Lib_KEZ_FormatLibrary "Lib_KEZ_Format"
TODO: add library description here
TODO: функция сокращения больших чисел и перевод в проценты
_x (float)
Returns: TODO: строка на выход
MyRenkoLibraryLibrary "MyRenkoLibrary"
real_break_size (float)
Milvetti_TraderPost_LibraryLibrary "Milvetti_TraderPost_Library"
This library has methods that provide practical signal transmission for traderpost.Developed By Milvetti
This method generates a signal in JSON format that cancels all orders for the specified pair. (If you want to cancel stop loss and takeprofit orders together, use the “exitOrder” method.
symbol (string)
This method generates a signal in JSON format that close all orders for the specified pair.
symbol (string)
createOrder(ticker, positionType, orderType, entryPrice, signalPrice, qtyType, qty, stopLoss, stopType, stopValue, takeProfit, profitType, profitValue, timeInForce)
This function is designed to send buy or sell orders to traderpost. It can create customized orders by flexibly specifying parameters such as order type, position type, entry price, quantity calculation method, stop-loss, and take-profit. The purpose of the function is to consolidate all necessary details for opening a position into a single structure and present it as a structured JSON output. This format can be sent to trading platforms via webhooks.
ticker (string) : The ticker symbol of the instrument. Default value is the current chart's ticker (syminfo.ticker).
positionType (string) : Determines the type of order (e.g., "long" or "buy" for buying and "short" or "sell" for selling).
orderType (string) : Defines the order type for execution. Options: "market", "limit", "stop". Default is "market"
entryPrice (float) : The price level for entry orders. Only applicable for limit or stop orders. Default is 0 (market orders ignore this).
signalPrice (float) : Optional. Only necessary when using relative take profit or stop losses, and the broker does not support fetching quotes to perform the calculation. Default is 0
qtyType (string) : Determines how the order quantity is calculated. Options: "fixed_quantity", "dollar_amount", "percent_of_equity", "percent_of_position".
qty (float) : Quantity value. Can represent units of shares/contracts or a dollar amount, depending on qtyType.
stopLoss (bool) : Enable or disable stop-loss functionality. Set to `true` to activate.
stopType (string) : Specifies the stop-loss calculation type. Options: percent, "amount", "stopPrice", "trailPercent", "trailAmount". Default is "stopPrice"
stopValue (float) : Stop-loss value based on stopType. Can be a percentage, dollar amount, or a specific stop price. Default is "stopPrice"
takeProfit (bool) : Enable or disable take-profit functionality. Set to `true` to activate.
profitType (string) : Specifies the take-profit calculation type. Options: "percent", "amount", "limitPrice". Default is "limitPrice"
profitValue (float) : Take-profit value based on profitType. Can be a percentage, dollar amount, or a specific limit price. Default is 0
timeInForce (string) : The time in force for your order. Options: day, gtc, opg, cls, ioc and fok
Returns: Return result in Json format.
addTsl(symbol, stopType, stopValue, price)
This method adds trailing stop loss to the current position. “Price” is the trailing stop loss starting level. You can leave price blank if you want it to start immediately
symbol (string)
stopType (string) : Specifies the trailing stoploss calculation type. Options: "trailPercent", "trailAmount".
stopValue (float) : Stop-loss value based on stopType. Can be a percentage, dollar amount.
price (float) : The trailing stop loss starting level. You can leave price blank if you want it to start immediately. Default is current price.
utilsLibrary "utils"
Few essentials captured together (subset of arrayutils)
timer(timeStart, timeEnd)
finds difference between two timestamps
timeStart (int) : start timestamp
timeEnd (int)
method check_overflow(pivots, barArray, dir)
finds difference between two timestamps
Namespace types: array
pivots (array) : pivots array
barArray (array) : pivot bar array
dir (int) : direction for which overflow need to be checked
Returns: bool overflow
method get_trend_series(pivots, length, highLow, trend)
finds series of pivots in particular trend
Namespace types: array
pivots (array) : pivots array
length (int) : length for which trend series need to be checked
highLow (int) : filter pivot high or low
trend (int) : Uptrend or Downtrend
Returns: int trendIndexes
method get_trend_series(pivots, firstIndex, lastIndex)
finds series of pivots in particular trend
Namespace types: array
pivots (array) : pivots array
firstIndex (int) : First index of the series
lastIndex (int) : Last index of the series
Returns: int trendIndexes
getConsolidatedLabel(include, labels, separator)
Consolidates labels into single string by concatenating it with given separator
include (array) : array of conditions to include label or not
labels (array) : string array of labels
separator (string) : Separator for concatenating labels
Returns: string labelText
method getColors(theme)
gets array of colors based on theme
Namespace types: series Theme
theme (series Theme) : dark or light theme
Returns: color themeColors
yptestrsilibLibrary "RSIBackgroundLib"
RSI 배경색 라이브러리
rsi_background(_symbol, _timeframe)
RSI 계산 및 배경색 반환
_symbol (simple string) : string 심볼
_timeframe (simple string) : string 타임프레임
Returns: RSI, RSI MA, RSI MA10, 배경색
NumberOfVisibleBarsLibrary "NumberOfVisibleBars"
TODO: add library description here
Calculates the number of visible bars on the user screen
Returns: The numbers of visible bars on the user screen (int)
Color Library // AlgoFyreAlgoFyre's Color Library is a Pine Script v5 library offering fire-themed palettes with light and dark modes. It helps traders easily integrate consistent, visually appealing color schemes into TradingView indicators. Used in AlgoFyre's Scripts and Indicators.
Color Overview
The AlgoFyreColorLibrary includes a comprehensive set of colors inspired by fire, ranging from light reds and oranges to dark browns and deep reds. The library is divided into two main themes:
Light Theme:
Includes lighter shades of red, orange, and brown, suitable for use on light backgrounds.
Dark Theme:
Includes darker shades of red, orange, and brown, suitable for use on dark backgrounds.
How to Use
To use the AlgoFyreColorLibrary in your Pine Script indicators and strategies, follow these steps:
Import the Library:
Import the AlgoFyreColorLibrary at the beginning of your script.
Call the getColor Function:
Use the getColor function to retrieve the desired color with the specified transparency.
import "AF-L-0001" as af
// Example usage of getColor function
color primaryColor = af.getColor("af_primary1", 50)
color signalColor = af.getColor("af_green", 80)
// Plotting example
plot(close, color=primaryColor, linewidth=2, title="Primary Color Line")
plot(close, color=signalColor, linewidth=2, title="Signal Color Line")
The library AF-L-0001 is imported with the alias af.
The getColor function is used to get colors with specified transparency.
The colors are then used to plot lines on the chart.
ToClrToStrContains functions for conversion of color to string and vice versa:
method toClr( string this ) - converts string reperesentation of color (in hex format) to color
method toHex( color this ) - converts color to string (hex form)
method toRgb( color this ) - converts color to string ("rgb(11,11,11,0)" form)
Thanks to @ImmortalFreedom for his `color_tostring()` function from "RGB Color Fiddler"
Dark & Light Theme [TradingFinder] Switching Colors Library🔵 Introduction
One of the challenges of script users is matching the colors used in indicators or strategies. By default, colors are chosen to display based on either the dark theme or the light theme.
In scripts with a large number of colors used, changing all colors to better display in dark mode or light mode can be a difficult and tedious process.
This library provides developers with the ability to adjust the colors used in their scripts based on the theme of the display.
🔵 Logic
To categorize the color spectrum, the range from 0 to 255 of all three main colors red, green and blue was divided into smaller ranges.
Blue color, which is more effective in darkening or lightening colors, is divided into 8 categories, red color into 5 categories, and green color into 3 categories, because it has little effect on darkening or brightening colors.
The combination of these categories creates 120 different modes for the color range, which leads to a more accurate identification of the color and its brightness, and helps to decide how to change it.
Except for these 120 modes, there are 2 other modes that are related to colors almost white or black, which makes a total of 122 modes.
🔵 How to Use
First, you can add the library to your code as shown in the example below.
import TFlab/Dark_Light_Theme_TradingFinder_Switching_Colors_Library/1 as SC
🟣 Parameters
SwitchingColorMode(Color, Mode) =>
Color (color)
Mode (string)
Color : In this parameter, enter the color you want to adjust based on light mode and dark mode.
Mode : Three modes "Off", "Light" and "Dark" are included in this parameter. "Light" mode is for color adjustment for use in "Light Mode".
"Dark" mode is for color adjustment for use in "Dark Mode" and "Off" mode turns off the color adjustment function and the input color to the function is the same as the output color.
🔵 Function Outputs
OriginalColor = input.color(
= SC.SwitchingColorMode(OriginalColor, Mode)
ChartUtilsLibrary "ChartUtils"
Library for chart utilities, including managing tables
initTable(rows, cols, bgcolor)
Initializes a table with specific dimensions and color
rows (int) : (int) Number of rows in the table
cols (int) : (int) Number of columns in the table
bgcolor (color) : (color) Background color of the table
Returns: (table) The initialized table
updateTable(tbl, is_price_below_avg, current_investment_USD, strategy_position_size, strategy_position_avg_price, strategy_openprofit, strategy_opentrades, isBullishRate, isBearishRate, mlRSIOverSold, mlRSIOverBought)
Updates the trading table
tbl (table) : (table) The table to update
is_price_below_avg (bool) : (bool) If the current price is below the average price
current_investment_USD (float) : (float) The current investment in USD
strategy_position_size (float) : (float) The size of the current position
strategy_position_avg_price (float) : (float) The average price of the current position
strategy_openprofit (float) : (float) The current open profit
strategy_opentrades (int) : (int) The number of open trades
isBullishRate (bool) : (bool) If the current rate is bullish
isBearishRate (bool) : (bool) If the current rate is bearish
mlRSIOverSold (bool) : (bool) If the ML RSI is oversold
mlRSIOverBought (bool) : (bool) If the ML RSI is overbought
Updates the table when there is no position
tbl (table) : (table) The table to update
SessionBoxLibrary "SessionBox"
This library provides functions to manage and visualize session boxes and labels on chart. A session box is a visual representation of a trading session with properties like time, name, color and the ability to track the high and low price within that session.
SessionBox: stores session data and provides methods to manage that data and visualize it on the chart.
session_time (series bool)
session_name (series string)
session_color (series color)
signalLib_yashgode9Signal Generation Library = "signalLib_yashgode9"
This library, named "signalLib_yashgode9", is designed to generate buy and sell signals based on the price action of a financial instrument. It utilizes various technical indicators and parameters to determine the market direction and provide actionable signals for traders.
Key Features:-
1.Trend Direction Identification: The library calculates the trend direction by comparing the number of bars since the highest and lowest prices within a specified depth. This allows the library to determine the overall market direction, whether it's bullish or bearish.
2.Dynamic Price Tracking: The library maintains two chart points, zee1 and zee2, which dynamically track the price levels based on the identified market direction. These points serve as reference levels for generating buy and sell signals.
3.Customizable Parameters: The library allows users to adjust several parameters, including the depth of the price analysis, the deviation threshold, and the number of bars to consider for the trend direction. This flexibility enables users to fine-tune the library's behavior to suit their trading strategies.
4.Visual Representation: The library provides a visual representation of the buy and sell signals by drawing a line between the zee1 and zee2 chart points. The line's color changes based on the identified market direction, with red indicating a bearish signal and green indicating a bullish signal.
Usage and Integration:
To use this library, you can call the "signalLib_yashgode9" function and pass in the necessary parameters, such as the lower and higher prices, the depth of the analysis, the deviation threshold, and the number of bars to consider for the trend direction. The function will return the direction of the market (1 for bullish, -1 for bearish), as well as the zee1 and zee2 chart points.You can then use these values to generate buy and sell signals in your trading strategy. For example, you could use the direction value to determine when to enter or exit a trade, and the zee1 and zee2 chart points to set stop-loss or take-profit levels.
Potential Use Cases:
This library can be particularly useful for traders who:
1.Trend-following Strategies: The library's ability to identify the market direction can be beneficial for traders who employ trend-following strategies, as it can help them identify the dominant trend and time their entries and exits accordingly.
2.Swing Trading: The dynamic price tracking provided by the zee1 and zee2 chart points can be useful for swing traders, who aim to capture medium-term price movements.
3.Automated Trading Systems: The library's functionality can be integrated into automated trading systems, allowing for the development of more sophisticated and rule-based trading strategies.
4.Educational Purposes: The library can also be used for educational purposes, as it provides a clear and concise way to demonstrate the application of technical analysis concepts in a trading context.
Important Notice:- This library effectively work on timeframe of 5-minute and 15-minute.
ColourUtilitiesLibrary "ColourUtilities"
Utility functions for colour manipulation
adjust_colour(rgb, desaturation_amount, transparency_amount)
to reduce saturation or increase transparency of an RGB colour
rgb (color)
desaturation_amount (float) : 0 means no desaturation (colours remains as-is), and 1 means full desaturation (colour turns grey). Can also be used inversely with negative numbers
transparency_amount (float) : How much more transparent the default transparency should become. E.g. with a value of 0.5, a transparency of 0 becomes 50 and 40 becomes 70. A value of 1 makes it fully transparent, en -1 fully opaque.
Returns: color with adjusted saturation and transparency
method apply_default_palette(self, palette_name)
Some nice looking colour palettes, consisting of 6 gradient colours, are already defined here and can be quickly applied to the Palette class
Namespace types: Palette
self (Palette)
palette_name (string) : Currently there are 4 6-coloured palettes available: "GYTS flux signal", "GYTS purple", "GYTS flux filter" and "GYTS maroon"
Returns: None, as it populates the Palette class with pre-defined colours
method get_colour(self, colour_no, transparency)
Retrieves colour from the palette and possibly changes transparency if set
Namespace types: Palette
self (Palette)
colour_no (int) : from the palette
transparency (int) : to possibly change the default transparency of the palette
Returns: colour
method get_dynamic_colour(self, x, mid_point, colour_lb, colour_ub, trend_lookback, use_rate)
Retrieves a colour based on strength and direction of the passed series
Namespace types: Palette
self (Palette)
x (float) : the input data series
mid_point (float) : value as a cutoff point where the bullish/bearish colour scenario
colour_lb (float) : value (lower bound) where to apply the bearish colour at full strength
colour_ub (float) : value (upper bound) where to apply the bullish colour at full strength
trend_lookback (int) : how much bars back to check if there was a consistent move into a certain direction, otherwise a the neutral colour from the centre of the palette will be used.
use_rate (bool) : whether to use the rate (proportional difference with previous `x` value) or the input series `x` directly
Returns: colour
transparency (series__integer)
palette (array__color)
colorLabLibrary "colorLab"
The ColorLab library presents an essential solution for color optimization, leveraging color terms and philosophy. Through its capabilities, it furnishes the necessary versatility to attain optimal color representation and coherence by integrating functions.
tint_level(colour, level)
Determines a Tinted color
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
level (float) : (series float) Optional argument, default = 50. A level of tent color. 0 is entered color and 100 is white color.
Returns: (series color) A color Computed from a linear "Tint" gradient.
shade_level(colour, level)
Determines a Shaded color.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
level (float) : (series float) Optional argument, default = 50. A level of tent color. 0 is entered color and 100 is Black color.
Returns: (series color) A color Computed from a linear "Shade" gradient.
tone_level(colour, level)
Determines a Tone color.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
level (float) : (series float) Optional argument, default = 50. A level of tent color. 0 is entered color and 100 is Gray color.
Returns: (series color) A color Computed from a linear "Tone" gradient.
lightness_gradient(colour, value, bottom_value, top_value, bottom_lightness, top_lightness)
Determines a color from a "Lightness" gradient, based on the position of an entered value within a defined range.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
value (float) : (series float) Value.
bottom_value (float) : (series float) Bottom Value.
top_value (float) : (series float) Top Value.
bottom_lightness (simple float) : (simple float) Optional argument, default = 70. Lightness Percentage. 100% is lightest and 0% is darkest
top_lightness (simple float) : (simple float) Optional argument, default = 30. Lightness Percentage. 100% is lightest and 0% is darkest
Returns: (series color) A color Computed a the linear "Lightness" gradient.
saturation_gradient(colour, value, bottom_value, top_value, bottom_saturated, top_saturated)
Determines a color from a "Saturation" gradient, based on the position of an entered value within a defined range.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
value (float) : (series float) Value.
bottom_value (float) : (series float) Bottom Value.
top_value (float) : (series float) Top Value.
bottom_saturated (simple float) : (simple float) Optional argument, default = 15. Low Saturated Percentage.
top_saturated (simple float) : (simple float) Optional argument, default = 80. High Saturated Percentage.
Returns: (series color) A color Computed from a linear "Saturation" gradient.
hue_gradient(colour, value, bottom_value, top_value, bottom_hue, top_hue)
Determines a color from a "Hue" gradient, based on the position of an entered value within a defined range.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
value (float) : (series float) Value.
bottom_value (float) : (series float) Bottom Value.
top_value (float) : (series float) Top Value.
bottom_hue (simple float) : (simple float) Optional argument, Default = 0. Low Hue is a degree where value in range 0 to 360 degrees.
top_hue (simple float) : (simple float) Optional argument, default = 300. High Hue is a degree where value in range 0 to 360 degrees.
Returns: (series color) A color Computed from a linear "Saturation" gradient.
Generates the opposite color of inputted color.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
Returns: (series color) An opposite color.
Generates a random color.
seed (simple int) : (simple int) Optional argument. With identifying seed, it will generate similar color sequence.
Returns: (series color) A random color.
bk_or_wh(colour, lightness)
Determines a white or back fits with an inputted color.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
lightness (float) : (series float) Optional argument, default = 50. If the lightness percentage of inputted color is higher, the output is white; otherwise, it's black.
Returns: (series color) white or back color.
monochrome(colour, lightness, saturation)
Generates a monochromatic color scheme.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
lightness (float) : (series float) Optional argument, default = NA. To custom Lightness percentage manually, 100% is lightest and 0% is darkest.
saturation (float) : (series float) Optional argument, default = NA. To custom Saturation percentage manually, 100% is highest and 0% is lowest saturated.
Returns: (tuple of two color series) .
Generates a complementary color scheme.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
Returns: (tuple of two color series) .
Generates an analogous color scheme.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
Returns: (tuple of three color series) .
Generates an Triadic color scheme.
colour (color) : (series color) Pure color.
Returns: (tuple of three color series) .
Generates an Tetradic color scheme.
colour (color) : (series color) Main color.
Returns: (tuple of four color series) .
tst_scheme(colour, size, _type)
Generates an array of requested type (tint, shade, or tone) scheme colors.
colour (simple color) : (simple color) Pure color.
size (simple int) : (simple input) Number of elements in color array.
_type (simple string) : (simple string) Type of color scheme, possible input "tint", "shade", and "tone".
Returns: (simple array) An array contains elements of the requested type scheme colors.
lsh_scheme(colour, size, _type, topLevel, botLevel)
Generates an array of requested type (lightness, saturation or hue) scheme colors.
colour (simple color) : (simple color) Pure color.
size (simple int) : (simple input) Number of elements in color array.
_type (simple string) : (simple string) Type of color scheme, possible input "lightness", "saturation" and "hue".
topLevel (simple float) : (simple float) Optional argument, default = NA.
1. if "lightness", in a percentage where value in range 0 to 100, 100% lightest.
2. if "saturation", in a percentage where value in range 0 to 100, 100% highest saturated.
3. if "hue", in a degree where value in range 0 to 360 degrees.
botLevel (simple float) : (simple float) Optional argument, default = NA.
1. if "lightness", in a percentage where value in range 0 to 100, 0% darkest.
2. if "saturation", in a percentage where value in range 0 to 100, 0% lowest saturated.
3. if "hue", in a degree where value in range 0 to 360 degrees.
Returns: (simple array) An array contains elements of the requested type scheme colors.
display_color(colour, location)
Displays color including RGB and HSL.
colour (simple color) : (simple color) Pure color.
location (simple string) : (simple string) Optional argument, default = "top_right". cell location.
Returns: (simple table) A table cell contains RGB and HSL of entered color.
display_scheme(arrayColour, location)
Displays Scheme colors including RGB and HSL.
arrayColour (array)
location (simple string) : (simple string) Optional argument, default = "top_right". cell location.
Returns: (simple table) A table cells contain RGB and HSL of entered color.
utilsLibrary "utils"
Provides a set of utility functions for use in strategies or indicators.
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
opacity (int)
trendChangingUp(emaShort, emaLong)
Signals when the trend is starting to change in a positive direction.
emaShort (float)
emaLong (float)
Returns: bool
trendChangingDown(emaShort, emaLong)
Signals when the trend is starting to change in a negative direction.
emaShort (float)
emaLong (float)
Returns: bool
percentChange(start, end)
Returns the percent change between a start number and end number. A positive change returns a positive value and vice versa.
start (float)
end (float)
Returns: float
percentOf(percent, n)
Returns the number that's the percentage of the provided value.
percent (float) : Use 0.2 for 20 percent, 0.35 for 35 percent, etc.
n (float) : The number to calculate the percentage of.
Returns: float
targetPriceByPercent(percent, n)
percent (float)
n (float)
hasNegativeSlope(start, end)
start (float)
end (float)
timeinrange(resolution, session, timezone)
Returns true when the current time is within a given session window. Note, the time is calculated in the "America/New_York" timezone.
resolution (simple string) : The time interval to use to start/end the background color. Use "1" for the coloring the background up to the minute.
session (simple string) : The session string to use to identify the time window. Example: "0930-1600:23456" means normal market hours on weekdays.
timezone (simple string)
Returns: series bool
Returns the number of bars since the last entry order.
Returns: series int
Returns the number of bars since the last exit order.
Returns: series int
calcSlope(ln, lookback)
Calculates the slope of the provided line based on its x,y coordinates in the previous bar to the current bar.
ln (float)
lookback (int)
Returns: series float
Returns slope of the line given the start and end x,y coordinates.
Returns: series float
Returns true if the number of consecutive red candles matches the provided count.
lookbackInput (int) : The amount of bars to look back to check for consecutive negative bars. Default = 1.
Returns: series bool
stdevPercent(stdev, price)
Returns the standard deviation as a percentage of price.
stdev (float) : The standard deviation value
price (float) : The current price of the target ticker.
Returns: series float
Material Design ColorsThis library provides a standard set of colors defined in Material Design 2.0.
Step 1: Import this library.
import algotraderdev/material/1
// remember to check the latest version of this library and replace the 1 above.
Step 2: Get the color you like. Check the source code or the screenshot above to see all the supported colors.
Each color function (except for `black()` and `white()`) accepts an optional `variant` parameter. You can choose any of 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, and 900. By default, 500 is chosen if this parameter is not provided.
ColorPalettesThis is my first public (and I hope not the last) library providing different color palettes used for data visualization. Each palette can contain either 3 to 9 colors or 3 to 11 colors.
So there you go. Happy New Year!
I want your new year to be as colorful, vibrant and rich as these color palettes.
Dedicated to @veryfid . RIP, dude.
Library "ColorPalettes"
A library of various color palettes for data visualization
A function to generate the sequential `Reds` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Reds` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Blues` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Blues` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Greens` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Greens` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Purples` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Purples` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Oranges` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Oranges` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Greys` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Greys` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `YlGn` (Yellow/Green) palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `YlGn` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `YlGnBu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `YlGnBu` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `GnBu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `GnBu` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `BuGn` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `BuGn` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `PuBuGn` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PuBuGn` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `PuBu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PuBu` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `BuPu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `BuPu` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `RdPu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `RdPu` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `PuRd` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PuRd` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `OrRd` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `OrRd` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `YlOrRd` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `YlOrRd` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `YlOrBr` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `YlOrBr` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Inferno` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Inferno` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Magma` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Magma` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Plasma` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Plasma` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Viridis` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Viridis` palette.
A function to generate the sequential `Cividis` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Cividis` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `Spectral` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Spectral` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `Turbo` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `Turbo` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `BrBG` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `BrBG` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `PiYG` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PiYG` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `PRGn` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PRGn` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `PuOr` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `PuOr` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `RdBu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `RdBu` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `RdGy` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `RdGy` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `RdYlBu` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `RdYlBu` palette.
A function to generate the diverging `RdYlGn` palette of the specified size.
n (int) The size of the output palette to generate. Default is 9.
Returns: An array of colors from the `RdYlGn` palette.
Contrast Color LibraryThis lightweight library provides a utility method that analyzes any provided background color and automatically chooses the optimal black or white foreground color to ensure maximum visual contrast and readability.
🟠 Algorithm
The library utilizes the HSP Color Model to calculate the brightness of the background color. The formula for this calculation is as follows:
brightness = sqrt(0.299 * R^2 + 0.587 * G^2 + 0.114 * B^2 )
The library chooses black as the foreground color if the brightness exceeds the threshold (default 0.5), and white otherwise.
rezgaaLibrary "rezgaa"
Provides functions calculating the all-time high/low of values.
Calculates the all-time high of a series.
val (float) : Series to use (`high` is used if no argument is supplied).
Returns: The all-time high for the series.
Calculates the all-time low of a series.
val (float) : Series to use (`low` is used if no argument is supplied).
Returns: The all-time low for the series.
PScolorLibrary "PScolor"
TODO: add library description here
//COLOR brightness
Each color has 0–9 / A1–A4
(5th standard: Bright if small, dark if big)
(Fluorescence based on A2)
//Color Name
1 = RED
6 = LIME
9 = TEAL
10= CYAN
12= BLUE
16= PINK
// Transparency
lvcol(colormode, Number, trans)
colormode (int)
Number (simple int)
trans (float)
lvcolA(colormode, Number, trans)
colormode (int)
Number (simple int)
trans (float)
lvcol2(colormode, colorName, trans)
colormode (int)
colorName (simple string)
trans (float)
lvcol2A(colormode, colorName, trans)
colormode (int)
colorName (simple string)
trans (float)
imlibLibrary "imlib"
The library allows you to display images in your scripts utilising the objects. You can change the image size and screen aspect ratio (the ratio of width to height which you can change if the image is too wide / tall). The library has "example()" function which you can use to see how it works. It also has a handy "logo()" function which you can use to quickly display an image by passing the "Image data string", table position, image size and aspect ratio. And of course you can use it in your own custom way by taking the "logo()" function as an example and modifying the code to your needs.
Since tables in Pinescript are limited to 100 by 100 cells, the limit for image's size is also 100x100 px. All the necessary data to display an image is passed as a string variable, and since Pinescript has a limit of 4096 characters for variables of type, that string can have a maximum length of 4096 characters, which is enough to display a 64x64px image (but can be enough to display a 100x100 image, depending on the image itself).
Below you can find the definitions of functions for this library.
: Decompresses string with data image
data (string)
Returns: : Array of with decompressed data
: Splits the string with image data into components and builds an object
data (string)
Returns: : An object
show(imgdata, table_id, image_size, screen_ratio)
: Displays an image in a table
imgdata (ImgData)
table_id (table)
image_size (float)
screen_ratio (string)
Returns: : nothing
: Use it as an example of how this library works and how to use it in your own scripts
Returns: : nothing
logo(imgdata, position, image_size, screen_ratio)
: Displays logo using image data string
imgdata (string)
position (string)
image_size (float)
screen_ratio (string)
Returns: : nothing
w (series__integer)
h (series__integer)
s (series__string)
pal (series__string)
data (array__string)
lib_colorLibrary "lib_color"
offset_mono(original, offset, transparency)
get offset color
original (simple color) : original color
offset (float) : offset for new color
transparency (float) : transparency for new color
Returns: offset color
DarkWaveColorThemesLibrary "DarkWaveColorThemes"
A simple, binary color-theming library that provides you with easy-access 'bullish and bearish' colors which you can use to make your indicators more aesthetically pleasing. These color themes were developed to help the community make indicators look excellent with ease.
1. getThemeColor(themeName, colorType)
This function returns a color (either a 'Bullish' or 'Bearish' color, depending on your 'colorType' parameter input) according to the theme you have supplied as the 'themeName' parameter.
themeName (string) : Specify the theme you want to reference. Options include: 'DarkWave', 'Synthwave', 'DarkWave Crypto', 'Crystal Pool', 'Aquafarer', 'Mystic Armor', 'Futurist', 'Electric Zest', 'Stealth Ride', 'Long Trader', 'Short Trader', 'Emerald Glow', 'Gold Heist', 'Floral', 'Cobalt Twilight', and 'Sunrise'.
colorType (string) : Specify which color you want to reference from the theme. Options include: 'Bullish' and 'Bearish'.
Your specified color type according to your specified theme.