Function - Forecast LinearFunction to calculate a forecast using a linear regression approach, this is the same function used on excel and other data sheet programs.
Function - Sequence From SeriesFunction to create a array from a sample taken from a series (ex:. close, hlc3...).
Pinescript - Common String Functions Library by RRBCommon String Functions Library by RagingRocketBull 2021
Version 1.0
Pinescript now has strong support for arrays with many powerful functions, but still lacks built-in string functions. Luckily you can easily process and manipulate strings using arrays.
This script provides a library of common string functions for everyday use, such as: indexOf, substr, replace, ascii_code, str_to_int etc. There are 100+ unique functions (130 including all implementations)
It should serve as building blocks to speed up the development of your custom scripts. You should also be able to learn how Pinescript arrays works and how you can process strings.
Similar libraries for Array and Statistical Functions are in the works. You can find the full list of functions below.
- 100+ unique string functions (130 including all implementations) in categories: lookup, testing, conversion, modification, extraction, type conversion, date and time, console output
- Live Output for all/selected functions based on User Input. Test any function before using in script.
- Live Unit Test Output for several functions based on pre-defined inputs.
- Output filters: show unique functions/all implementations, grouping
- Console customization options: set custom text size, color, page length
- Support for Pages - auto splits output into pages with fixed length, use pages in your scripts
- Several easy to use console output functions to speed up debugging/output.
- Compilation Time: 1 min
- uses Pinescript v3 Compatibility Framework
- this script is packed to the max and sets a new record in testing of Pinescript's limits: 500 local scopes, 4000+ lines, 180kb+ source size. It's not possible to add more ifs/fors/functions without reducing functionality
- to fit the max limit of local scopes = 500 all ifs were replaced with ?: where possible, the number of function calls was reduced, some calls replaced with inline function code
- ifs are faster (especially when lots of them are used in a for cycle), more readable, but ifs/fors/functions increase local scopes (+1) and compiled file size, have max nesting limit = 10.
- ?: are slower (especially in for cycles), hard to read when nested, don't affect local scopes, reduce compiled file size, can't contain plots, for statements (break/continue) and sets of statements
- for most array functions to work (except push), an array must be defined with at least 1 pre-existing dummy element 0.
- if you see "String too long" error - enable Show Pages, reduce Max Chars Per Page < Max String Length limit = 4096.
- if you see "Loop too long" error - hide/unhide or reattach the script
- some functions have several implementations that can be faster/slower, use internal code/ext functions
- 1 is manual string processing using for cycles (array.get) and ext functions - provided in case you want to implement your own logic, may sometimes be slower
- 2 is a 2nd alternate implementation mostly done using built-in functions (array.indexof, array.slice, array.insert, array.remove, str.replace_all),
attempts to minimize local scopes and dependency on ext functions, should generally be faster
- 3 is a 3rd alternate (array.includes, array.fill) or a more advanced implementation (datetime3_str) with lots of params, giving you the most control over output
- most functions have dependencies, such as const names, global arrays, inputs, other functions.
P.S. Strings of Time may be closed unto themselves or have loose ends; they can vibrate, stretch, join or split.
Function Groups:
1. Char Functions
- repeat(str, num)
- ascii_char(code)
- ascii_code(char)
- is_digit(char)
- is_letter(char)
- digit_to_int(char)
- is_space_char(char)
2. Char Test and Lookup Functions
- char_at(str, pos)
- char_code_at(str, pos)
- indexOf_char(str, char)
- lastIndexOf_char(str, char)
- nth_indexOf_char(str, char, num)
- includes_char(str, char)
3. String Lookup Functions
- indexOf(str, target)
- lastIndexOf(str, target)
- nth_indexOf(str, target, num)
- indexesOf(str, target)
- numIndexesOf(str, target)
4. String Conversion Functions
- lowercase(str)
- uppercase(str)
5. String Modification and Extraction Functions
- split(str, separator)
- insert(str, pos, new_str)
- remove(str, pos, length)
- insert_char(str, pos, char)
- remove_char(str, pos)
- reverse(str)
- fill_char(str, char, start_pos, end_pos)
- replace(str, target, new_str)
- replace_first(str, target, new_str)
- replace_last(str, target, new_str)
- replace_nth(str, target, new_str, num)
- replace_left(str, new_str)
- replace_right(str, new_str)
- replace_middle(str, pos, new_str)
- left(str, num)
- right(str, num)
- first_char(str)
- last_char(str)
- truncate(str, max_len)
- truncate_middle2(str, trunc_str, pos, max_len)
- truncate_from2(str, trunc_str, pos, max_len, side)
- concat(str1, str2, trunc_str, max_len, mode)
- concat_from(str1, str2, trunc_str, max_len, side, mode)
- trim(str)
- substr(str, pos, length)
- substring(str, start_pos, end_pos)
- strip(str, mask, target, is_allowed)
- extract_groups(str)
- extract_numbers(str, d1, d2, mode)
- str_to_float(str, d1, d2)
- str_to_int(str)
- extract_ranges(str, d1, d2, d3, type)
6. String Test Functions
- includes(str, target)
- starts_with(str, target)
- ends_with(str, target)
- str_compare(str1, str2)
7. Type Conversion Functions
- tf_check2(tf)
- tf_to_mins()
- convert_tf(tf)
- period_to_mins(tf)
- convert_tf2(tf)
- convert_tf3(tf)
- bool_to_str(flag)
- get_src(src_str)
- get_size(size_str)
- get_style(style)
- get_bool(bool_str)
- get_int(str)
- get_float(str, d1, d2)
- get_color(str, def_color)
- color_tr2(col_str, transp)
- get_month(str)
- month_name(num, format)
- weekday_name(num, format)
- dayofweek_name(t)
8. Date and Time Functions
- date_str(t, d)
- time_str(t, d)
- datetime_str(t, d1, d2)
- date2_str(t, d, type)
- time2_str(t, d, type)
- datetime2_str(t, d1, d2, format1, format2)
- date3_str(t, template)
- time3_str(t, template)
- datetime3_str(t, template)
9. Console Output & Helper Functions
- echo1(con, str)
- echo2(x, y, con, str)
- echo3(v_shift, con, str, msg_color, text_size)
- echo4(x, y, con, str, msg_style, msg_color, text_size, text_align, msg_xloc)
- echo5(x, y, con, str, msg_style, msg_color, text_size, text_align, msg_xloc)
- echo6(x, y, con, str)
- echo7(v_shift, con, str, msg_color, text_size)
- echo8(x, y, con, str, msg_style, msg_color, text_size, text_align, msg_xloc)
- echo9(x, y, con, str, msg_style, msg_color, text_size, text_align, msg_xloc)
- new_page(str, line_str, trunc_str, header_str, footer_str, length, page_count, page, mode)
Function - Probability Chebyshev Inequalityfunction to calculate Chebyshev Inequality. wich can be used to compute the probability that we will diverge from what we expect to obtain.
Function - Entropy Gini Indexfunction to retrieve Gini Impurity / Gini Index.
Function - Shannon Entropyfunctions for shannon's entropy
test - event distributiondisplays the distribution of the outcome of a event over the last event.
similar to this script:
To Integer FunctionCustom toInteger() function accepts and truncates the following forms: const, input, simple, and series of the following types: float, integer, and string.
Special thanks and credit to BeeHolder for idea on using str.format("{0}", string) as workaround for accepting and handling string types!
NOTICE: This is an example script and not meant to be used as an actual strategy. By using this script or any portion thereof, you acknowledge that you have read and understood that this is for research purposes only and I am not responsible for any financial losses you may incur by using this script!
Product function for ArraysHello,
This code may be useful for Pine script coders only.
Arrays were welcomed in Pine script, as they are a foundation for coding properly many useful things, like studies and strategies here in TradingView :)
TradingView recently released new functions for arrays, like array.median and more, but the "PRODUCT" function was still missing, so I created it. I've no doubt that array.product() will soon be proposed by the platform, but for the time being, one can use mine.
It does the same thing as the PRODUCT() function in Excel : it multiplies all the source values included in the specified lookback, and returns the product. This function can accept Series or Arrays as source input.
Unicode Font Function V2 - JDThis script is a continuation from Duyck's Unicode font function
A different approach made on this function to able change font type on a single string
Now you can call it as a function to change the font type on every string that you need,
either it is for a Label or regular Text
Shoutout to @Duyck for his amazing works on this function.
Thank you to PineScript Community as well
Let me know if you guys have any suggestion or idea.
Function Square WaveThis is a script to draw a square wave on the chart, with an indicator for current price.
Markets undergoing Dow Jones or Wyckoff Accumulation/Distribution cycles tend to move in such waves, and if the period of the cycles are detected, a signal for accumulation/distribution phases can be created as an early warning.
Useful inputs:
- Average True Range as the wave height.
- Assumed Wave period as the wave duration.
I divided the current price wave by 2 to make the indicator more visually friendly.
Function Sawtooth WaveThis is an indicator to draw a sawtooth wave on the chart.
It can be a useful perspective, as decaying markets tend to oscillate in reverse sawtooth waves, and bullish markets can oscillate in conventional sawtooth waves. With the right inputs, it can be an early warning signal for potential movements.
Something I've noted is that large waves cause a ripple effect and sets the frequency for the market until a change occurs. Sawtooth waves may help in capturing ripple waves.
Useful inputs are:
- Average True Range as wave height (amplitude)
- Periodicity of market as wave duration (frequency)
(Inputs will change the wave from conventional to reverse)
I hope that it is helpful.
Function Cosine WaveI didn't see a public script for drawing a cosine wave on the chart, with slight changes to RicardoSantos' Function Sine Wave Indicator, so I published this as my first script.
I hope that is useful.
Function - Kernel Density Estimation (KDE)"In statistics, kernel density estimation (KDE) is a non-parametric way to estimate the probability density function of a random variable."
KDE function with optional kernel:
Republishing due to change of function.
deprecated script:
KDE-Gaussian"In statistics, kernel density estimation (KDE) is a non-parametric way to estimate the probability density function of a random variable."