Swing Failure Reversal StrategyThis strategy is using Swing Failure Patterns as a reversion indicator.
The strategy automatically adapts itself to the timeframe of the current chart.
Swing Failure Pattern occurs when the price trend fails to set new highs in uptrend or meet new lows in a downtrend. This pattern helps traders decide when to enter and exit the market. Usually, traders enter in the downtrend i.e. lower price highs and lower price lows, and exit in the uptrend situation i.e. higher price highs and higher price lows. Thus, traders go against the current trend. This helps the traders take advantage of early trend reversal indicators.
Types of Failure Swing :
Failure Swing Top: This occurs when the stock price goes higher whereas the RSI fails to make a higher high and falls below the recent fail point. The Fail Point is where the RSI line is below the recent swing low. This Failure Swing indicates a short position.
Failure Swing Bottom: This occurs when the stock price gets lower whereas RSI fails to make a lower low and rises over the recent fail point. Fail point is the point where the RSI line is above the recent swing high. This Failure Swing indicates a long position.
RSI Trend Heatmap in Multi TimeframesRSI Trend Heatmap in Multi Timeframes
Sometimes you want to look at the RSI Trend across multiple time frames.
You have to waste time browsing through them.
So we've put together every time frame you want to see in one indicator.
We have 10 layers of RSI Trend heatmap available for you.
You can set the timeframe as you want on the Settings page.
Description of Parameter RSI Setting ** You can change it by setting.
RSI Trend Length : (Default 50)
Source : (Default close)
RSI Sideways Length : (Default 2 = RSI between 48 .. 52)
Description of Parameter RSI Timeframe ** You can change it by setting.
"M"=1Month, "2W"=2Weeks, "W"=1Week,
"3D"=3Days, "2D"=2Days, "D"=1Day,
"720"=12Hours, "480"=4Hours, "240"=4Hours, "180"=3Hours, "120"=2Hours,
"60"=60Minutes, "30"=30Minutes, "15"=15Minutes, "5"=5Minutes, "1"=1Minute
Default Configurate of RSI Timeframe (for a time frame of 1 hour to 1 day)
"W"= Timeframe 1 month shown in line 90-100 --> Represent Long Trend of RSI
"D2"= Timeframe 2 days shown in line 70-80 --> Represent Trend of RSI
"D"= Timeframe 1 day shown in line 60-70 --> Represent Trend of RSI
"240"= Timeframe 3 hours shown in line 40-50 --> Represent Signal Up/Signal Down/Divergence of RSI
"120"= Timeframe 2 hours shown in line 30-40 --> Represent Signal Up/Signal Down/Divergence of RSI
"60"= Timeframe 1 hour shown in line 20-30 --> Represent Signal Up/Signal Down/Divergence of RSI
"30"= Timeframe 30 minutes shown in line 10-20 --> Represent Signal Up/Signal Down/Divergence of RSI
"15"= Timeframe 15 minutes shown in line 00-10 --> Represent Signal Up/Signal Down/Divergence of RSI
Description of Colors
Dark Bule = Extreme Uptrend / Overbought / Bull Market (RSI > 67)
Light Bule = Uptrend (RSI between 50-52 .. 67)
Yellow = Sideways Trend / Trend Reversal (RSI between 48 .. 52) ** You can change it by setting.
Light Red = Downtrend (RSI between 33 .. 48-50)
Dark Red = Extreme Downtrend / Oversold / Bear Market (RSI < 33)
How to use
1. You must first know what the main trend of the RSI is (look at the 60-80 line). If it is red, it is a downtrend. and if it's blue shows that it is an uptrend
2. Throughout the period of the main trend There will always be a reversal of the sub-trend. (Can see from the 0-50 line), but eventually will return to follow the main trend.
3. Unless the sub trend persists for a long time until the main trend changes.
MPF EMA Cross Strategy (8~13~21) by Market Pip FactoryThis script is for a complete strategy to win maximum profit on trades whilst keeping losses at a minimum, using sound risk management at no greater than 1.5%
The 3x EMA Strategy uses the following parameters for trade activation and closure.
1/ Daily Time Frame for trend confirmation
2/ 4 Hourly Time Frame for trend confirmation
3/ 1 Hourly Time Frame for trend confirmation AND trade execution
4/ 3x EMAs (Exponential Moving Averages)
* EMA#1 = 8 EMA (Red Color)
* EMA#2 = 13 EMA (Blue Color)
* EMA#3 = 21 EMA (Orange Color)
5/ Fanning of all 3x EMAs and CrossOver/CrossUnder for Trend Confirmation
6/ Price Action touching an 8 EMA for trade activation
7/ Price Action touching a 21 EMA for trade cancellation BEFORE activation
* For LONG trades: 8 EMA would be ABOVE 21 EMA
* For SHORT trades: 8 EMA would be BELOW 21 EMA
* For trade Cancellation, price action would touch the 21 EMA before trade is activated
* For trade Entry, price action would touch 8 EMA
Once trigger parameter is identified, entry is found by:
a) Price action touches 8 EMA (Candle must Close for confirmed Trade preparation)
b) Trade preparation can be cancelled before trade is activated if price action touches 21 EMA
c) Trailing Stop Loss can be used (optional) by counting back 5 candles from current candle
CLOSURE of a Trade is identified by:
e) 8 EMA crossing the 21 EMA, then close trade, no matter LONG or SHORT
f) Trail Stop Loss
g) No more than ONE activated trade per EMA crossover
h) No more than ONE active trade per pair
NOTE: This strategy is to be used in conjunction with Cipher Twister (my other indicator) to reduce trades on
sideways price action and market trends for super high win ratio.
NOTE: Enabling of LONGs and SHORTs Via Cipher Twister is done by using the previous
green or red dot made. Additionally, when the trend changes, so do the dot's validity based
on being above or below the 0 centerline.
Strategy and Bot Logic
.....::: FOR SHORT TRADES ONLY :::.....
The Robot must use the following logic to enable and activate the SHORT trades:
$(crossunder)=8EMA,21EMA=Bearish $(crossover)=8EMA,21EMA=Bullish $entry=SELL STOP ORDER (Short)
$EMA#1 = 8 EMA (Red Color) $EMA#2 = 13 EMA (Blue Color) $EMA#3 = 21 EMA (Orange Color)
Strategy Logic:
1/ Check Daily Time Frame for trend confirmation if:
(look back up to 50 candles - find last cross of EMAs)
$(chart)=daily and trend=$(crossunder) then goto 2/ *Means: crossunder = ema21 > ema8
$(chart)=daily and trend=$(crossover) then stop (No trades) *Means: crossover = ema8 > ema21
NOTE: This function is switchable. 0=off and 1=on(active). Default = 1 (on)
2/ Check 4 Hourly Time Frame for trend confirmation if:
(look back up to 50 candles - find last cross of EMAs)
$(chart)=4H and trend=$(crossunder) then goto 3/ *Means: crossunder = ema21 > ema8
$(chart)=4H and trend=$(crossover) then stop (No trades) *Means: crossover = ema8 > ema21
NOTE: This function is switchable. 0=off and 1=on(active). Default = 1 (on)
3/ 1 Hourly Time Frame for trend confirmation AND trade execution if:
(look back up to 50 candles - find last cross of EMAs)
$(chart)=1H and trend=$(crossunder) then goto 4/ *Means: crossunder = ema21 > ema8
$(chart)=1H and trend=$(crossover) then stop (No trades) *Means: crossover = ema8 > ema21
4/ Trade preparation:
* if Next (subsequent) candle touches 8EMA, then set STOP LOSS and ENTRY
* $stoploss=3 pips ABOVE current candle HIGH
* $entry=3 pips BELOW current candle LOW
5/ Trade waiting (ONLY BEFORE entry is hit and trade activated):
* if price action touches 21 EMA then cancel trade and goto 1/
Note: Once trade is active this function does not apply !
6/ Trade Activation:
* if price activates/hits ENTRY price, then bot activates trade SHORTs market
7/ Optional Trailing stop:
* if active, then trailing stop 3 pips ABOVE previous HIGH of previous 5th candle
or * Move Stop Loss to Break Even after $X number of pips
NOTE: This means count back and apply accordingly to the 5th previous candle from current candle.
NOTE: This function is switchable. 0=off and 1=on(active). Default = 0 (off)
8/ Trade Close ~ Take Profit:
* Only TP when
$(chart)=1H and trend=$(crossover) then close trade ~ Or obviously if Stop Loss is hit if 7/ is activated.
----------END FOR SHORT TRADES LOGIC----------
.....::: FOR LONG TRADES ONLY :::.....
The Robot must use the following logic to enable and activate the LONG trades:
$(crossunder)=8EMA,21EMA=Bearish $(crossover)=8EMA,21EMA=Bullish $entry=BUY STOP ORDER (Long)
$EMA#1 = 8 EMA (Red Color) $EMA#2 = 13 EMA (Blue Color) $EMA#3 = 21 EMA (Orange Color)
Strategy Logic:
1/ Check Daily Time Frame for trend confirmation if:
(look back up to 50 candles - find last cross of EMAs)
$(chart)=daily and trend=$(crossover) then goto 2/ *Means: crossover = ema8 > ema21
$(chart)=daily and trend=$(crossunder) then stop (No trades) *Means: crossunder = ema21 > ema8
NOTE: This function is switchable. 0=off and 1=on(active). Default = 1 (on)
2/ Check 4 Hourly Time Frame for trend confirmation if:
(look back up to 50 candles - find last cross of EMAs)
$(chart)=4H and trend=$(crossover) then goto 3/ *Means: crossover = ema8 > ema21
$(chart)=4H and trend=$(crossunder) then stop (No trades) *Means: crossunder = ema21 > ema8
NOTE: This function is switchable. 0=off and 1=on(active). Default = 1 (on)
3/ 1 Hourly Time Frame for trend confirmation AND trade execution if:
(look back up to 50 candles - find last cross of EMAs)
$(chart)=1H and trend=$(crossover) then goto 4/ *Means: crossover = ema8 > ema21
$(chart)=1H and trend=$(crossunder) then stop (No trades) *Means: crossunder = ema21 > ema8
4/ Trade preparation:
* if Next (subsequent) candle touches 8EMA, then set STOP LOSS and ENTRY
* $stoploss=3 pips BELOW current candle LOW
* $entry=3 pips ABOVE current candle HIGH
5/ Trade waiting (ONLY BEFORE entry is hit and trade activated):
* if price action touches 21 EMA then cancel trade and goto 1/
Note: Once trade is active this function does not apply !
6/ Trade Activation:
* if price activates/hits ENTRY price, then bot activates trade LONGs market
7/ Optional Trailing stop:
* if active, then trailing stop 3 pips BELOW previous LOW of previous 5th candle
or * Move Stop Loss to Break Even after $X number of pips
NOTE: This means count back and apply accordingly to the 5th previous candle from current candle.
NOTE: This function is switchable. 0=off and 1=on(active). Default = 0 (off)
8/ Trade Close ~ Take Profit:
* Only TP when
$(chart)=1H and trend=$(crossunder) then close trade ~ Or obviously if Stop Loss is hit if 7/ is activated.
----------END FOR LONG TRADES LOGIC----------
* If an existing trade is already open for that same pair, & price action touches 8EMA, do NOT open a new trade..
* bot must continuously check if a trade is currently open on the pair that triggers
* New trades are to be only opened if there is no active trade opened on current pair.
* Only 1 trade per pair rule !
* 5 simultaneous open trades (not same pairs) default = 5 but value can be changed accordingly.
* Maximum risk management must not exceed 1.5% on lot size
*** Some features are not yet available autoated, they will be added in due course in subsequent version updates ***
Break of structure indicatorThis indicator allows you to set a range of price which you want to get an alert about if price breaks that structure.
Multi-timeframe MomentumThe Multi-timeframe momentum indicator is similar in concept to a velocity indicator like rate-of-change, but visualizes smoothed price changes by applying an EMA and linear regression to price difference at every bar. Momentums from 1 minute to 1 quarter are plotted on a single chart using the request.security function. Standard and Fibonacci timeframes are available as well as the ability to hide high-timeframes to keep the chart clean. Like any oscillator, divergence in the momentums can be used to identify price reversals in conjunction with support and resistance. When linear regression is applied, high and low inflection points are used to identify reversals in a manner similar to MACD.
Much love to DumpCap! The script is presented sans secret sauce.
3 timeframe EMAThis is a 3 EMA in chart with 3 different time frame. For example you can see 1H timeframe EMA when you are in 15m chart
MultiTimeFrame Stochastic
Multi Time Frame Stochastic
Fast, medium, slow and Too slow stochastic of current time frame and higher time frame for creating view for buying or selling
How to use
1. For Divergence - price making higher high but stochastic making lower high or vice versa
2. choosing strategy - whether buy the dips or sell on rise
3. deciding whether downtrend or uptrend is over or not - higher time frame stochastic comes from over brought to oversold
High Probablity Buy trade
Higher time frame stoch oversold and divergence seen in chart and stoch and lower low forming stopped in chart and stoch
High Probablity sell trade
Higher time frame stoch overbought and divergence seen in chart and stoch and higher high stopped in chart and stoch
caution : it only go to 0 to 100 so some time it is overbought for long time the fall or vice versa, use it with other confirmation like price action or candlestick pattern
if you like the work
paytm donation id ----- 7001473382@paytm
ka66: Auto-Guppy Multiple Moving Average (GMMA)This implements a Guppy Multiple Moving Average (GMMA) with the following twists, which may be a feature or a bug, depending on your perspective:
For both fast and slow group of MAs, only a starting MA (the fastest in that group) is specified.
For either group, a configurable factor is set, which will be used to calculate subsequent MAs.
Automatically selects colours as gradients within a configurable colour range, clearly differentiating between the short-term and long-term groups of averages.
Use Weighted Moving Average (WMAs) as the averaging mechanism. More on this later.
For example, if in the fast group, we start with MA 3, and a factor of 2, then the 6 MAs in the group will be: 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96.
The calculated lookbacks are displayed on a table on the top-right, in case further indicators need to be calculated based on these values.
Use of WMAs : This is an annoyance of the implementation: As I use arrays to store lookback calculations (12 of them, individual variables would be a pani to work with!), getting these back out of the array returns a series rather than a simple value. For some unfathomable reason, PineScript doesn't allow copying/conversion of these into a simple value. To add insult to the injury, a bunch of moving averaging functions (e.g.: ta.ema, ta.hma) only work with simple int lookback values. Go figure. SMAs and WMAs are the two that allow series lookback values, and WMAs are less laggy than SMAs but remain smooth, so WMAs it is!
Customizable OCC Non Repainting Scalper Bot v7.0bThis strategy is intended to be used on an automated trading platform and should be run on a one minute chart for fastest confirmations and signal relay to crypto automation platform. The strategy has been modded to only go long at this time to focus on profitability for one direction. The open long and close long text fields allow you to use your own webhook message for this purpose.
I have spent quite a bit of time and I figured I would put it out to the community to share the work and also get some feedback.
Ok, so let me say that I have done absolutely everything I can to make the strategy not repaint while still maintaining it's profitability. It has been a challenge so I am publishing this to the community to help test this.
What I have observed: the strategy will not repaint in real time. That is, if you have the chart open and keep it open, the signals are the same as the ones that are sent out by the strategy. In certain cases, when I reload the chart- the signals might be off from what was sent. In some ways, that is repainting, but it is repainting based on losing the real time data and recalculating from a different set of bars- since I am running it on a one minute chart then the start becomes different when you refresh.
To address repainting while keeping the strategy calculating as quickly as possibly I have altered the logic in the following ways:
I have made an assumption which might not work for everyone- at the first tick of the next bar, you can almost safefly assume in crypto that if you are looking at the previous bar for information, the open of the current bar was the close of the previous bar. This for the most part holds true in crypto with good liquidity. If you are trading a pair that jumps around due to low volume- this might not be the strategy to use. I might publish a different version with a different logic.
I have altered the security repaint to use isbarconfirmed, so at the very end of the bar (as soon as the bar is confirmed), we recalculate to the higher time frames. So as soon as the data is available, it is at that point that we can then safely calculate higher time frames. This is unique and experimental, but seems to do well at creating good signals for entry.
I have employed my own intervals by utilizing the resolution as an integer (used by the previous authors)- but in this case, I use the interval to take a snapshot of the higher time frame. With open close cross, the different moving averages can cause the repainting as they change to show the exact point of the cross. The interval feature I created minimizes this by utilizing the previous bar info until the interval is closed and then we recalculate the variants. You can use the interval offset feature to denote which minute is the one that starts and ends the interval. So for instance, Trading View uses minue 1 and minute 31 for 30 minute intervals. If you offset your 30 minute interval would start on minute 16 and do its calculations based on the last 30 minutes,
As with most of my scripts, I have started using filters and a "show data" feature that will give you the ability to see the values of indicators that you cannot plot in the overlay. This allows you to figure out how to filter losing trades or market conditions.
I have also added a trailing stop and created a fixed stop loss as seems to perform better than the original occ strategy. The original one seemed to repaint enough that it would close too quickly and not give the posiition enough time to become profitable. In certain cases where there was a large move, it would perform well, but for the most part the trades would not close profitably even though the backtest said that it did - probably due to the delay in execution and pinescript not having a confirmation on what the actual position price was.
This is still in beta mode, so please forward test first and use at your own risk.
If you spot repaint issues, please send me a message and try to explain the situation.
Stock ScreenerThis indicator helps monitoring QQE Mod and RMO of 20 tickers simultaneously.
This indicator shows last 4/8 indicator results of particular ticker.
Left side: 8 last colors of both indicator on current timeframe. Most left is older.
Right side: 4 last colors of both indicator on selected higher timeframe. Most right is newer.
Icon color is QQE Mod.
Background color is RMO color.
This indicator is suitable for daily or swing trade.
Recommended timeframe is 2 Hours, and recommended higher timeframe is Daily.
MTF EMASMulti time frame EMA
This script will plot the configured EMAS on the current time frame (CTF) and also the same EMAS on a higher time frame (HTF).
Hard coded according:
* 5m EMAS will be plotted on TF bellow 5m
* Daily EMA will be plotted on TF above 5m and bellow 1D
* Weekly EMA will be plotted on daily TF
* Monthly EMA will be plotted on weekly TF
This configuration give us the opportunity to watch EMA support/resistance from HTF on the CTF
This indicator is an attempt to bring all VWAP functionalities under one umbrella suite, the existing VWAPs are great and this was made to provide all functionalities. (pending more updates as well)
Multiple VWAPs MTF
Individual Band configuration
Previous vwap closes
Date tracking of previous closes
MTF Options
Enabling the other VWAPS with any timeframe will allow the user to use the "VWAP Anchor" setting to choose what HTF Vwap to be displayed
"Prev Close"
This setting enables all historical closes to be displayed with extension
"Track Dates"
Can be used to keep date information of 2 previous closes and further back
The indicator is quite straight forward in its application, as you would expect of a normal VWAP.
At the top of the settings pane the indicator has some functionality that would control the VWAPs globally, e.g. disabling show bands disables all bands for all the VWAPs.
Each VWAP has individual settings that can be controlled such as coloring, which bands enabled, previous closes, labelling...
My suggestion for clarity is to use 1 VWAP with bands, and a 2nd with no bands + Previous close enabled at a higher timeframe
I see many users going on different indicators with MTF in mind and trying to use it for LTF data e.g. 1hour chart, and selecting 5min in chart settings.
This is not recommended by the team themselves and should be noted for use always use HTF: www.tradingview.com
To understand how to use VWAP please refer to some education that can be found for free online
Heres an example of a trader using the tool himself: www.youtube.com
█ Future Updates:
Previous Close Line extensions
Previous Highs and Lows of VWAP mapped out for users
Suggestions Welcome!
Joel on Crypto - MACD ScalpingJoel on Crypto - MACD Scalping
This is a Scalping indicator primarily intended for the 5 minute time frame.
It is based on the Crypto Scalping YouTuber Joel on Crypto's popular 5 minute scalping strategy and this is the indicator he personally use when Scalping.
This is a Multi-timeframe indicator where if you use it on the 5 minute time frame, the MACD Histogram bars will be based on the 1 minute timeframe.
The purpose of this indicator is not to trade it like a bot. The purpose is to grab the traders attention a time where there COULD be a scalping opportunity.
Use this indicator at your own risk.
Multi EMA with labels (Any timeframe)This script lets you add up to 8 EMAs (Exponential Moving Averages) that can be set to any timeframe and length. The difference between this and other EMA indicators is that it has a simple label attached to each EMA showing which timeframe it belongs to and what length it is, so you can get that information at a glance while trading without having to remember the specific settings for each EMA.
I was personally looking for something like this because I like clarity on my chart and these labels really help. The existing EMA indicators I found with labels don't support multiple timesframes or if they do, they don't include the timeframe itself in the label, so that's why I created this simple script and shared it in case somebody else is looking for the same. Enjoy.
MOD RSI [KPM]Using this indicator you can easily view Divergence, and Market Tend in Mutitimeframe
NOTE: This is stranded RSI I only added colours for easy cath the market trend.
I'm not regarding anything with this indicator. All risk is yours
Thank you
Reverse Stoch [BApig Gift] - on PanelMssive credit to Motgench, Balipour and Wugamlo for this script. This script is all of their good work.
It is basically just the non-on chart version which I've slightly tweaked off their script. This can be useful to reduce the clutter on the chart itself. Releasing it in the hope that it can be useful for the community
Bull/Bear Buy/Bail CandlesBased on BullBearPower indicator, this is a heavily modified version with colored candles to show when bulls or bears are buying or bailing. Includes Fibonacci Levels based on Highest/Lowest value in variable length, along with optional second timeframe and alternative calculation for candles and linear regression curves for increased versatility. Green = bullish /long, Aqua = still-bullish albeit weakening, blue = weak albeit strengthening and red = weak/short. Perfect as a confirmation indicator for those looking to time markets.
Know your Monthly, Weekly, Daily LevelsThis script will show monthly, weekly and daily (with or without pre market) levels on your intraday chart. You can chose what values of the corresponding candles (high, low, close) should be included.
Please consider following limitations:
1. Maximum of 500 drawing objects per chart
To make sure the most relevant levels are shown, values are sorted based on the latest close value before levels > 500 are cut off.
2. Lookback history
The max lookback history is limited by the currently selected timeframe. E.g. on a 5min timeframe, 20000 bars (Premium Plan) result in approx. 5 months of lookback period, meaning you may want to have a 30 min or higher chart open to get a complete picture of levels, while trading on a lower timeframe.
My_PortfolioDisplays all time high/low/mean prices and average cost with lines; and the price changes relative to the average cost in percentages.
This does not calculate average cost. This is just a fast way of viewing the current situation of one's portfolio.
Parities invested in and average costs for them have to be manually entered in the settings or by editing the script.
Should work with all parities.
Motion LineThis script plots the Motion Line, a concept explained in Glenn Neely's River Trading Technology, on the go.
Due to the limitations on Pine Script at the time of writing this script, plotting Motion Line on Violent Outside-bars does not follow the main procedure...
For example on this occasion, the snapshot below displays how exactly the Motion Line should be drawn when a Violent Outside-bar condition is met:
But this is how the script handles it:
The first connection point to the Violent Outside-bar is ignored and the line is continued from second point of connection. In such situations a different color is applied on the Motion Line.
Simple Percentage Change IndicatorFeatures:
- Shows % change per Bar.
- Shows countdown per bar.
- Shows Day, Month, and Yearly % Change in Bottom Right Corner.
SGX Nifty Movement During Indian Market HoursSGX Nifty or Singapore Nifty is a derivative contract of the Nifty 50 index which is the benchmark index of NSE in India. SGX Nifty trades for 21 hours in a day while Nifty 50 trades only for 6 hours and 15 minutes. Traders in India miss out on a lot of price action which happens on the Singapore Nifty. This code which is originally inspired from @Gustavorubi has been modified to track SGX Nifty's movements outside Indian market hours. This will help intraday traders to identify support and resistance levels which are not seen on Nifty 50 futures.
This source code is inspired from GustavoRubi's code on FX Sessions.
Booz StrategyBooz Backtesting : Booz Backtesting is a method for analyzing the performance of your current trading strategy . Booz Backtesting aims to help you generate results and evaluate risk and return without risking real capital.
The Booz Backtesting is the Booz Super Swing Indicator equivalent but gives you the ability to backtest data on different charts.
This is an Indicator created for the purpose of identifying trends in Multiple Markets, it is based on Moving Average Crossover and extra features.
Swing Trading: This function allows you to navigate the entire trend until it is not strong enough, so you can compare it with fixed parameters such as Take Profit and Stop Loss.
Take Profit and Stop Loss function: With this function you will be able to choose the most optimal parameters and see in real time the results in order to choose the best combination of parameters.
Leverage : We have this function for the futures markets where you can check which is the most appropriate leverage for your operation.
Trend Filter: allows you to take multiple entries in the same direction of the market.
If the market crosses below the 200 moving average, it will take only short entries.
If the market crosses above the 200 moving average, it will take only long entries.
Charting from 1 Hour, 4 Hour, Daily, Weekly, Weekly
Markets :Booz Backtesting can be tested in Cryptocurrency, Stocks and Futures markets.
Background Color : at a glance, you can see what cycle the market is in.
Green background : Shows that the market is in a bullish cycle.
Red background: Shows that the market is in a bearish cycle.