Dérivée seconde + cadran (pour l'inflation)Dérivée seconde + cadran (pour l'inflation)
En ce qui concerne l'inflation ce qui compte pour les marchés financiers ce n'est pas l'inflation moyenne c'est les variations de cette inflation ; ce qui l'intéresse est donc la dérivée seconde. (La variation du taux d'inflation).
Ensuite on prend une formule mathématique ou il compare l'inflation sur les deux dernières années à l'inflation sur les dix dernières années. Si l’inflation accélère de deux ans sur dix ans alors nous sommes dans les deux cadrans du haut.
Alertas de Apertura de Mercados InternacionalesEste Script esta configurado para generar alertas de apertura, de la mayoria de mercados, y su horario.si alguien puede mejorarlo. Bienvenido
Float Turnover Signal
The *Float Turnover Signal* indicator helps traders analyze the relationship between price changes and trading volume relative to the stock's free float. It generates signals based on turnover ratios, providing insights into liquidity-driven price movements.
**How It Works**
- The indicator calculates the **percentage change** in closing price from two days ago to the previous day.
- It retrieves the **free float** (the number of publicly available shares) from TradingView.
- It then calculates the **turnover percentage**, which represents the previous day's trading volume as a percentage of the free float.
- The **turnover ratio** is derived by dividing the price change percentage by the turnover percentage.
- Based on this ratio, the indicator generates **color-coded signals**:
- 🟢 **Green Signal** – Indicates a balanced turnover ratio (0.8 to 1.2), suggesting a stable price-volume relationship.
- 🟡 **Yellow Signal** – Indicates a near-optimal but not perfect ratio (0.6-0.8 or 1.2-1.5), suggesting caution.
**Customization & Features**
✅ **Adjustable Signal Display** – Users can choose how many recent bars will display signals using the `"Number of Bars to Display Signal"` setting.
✅ **Works on Any Timeframe** – The indicator adapts to different chart resolutions.
✅ **Helps Identify Volume-Driven Moves** – Ideal for spotting potential breakouts, liquidity shifts, and confirming price action validity.
RoGr75 - Global Exchange Open/Close SignalsGlobal Exchange Open/Close Signals Indicator
This indicator helps traders track market hours for major global exchanges (NYSE, LSE, TSE, HKEX, and ASX) with these key features:
• Real-time Status Dashboard: Shows which exchanges are currently open/closed with an easy-to-read color-coded display (Green = Open, Red = Closed)
• Visual Market Open/Close Signals: Displays gradient background lines when your selected exchange opens (green) or closes (red)
• Timezone Adjustment: Easily adapt the indicator to your local timezone using the UTC offset setting
Supported Exchanges and Trading Hours (UTC):
• NYSE: 13:30 - 20:00 (9:30 AM - 4:00 PM ET)
• LSE: 08:00 - 16:30 (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM London)
• TSE: 00:00 - 06:30 (9:00 AM - 3:30 PM Tokyo)
• HKEX: 01:30 - 08:00 (9:30 AM - 4:00 PM HK)
• ASX: 00:00 - 06:00 (10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Sydney)
• Select Exchange: Choose which exchange to monitor for open/close signals
• Show Dashboard: Toggle the exchange status dashboard on/off
• User Timezone Offset: Adjust the display to your local timezone (in UTC)
Use Cases:
• Monitor multiple exchange hours simultaneously
• Get visual alerts for market opens and closes
• Coordinate trading across different time zones
• Plan entries and exits around market hours
• Manage global trading portfolios effectively
Note: The indicator handles timezone conversions and markets crossing midnight automatically. Times are based on standard trading sessions and may not reflect holidays or special trading hours.
Gann Trading Strategy - ATR OptimizedStrategia di Gann con segnali su base daily. Stop loss e Take profit dinamici in base alla volatilità del mercato.
MCh Hours Background ColorPermet de visualiser les heures de la journée avec des bandes grises.
À utiliser de préférence sur fond noir ou adapter le code.
Gann Trading Strategy - ATR OptimizedSfrutto la strategia di Ganno per operare su SP500. SL e TP dinamici in base alla volatilità del mercato.
ICT MacrosICT Macros intervals
This TradingView script plots vertical lines at specific times throughout the trading day in the New York (UTC-5) timezone. The script helps traders quickly identify these time-based reference points on their charts. 🚀
ATR Stop Loss & Take Profit這是一個完整的 ATR 停損 & 移動停損 策略筆記,你可以直接抄錄或修改,確保你在交易時能快速參考 🚀
📌 ATR 停損 & 移動停損 策略筆記
1. ATR(Average True Range)是什麼?
• ATR 是衡量市場波動的指標,不預測價格方向,而是告訴你市場的「平均波動範圍」。
• 常用 14 根 K 棒 ATR 來計算市場的波動程度。
📌 公式
TR = \max(當前最高價 - 當前最低價, |當前最高價 - 前一收盤價|, |當前最低價 - 前一收盤價|)
ATR = \frac{\sum TR}{N}
(N 為 ATR 計算週期,常見設為 14)
2. ATR 停損 & 目標獲利設定
✅ 初始停損
\text{初始停損} = \text{入場時 ATR} \times 1.5
• 目的:確保不被隨機波動掃出場
✅ 移動停損(Trailing Stop)
\text{移動停損} = \text{當前價格} - (\text{當前 ATR} \times 1.5)
• 目的:保護已獲利的部位,避免獲利變回虧損
• 隨市場波動調整,讓獲利最大化
✅ 動態目標獲利
\text{動態目標獲利} = \text{入場時 ATR} \times 3
• 目的:隨市場波動調整出場目標,防止過早獲利了結
3. ATR 搭配微型台指期(MTX)交易
項目 設定值(範例)
ATR 時間週期 14(預設值)
停損距離 1.5 × ATR(入場時 ATR)
移動停損 當前價格 - 1.5 × 當前 ATR
目標獲利 3 × 入場時 ATR
🔹 安全 vs 激進
交易風格 ATR 係數設定
更安全 停損 2x ATR,移動停損 1.8x ATR
更激進 停損 1.2x ATR,移動停損 1.5x ATR
4. ATR 停損 & 移動停損 追蹤表
這是一個標準化的交易紀錄表格,用來追蹤 ATR 停損執行效果。
交易編號 進場價格 入場時 ATR 初始停損 (1.5x ATR) 移動停損 (1.5x ATR) 動態目標獲利 (3x ATR) 最終交易結果
1 20000 10 19985 當前價格 - (當前 ATR × 1.5) 20030 待填
2 20100 12 20082 當前價格 - (當前 ATR × 1.5) 20136 待填
3 19950 9 19936.5 當前價格 - (當前 ATR × 1.5) 20022 待填
4 20050 11 20033.5 當前價格 - (當前 ATR × 1.5) 20083 待填
5 20200 13 20180.5 當前價格 - (當前 ATR × 1.5) 20239 待填
📌 5. 交易執行步驟
✅ 進場前
✅ 1. 計算「入場時 ATR」
✅ 2. 設定 初始停損(ATR × 1.5)
✅ 3. 設定 動態目標獲利(ATR × 3)
✅ 進場後
✅ 1. 當市場達到 盈虧比 1:1,將停損移動到成本價
✅ 2. 市場價格突破 2R 時,開始移動停損(當前價格 - 當前 ATR × 1.5)
✅ 3. 市場價格突破 3R 時,部分出場,確保至少 1R 獲利
🎯 6. 總結
✅ ATR 幫助設定 更合理的停損,避免過早出場
✅ 移動停損(Trailing Stop)確保獲利不變虧損
✅ 動態目標獲利 確保交易靈活調整出場點
✅ ATR 係數可調整,依照不同市場條件選擇安全或激進策略
🚀 這份筆記可以幫助你在交易中靈活運用 ATR,確保交易穩定性與獲利空間!
VutuKết hợp giữa mô hình nến đảo chiều (Engulfing) và đường trung bình động EMA 200 để lọc tín hiệu giao dịch
Bitcoin Halving Dates by cryptanski//@version=5
indicator("Bitcoin Halving Dates", overlay=true)
// Даты халвингов
halving_dates = array.new_int()
array.push(halving_dates, timestamp(2012, 11, 28, 0, 0))
array.push(halving_dates, timestamp(2016, 7, 9, 0, 0))
array.push(halving_dates, timestamp(2020, 5, 11, 0, 0))
array.push(halving_dates, timestamp(2024, 4, 20, 0, 0)) // будущий халвинг
// Отображение линий
for i = 0 to array.size(halving_dates) - 1
line.new(x1=array.get(halving_dates, i), y1=high, x2=array.get(halving_dates, i), y2=low, width=2, color=color.blue, style=line.style_dashed)
label.new(array.get(halving_dates, i), high, "Halving", color=color.white, size=size.small, textcolor=color.blue, style=label.style_label_down)
indicator("CVD + Delta + OBV + A/D Signals", overlay=true)
// 1. Volume Profile 设置
profileRange = input.timeframe("D", "Volume Profile 周期")
vp = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, profileRange, volume)
// 2. 计算 Delta Volume
delta = volume * (close > open ? 1 : close < open ? -1 : 0)
cumDelta = ta.cum(delta)
// 3. 计算 CVD(累计成交量差)
buyVol = volume * (close > open ? 1 : 0)
sellVol = volume * (close < open ? 1 : 0)
cvd = ta.cum(buyVol - sellVol)
// 4. OBV 和 A/D 线
obv = ta.obv
ad = ta.accdist
// 5. 绘制信号
buySignal = ta.crossover(cvd, cumDelta) and close > ta.valuewhen(ta.highest(vp, 1), close, 0)
sellSignal = ta.crossunder(cvd, cumDelta) and close < ta.valuewhen(ta.lowest(vp, 1), close, 0)
plotshape(buySignal, style=shape.triangleup, color=color.green, size=size.small)
plotshape(sellSignal, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red, size=size.small)
// 6. 可视化
plot(cvd, "CVD", color.blue)
plot(cumDelta, "Cumulative Delta", color.orange)
plot(obv, "OBV", color.purple, display=display.data_window)
plot(ad, "A/D Line", color.teal, display=display.data_window)
ATR & CCIThe **ATR % & 14-Day CCI Indicator** displays the **ATR as a percentage** of the closing price and a **14-day CCI** to identify overbought/oversold conditions. ATR % is shown as a number, while CCI highlights momentum shifts.
Custom Timeframe Breaksuse custom time frame break to analyse it break the chart into zone for better understanding
Bitcoin Log Growth Curve OscillatorThis script presents the oscillator version of the Bitcoin Logarithmic Growth Curve 2024 indicator, offering a new perspective on Bitcoin’s long-term price trajectory.
By transforming the original logarithmic growth curve into an oscillator, this version provides a normalized view of price movements within a fixed range, making it easier to identify overbought and oversold conditions.
For a comprehensive explanation of the mathematical derivation, underlying concepts, and overall development of the Bitcoin Logarithmic Growth Curve, we encourage you to explore our primary script, Bitcoin Logarithmic Growth Curve 2024, available here . This foundational script details the regression-based approach used to model Bitcoin’s long-term price evolution.
Normalization Process
The core principle behind this oscillator lies in the normalization of Bitcoin’s price relative to the upper and lower regression boundaries. By applying Min-Max Normalization, we effectively scale the price into a bounded range, facilitating clearer trend analysis. The normalization follows the formula:
normalized price = (upper regresionline − lower regressionline) / (price − lower regressionline)
This transformation ensures that price movements are always mapped within a fixed range, preventing distortions caused by Bitcoin’s exponential long-term growth. Furthermore, this normalization technique has been applied to each of the confidence interval lines, allowing for a structured and systematic approach to analyzing Bitcoin’s historical and projected price behavior.
By representing the logarithmic growth curve in oscillator form, this indicator helps traders and analysts more effectively gauge Bitcoin’s position within its long-term growth trajectory while identifying potential opportunities based on historical price tendencies.
True Macros ºTweaked version of ICT's Mcros and my personal way to use them.
OG Script and code is made by toodegres all credit to him.
Daily 9:30 AM & 4:30 PM LinesThis Pine Script (v5) is designed for TradingView to automatically draw vertical lines at 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM each trading day. These times are significant in the stock market:
9:30 AM → Market open.
4:30 PM → Custom time (could be post-market close or other reference time).
The script helps traders visually mark these key times for easier analysis.
Ichimoku Oscillator with VSA📌 Explicação do Indicador – Ichimoku Oscillator com VSA e Backtest
🌍 Português 🇧🇷
📌 Introdução
O Ichimoku Oscillator com Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) e Backtest é um indicador avançado que combina diversas estratégias para identificar tendências, reversões e zonas de sobrecompra/sobrevenda com base em Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Análise de Volume (VSA) e Divergências. Além disso, este indicador inclui uma funcionalidade de backtest, permitindo avaliar a eficiência das estratégias.
🔍 Teorias por trás do Indicador
✅ 1. Ichimoku Oscillator
O oscilador mede a diferença entre o preço e a Nuvem de Ichimoku, ajudando a entender a força da tendência.
O oscilador é normalizado (0 a 100) para permitir uma leitura clara, semelhante a um RSI.
📊 Faixas Importantes:
Sobrecompra (>80) – Possível reversão para baixa.
Sobrevenda (<20) – Possível reversão para alta.
Linha Média (50) – Representa o equilíbrio da tendência.
✅ 2. Análise de Volume Spread Analysis (VSA)
O VSA ajuda a identificar picos de volume e movimentos institucionais:
🟢 Selling Climax (Alto volume + tendência de baixa) → Sinal de Compra.
🔴 Buying Climax (Alto volume + tendência de alta) → Sinal de Venda.
🟣 Liquidação Institucional (Volume extremamente alto) → Reversão do Sinal.
Se houver um spike de volume acima do limite, os sinais podem ser invertidos para capturar possíveis manipulações de mercado.
✅ 3. Divergências (Bullish & Bearish)
As divergências indicam fraqueza na tendência e possíveis reversões:
🟢 Divergência Bullish: O preço faz um fundo menor, mas o oscilador faz um fundo maior → Indica compra.
🔴 Divergência Bearish: O preço faz um topo maior, mas o oscilador faz um topo menor → Indica venda.
O indicador desenha automaticamente as linhas das divergências no gráfico.
✅ 4. Canais do Oscilador
O oscilador usa um canal estatístico para identificar topos e fundos.
Quando o oscilador toca a banda superior, isso pode indicar um topo de mercado.
Quando toca a banda inferior, pode indicar um fundo de mercado.
🎯 Sinais de Entrada e Saída
🟢 Sinais de Compra
✔️ Cruzamento do oscilador acima de 50 (tendência de alta) com volume elevado.
✔️ Divergência bullish detectada.
✔️ VSA identificando liquidação institucional (Selling Climax).
🔴 Sinais de Venda
✔️ Cruzamento do oscilador abaixo de 50 (tendência de baixa) com volume elevado.
✔️ Divergência bearish detectada.
✔️ VSA identificando liquidação institucional (Buying Climax).
📊 Backtest Integrado
Este indicador permite testar estratégias automaticamente no passado:
✅ Configuração de Take Profit (TP) e Stop Loss (SL).
✅ Modo de backtest: Apenas Compras, Apenas Vendas ou Ambos.
✅ Estatísticas detalhadas: Win Rate, Lucro Médio, Perda Média, Saldo Final.
🟢 Relatório de backtest gerado automaticamente na tela.
⚠️ Isenção de Responsabilidade
Este indicador foi desenvolvido para fins educacionais e não constitui conselho financeiro. O uso deste indicador em operações reais é de total responsabilidade do usuário. O trading envolve riscos e pode resultar em perdas financeiras.
🌍 English 🇺🇸
📌 Introduction
The Ichimoku Oscillator with Volume Spread Analysis (VSA) & Backtest is an advanced indicator that integrates Ichimoku Kinko Hyo, Volume Analysis (VSA), and Divergences to identify trends, reversals, and overbought/oversold zones. Additionally, this indicator includes backtesting functionality to evaluate strategy effectiveness.
🔍 Theories Behind the Indicator
✅ 1. Ichimoku Oscillator
The oscillator measures the difference between price and the Ichimoku Cloud, helping to understand trend strength.
The oscillator is normalized (0 to 100) for clear readings, similar to RSI.
📊 Key Levels:
Overbought (>80) – Possible bearish reversal.
Oversold (<20) – Possible bullish reversal.
Mid Line (50) – Represents trend equilibrium.
✅ 2. Volume Spread Analysis (VSA)
VSA helps identify volume spikes and institutional moves:
🟢 Selling Climax (High volume + bearish trend) → Buy Signal.
🔴 Buying Climax (High volume + bullish trend) → Sell Signal.
🟣 Institutional Liquidation (Extremely high volume) → Signal Reversal.
If a volume spike surpasses the threshold, signals may be reversed to capture market manipulation.
✅ 3. Divergences (Bullish & Bearish)
Divergences indicate trend weakness and potential reversals:
🟢 Bullish Divergence: Price makes a lower low, but the oscillator makes a higher low → Buy Signal.
🔴 Bearish Divergence: Price makes a higher high, but the oscillator makes a lower high → Sell Signal.
The indicator automatically draws divergence lines on the chart.
✅ 4. Oscillator Channels
The oscillator uses a statistical channel to identify tops and bottoms.
If the oscillator touches the upper band, it may indicate a market top.
If it touches the lower band, it may indicate a market bottom.
🎯 Entry & Exit Signals
🟢 Buy Signals
✔️ Oscillator crosses above 50 (bullish trend) with high volume.
✔️ Bullish divergence detected.
✔️ VSA identifies institutional liquidation (Selling Climax).
🔴 Sell Signals
✔️ Oscillator crosses below 50 (bearish trend) with high volume.
✔️ Bearish divergence detected.
✔️ VSA identifies institutional liquidation (Buying Climax).
📊 Integrated Backtest
This indicator allows users to automatically backtest strategies in historical data:
✅ Configurable Take Profit (TP) and Stop Loss (SL).
✅ Backtest mode: Buy Only, Sell Only, or Both.
✅ Detailed statistics: Win Rate, Average Profit, Average Loss, Final Balance.
🟢 A full backtest report is automatically generated on the screen.
⚠️ Disclaimer
This indicator is designed for educational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. The use of this indicator in real trading is solely the user’s responsibility. Trading involves risk and may result in financial losses.
Buy on VolumeThis script has several weaknesses:
1. **Overly Simplistic Logic** – The buy signal is based on just two conditions (DEMA crossing above a Lorentzian Line and a volume spike), which may not be robust enough for real trading conditions.
2. **Lack of Sell Signals** – The script only focuses on buy signals without any exit strategy, making it incomplete for practical trading.
3. **Volume Confirmation May Be Unreliable** – The threshold for volume confirmation (50% above average) is arbitrary and may produce frequent false positives or fail in low-liquidity conditions.
4. **No Risk Management** – There is no stop-loss, take-profit, or risk-adjustment mechanism, making it unsuitable for serious trading.
5. **Potential for Late Entries** – The reliance on moving averages (DEMA) can introduce lag, causing buy signals to appear late after a price move has already occurred.
6. **Limited Adaptability** – The fixed parameter settings (e.g., DEMA period of 6, Lorentzian length of 21) may not work across different market conditions or assets.
7. **No Consideration for Market Trends** – The script does not account for broader market trends, which could lead to poor entries in bearish conditions.
8. **Visual Clutter** – The plotted signals and indicators might create unnecessary chart noise, making it difficult to analyze price action effectively.
9. **Alert Spam Potential** – Without additional filtering conditions, the script may trigger frequent buy alerts, leading to signal fatigue.
Trend-Based Price Forecast with CurvesПрогноз движения цены на основании истории. Использовать на ТФ 1D/4H