well?".
P.S.2 This code doesn't repaint as well ;)
Expanded Floor PivotsHello Everyone,
The Expanded Floor Pivots is introduced in the book "Secrets of a Pivot Boss: Revealing Proven Methods for Profiting in the Market " by Franklin Ochoa. He added four new levels: S4, R4, BC and TC. There are many great ideas in the book, such using these levels, following trend, time price opportunity and much more. (Thanks to @tonyjab for pushing me to read this book)
The definition/formula of the levels defined in the book:
r1 = 2 * pivot - Low
r2 = pivot + (High - Low)
r3 = r1 + (High - Low)
r4 = r3 + (r2 - r1)
tc = (pivot - bc) + pivot
pivot = (High + Low + Close) / 3
bc = (High + Low) / 2
s1 = 2 * pivot - High
s2 = pivot - (High - Low)
s3 = s1 - (High - Low)
s4 = s3 - (s1 - s2)
The area between TC and BC is used as Pivot Channel, (blue area in the chart). you can see how it helps on identifying the trend.
By default the script decides Higher Time Frame but if you want you can set HTF as you wish.
You can choose line style as: Solid, Circles or Cross
and also you have option to show only last period or all historical levels.
Ichimoku Clouds Strong Bullish/Bearish signals and alertsIchimoku Clouds Strong Bullish/Bearish signals with allerts
The Ichimoku cloud was developed by Goichi Hosoda, a Japanese journalist, and published in the late 1960s. It provides more data points than the standard candlestick chart. While it seems complicated at first glance, those familiar with how to read the charts often find it easy to understand with well-defined trading signals.
We provide you easy-to-use script which helps to decrypt meaning of lines in the indicator. The script takes Ichimoku clouds indicator formulas to calculate Tenkan, Kijun, SenkouA, SenkouB values and examines them in order to produce buy ( Bullish ) and sell ( Bearish ) signals which are displayed at the chart
The most appropriate time frame is 30m
Custom alerts are added to send you a notice with a webhook when bullish or bearish signal arrives.
You can easily add weak and neutral signals alerts by removing "//" in a specified place
Feel free to copy and use this script for your ideas and trading. You can modify the script by adding Parabolic SAR in order to increase accuracy of positions closure
Price Change Rate by Pivot Points - DynamicHi Everyone
Usually I need Price Change info and I believe most of you need this info too. I want to see how it increased/decreased. I automate this by using Pivot Points.
it works dynamically and it uses Pivot Highs and Pivot Lows accordingly. That means it calculates which one to use.
Please watch following video:
Modified OBV w/ Divergence Detection by CryptorhythmsApirine OBV-M Modified OBV w/ MA Selection by Cryptorhythms
Released in the April 2020 issue of TASC, and created by Vitali Apirine.
OBV-M is of course based on the classic indicator on balance volume originally developed by Joe Granville. Apirine then smooths the calculation and adds a signal line to help denote entry and exit points.
As the author points out uts also great at showing divergences!
As usual when porting indicators to the library here on tradingview, I like to add some extra flare!
💠MA selection to allow you to experiment with alternate settings
💠Bar coloration based on trade state for easy visual at a glance chart checking
💠Divergence Detection and plotting thanks for Ricardo Santos' script
👍 We hope you enjoyed this indicator and find it useful! We post free crypto analysis, strategies and indicators regularly. This is our 78th script on Tradingview!
Seperate OBV by altcoinrookieVolume based indicator.
Calculates 14 period average green and red volume bars. Makes comparison betweeen them.
Trend Lines v2Hello Everyone. After working on new and better trend lines script for couple of weeks, finally I am proud to publish Trend Lines v2.
How it works?
- On each bar it finds last 10 higher and lower Pivot Points (PP).
- from first bar to 10. PP it search if a trend line is possible
- for each it starts searching from the last PP.
- it check if drawing a trend line possible or not and also it's broken or not
- if it's broken then optionally it shows broken trend lines as dotted
- if it finds a continues trend line and stop searhing more and draw trend line (I did this to make the script faster, otherwise you may get error because of it needs time more than .2sec)
- the script makes this process for each PP
optionally trend lines may be Solid or Dashed
optionally you may get rid of broken trend lines if you think it's crowded
and sometimes you may not see any trend line on the chart. this means you need to adjust the period for Pivot Points accordingly
also I made a video. if you watch this video you can see how the script works.
Important! after you add this tool to the chart you may need zoom-in and zoom-out to see all lines!
I thought a lot to make it free or not then I decided make it free and open source. you should know there is a lot of effort for this script, so if you think this is usefull please consider a donation ;)
KPL Swing StrategyThe KPLSwing indicator is a simple trend following mechanical trading system which automates the entry and exit.
The trading system is extremely simple and easy to use and removes emotions from trading.
The trading or investing logic is simple.... buy on close above 20 days high and sell on close below 20 days low.
No targets are given as profits are unknown and is whatever the market gives. Losses are limited via position sizing.
Fractal Breakout StrategyFractal
A type of pattern used in technical analysis to predict a reversal in the current trend. A fractal pattern consists of five bars and is identified when the price meets the following characteristics:
1. A shift from a downtrend to an uptrend occurs when the lowest bar is located in the middle of the pattern and two bars with successively higher lows are positioned around it.
2. A shift from an uptrend to a downtrend occurs when the highest bar is located in the middle of the pattern and two bars with successively lower highs are positioned around it.
Distance to Never Look BackIt just shows in Percentage the distance to the ATH, useful to find S%R levels and maybe even find overvalue
Support Resistance - DynamicThis is Dynamic Support / Resistance script.
How it Works?
It finds Pivot Points and creates channels for each Pivot Point. Channel size is calculated by (Highest - Lowest) * %Channel_size in Loopback Period. After creating channels it calculates that how many Pivot Points in the channels. more Pivot Points in channel means stronger Support/Resistance. in the option menu there is S/R Strength, this is the minimum number of Pivot Points that each channel must contain to be S/R. calculation starts from last pivot point and go back for "loopback period" which is 300 by default. so last Pivot Points have more priority. Finally after calculating Support/Resistance it draws lines.
Number of Support/Resistance line is Dynamic and up to 20 lines, that means number of lines changes dynamically. you can see how the script puts Suppport/Resistance lines dynamically by "Replay" button. (if I have time I will try to put a video)
Currently the scripts checks up to 40 pivot points in loopback period. it shows up to 20 S/Rs only for visible area in the chart.
There is option to Show S/R lines as Solid, Dotted or Dashed.
OBV w/BB+EMAOBV plotted with Bollinger Bands to show whether the volume is breaking out from its normal deviation (both up or down). The OBV changes color depending on the macro trend which is set using a 100 EMA.
ADX+DMI_by_BIMashed together Chris Moody's ADX thing with his DMI thing.
So you can see trend strength + direction
green-ish = uptrend-ish//red-ish = downtrend-ish
Colors can be adjusted though.
below 10 = gray, not much going on
10 - 20 = light green/light red, could be the beginning o something
20 - 40 = bright green / bright red, something is going on
above 40 = dark green, dark red, exhaustion (default is 40, can be adjusted to whatever)
Price Streak Is Another Way to Spot TrendsPrice is never wrong, but sometimes reading it can be tricky.
Movements in the broader market or a sector can distract from a symbol that's been steadily trending in one direction or another. Sometimes the beginning of a move can also be so subtle that it flies under most people's radar.
Price Streak can help overcome these limitations by tracking consecutive up/down periods. It plots an easy-to-read color-coded histogram.
Because it simply counts the candles in a trend, Price Streak can give a clearer picture than magnitude-biased indicators like relative strength or MACD.
Applying Price Streak to the daily chart of Bitcoin Dominance , we find something very interesting right now: the longest drop since March 2017.
That moment in history, almost three years ago, marked the beginning of the last Altcoin bull market. Ethereum , for example, went from roughly $60 to over $1,300 in the following nine months.
While past performance isn't a guarantee of future results, this illustrates how sustained price moves can reveal changes in character.
Based on Price Streak's current reading, it may support the idea of another Altcoin cycle beginning now.