[OZ]MTF Ichimoku CloudBased on this script from RicardoSantos:
This script can display Ichimoku cloud , SSA , SSB , Chikou, Kijun and Tenkan from another time frame.
With it you can apply Karen Péloille's MTF Ichimoku Kinko Hyo advanced trading techniques on TradingView.
By default Tenkan is not displayed (fully transparent).
The original script has been enhanced to draw the full cloud beyond the price and to draw the Chikou.
سحابة إيتشيموكو
Ichimoku trendfollowingIchimoku più che un indicatore potrebbe essere considerato un sistema di trading.
Ho quindi voluto implementare una strategia che utilizzasse soltanto i segnali che offre per l'ingresso ed uscita per verificarne l'efficacia nel lungo periodo su i diversi strumenti.
I segnali che offre sono i seguenti:
1) il prezzo taglia la tenkan (segnale molto debole per un ingresso)
2) il prezzo taglia la kijun (possibile trade in controtrend fino alla kumo)
3) tenkan incrocia la linea kijun
4) uscita della linea chikou span dal prezzo: se la linea è sotto il prezzo valutare solo short, se sopra valutare solo long, se sopra il prezzo si è in correzione ed è meglio restare flat
5) prezzo entra dentro la kumo. (Non si entra in posizione dentro la kuno)
6) la kumo cambia colore (conferma direzione del trend in atto)
7) uscita dal prezzo dalla kumo
8) uscita della tenkan dalla kumo (conferma situazione)
9) uscita kijun dalla kumo (conferma situazione)
10) trend in corso con chiusura del prezzo fra la chikou span da una parte, tenkan, kijun e kumo dall'altra.
Ichimoku è solitamente utilizzato come sistema trendfollowing, quindi considererò solo i segenti possibili ingressi:
1) breakout kumo (inizio trend di lungo periodo)
2) pullback (inizio trend di medio periodo o ripresa trend dopo correzione profonda con pullback su kumo)
le uscite tradizionali sono:
1) prezzo chiude sotto la kijun
2) SL inizialmente su minimo candela che rompe il livello
Filtri da applicare ai singoli ingressi:
Filtro long:
Close>kumo and chikou span > prezzo corrispondente and
Filtro short
Close<kumo and chikou span < prezzo corrispondente
CM_Enhanced_Ichimoku Cloud-V5.3This is the same continuation of CM ichimoku you can find around, fixed little issues here and there, specially removed the check marks from input section (when you give access to styles no need for that), made the cloud color logic much simpler than what I found in 5.2 (seriously), changed the numbers to better fit my renko based system, and finally, the most important part, added an input section so now the users can choose ANY indicator/oscillator as input for ichi IF they want to (in the picture above you can see it working on my volume candle at the same time)
Ichimoku 2 sets of settings, markers and alertsThis is my take on the masterful, beautiful and powerful Ichimoku.
It comes with:
- 2 sets of settings you can flip between,
- 5 types of markers:
--- Tenkan/Kijun crosses,
--- Price (close)/Tenkan crosses, with the option of only showing those occurring with the trend, so on pullbacks,
--- Price (close) exits out of the Kumo,
--- Chikou exits out of the Kumo,
--- Overbought/Oversold conditions (shown on the chart).
- Choice of showing only long or short markers,
- Coloring of bars using OB/OS conditions,
- Alerts on all markers and on combinations.
The markers are intended as indications—not bulletproof buy/sell signals.
The overbought/oversold conditions are detected when the high/low is a multiple of ATR away from Kijun. The ATR length and multiple used are configurable.
I normally use the Josh Olszewicz (CarpeNoctom) big settings, so those are the default.
I prefer subtle coloring on charts and my choice of colors reflects that.
You will see references to KumoA and KumoB in the names of inputs and style elements. For me, KumoA is the top of the Kumo when it is bullish, so the bottom when bearish.
As usual when creating alerts, be sure you already have defined proper inputs and that you are on the intended interval, as they will be used when triggering alerts.
Ichimoku A/D Breakoutthis is basically a clone of the super a/d indicator but we're using a standard ichimoku as the source for the trend instead of the supertrend indicator
13/21 EMA + Ichimoku Kinko Hyo StrategyThis trading strategy uses combination of the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system with Fibonacci numbers based 13/21 exponential moving average ( EMA ) crossover, giving excellent results in trending assets !
EMA + Ichimoku Kinko Hyo StrategyThis trading strategy uses combination of the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo system with Fibonacci numbers based exponential moving average(EMA) and RSI 12/24 crossover, giving excellent results in trending stocks !
Combination Ichimoku CloudThis indicator allows you to display two Ichimoku Cloud settings simultaneously. Each variable can be set independently, including its visibility.
Basically a way to combine two "Ichimoku Cloud" indicators into one slot.
Quad Moving Avarage-Ichimoku Cloud-ALMA-Bollinger BandsAll-in-One
* Ichimoku Cloud,
* 2 Simple Moving Avarage (SMA),
* 2 Exponential Moving Avarage (EMA),
* 2 Arnoud Legoux Moving Avarage (ALMA),
* Bollinger Bands and
* Volume Based Colored Bars (developed by KIVANÇ fr3762).
Compiled for limitations. Thank you.
[astropark] Power Tools Overlay//******************************************************************************
// Power Tools Overlay
// Inner Version 1.2 20/12/2018
// Developer: iDelphi
// Developer: astropark (Ichimoku Cloud), SMA EMA & Cross tools
// 21/11/2018 Added EMA SMA WMA
// 21/11/2018 Added SMA-EMA EMA-WMA WMA-SMA (Thanks to mariobros1 for the idea of the Simultaneous MA)
// 21/11/2018 Added Bollinger Bands
// 21/11/2018 Added Ichimoku Cloud (Thanks to astropark for all the code of the Ichimoku Cloud)
// 23/11/2018 Show all the indicator as default
// 23/11/2018 Added a cross when single Moving Averages crossing (Thanks to astropark for the idea)
// 24/11/2018 Descriptions Fix
// 24/11/2018 Added Option to enable/disable all Moving Averages
// 10/12/2018 Added EMAs and Crosses
[Delphi] Power Tools OverlayFEATURE
Bollinger Bands
Ichimoku Cloud
// Power Tools Overlay
// Inner Version 1.0 21/11/2018
// Developer: iDelphi
// Developer: astropark (Ichimoku Cloud)
// 21/11/2018 Added EMA MA WMA
// 21/11/2018 Added MA-EMA EMA-WMA WMA-MA (Thanks to mariobros1 for the idea of the Simultaneous MA)
// 21/11/2018 Added Bollinger Bands
// 21/11/2018 Added Ichimoku Cloud (Thanks to astropark for all the code of the Ichimoku Cloud)
ICHIMOKU MTFMultiple Time Frame Version of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo Indicator.
Created in 1940's by Goichi Hosoda withe the help of University students in Japan.
Ichimoku is one of the best trend following indicators that works nearly perfect in all markets and time frames.
Ichimoku is originally an built in indicator in Tradingview but there are some problems like:
the indicator hast 5 lines but you can change only 4 parameters in the settings menu of Tradingview Charts which you could only control 3 of the lines effectively. A second problem is that Tradingview preferred to use English titles for the ICHIMOKU lines instead of giving them the most common original Japanese ones. (So I rewrite the indicator)
Kijun Sen (blue line): Also called standard line or base line, this is calculated by averaging the highest high and the lowest low for the past 26 periods.
Tenkan Sen (red line): This is also known as the turning line and is derived by averaging the highest high and the lowest low for the past nine periods.
Chikou Span (Plum line): This is called the lagging line. It is today’s closing price plotted 26 periods behind.
Senkou SpanA (green line): The first Senkou line is calculated by averaging the Tenkan Sen and the Kijun Sen and plotted 26 periods ahead.
Senkou SpanB (purple line):
The second Senkou line is determined by averaging the highest high and the lowest low for the past 52 periods and plotted 26 periods ahead.
10,30,30,60,30 OR 20,60,60,120,60
Here's a link of my Youtube video explaining ICHIMOKU but unfortunately only in TURKISH:
Developed by: Goichi Hosoda
Here's the link to a complete list of all my indicators:
Ichimoku kullanımı anlattığım detaylı video serisini linkten izleyebilirsiniz:
İndikatörü geliştiren: Goichi Hosoda
Ichimoku+SMAsmoothedSMA_smoothed with Ichimoku added makes good yet still simple strategy perhaps useful to APIbot programmers
3 HULLs & ICHIMOKU divided by PRICEBasically just another form of moving average, for quick swings, built for testing/use with API cryptobots, simple switch from buy to sell.
Hull MA(2 candles back) times 3 plus Ichimoku divided by price(1 candle back) = value1
Hull MA(3 candles back) times 3 plus Ichimoku divided by price(1 candle back) = value2
if value1>value2 then buy else sell
calculates price from 1 candle back, and calculates signal from 2nd and 3rd candle prices, so no repainting? so best on low timeframes.
for when use in bot, would not need 1 candle lag. Lag is for TV chartists to not have to suffer repainting.
Bots do not repaint. they are not "painting" anything, they simply open or close orders, which cannot be "repainted"
but here on TV chart, when you refresh the browser page, the script recalculates, and signals may be repainted.
hopefully this will not repaint. please test. thankyou
Ichimoku Backtest Ichimoku Strategy
You can change long to short in the Input Settings
- For purpose educate only
- This script to change bars colors.
BinancemokuAn Ichimoku cloud indicator that uses the Binance moving averages (7, 25, 99) instead of the Ichimoku defaults of 9, 26, 52. Great for trading alts on the 4h but will work on any timeframe.
Also includes the Binance MA lines for comparison. They're hidden by default but you can enable them in settings and they'll show as fade lines.
Tenkan Kijun Cross Alert Modified to alert on EqualsI wanted it to alert on equals not only on crossover
^-^ Three Ichimoku Clouds ^-^ 4x4 Moving Average x EMA ^-^Three ichimoku clouds
Four moving averages
Four exponential moving averages