positionsize calculatorHow to use:
Use the cursor to select the time, entry, stop loss, and target position. Enter the trading fee to calculate the reward/risk ratio and the actual reward/risk ratio (including the commission) according to the price you selected.
Known error:
Settings of this script can't be saved as default might due to the interactive price selection function. If anyone knows how to fix it, please let me know.
The visual Risk/Reward box, have three price labels on the right hand of the box.
Calculate the actual reward/risk ratio based on the trading fee.
The visual Risk/Reward box will extend automatically.
إدارة المحافظ الاستثمارية
Make Your Own Index!Intro
For my first script, I have released Make Your Own Index version 1. It has a long way to go so please stay tuned. Scroll down to read all the updates and notes as they come in.
Why it matters
Making your index is important to quickly see an index of symbols that you want to chart. Having the ability to assign weightings gives you the opportunity to make the index equal weighted or custom weighted. As we all know, indexes like the S&P 500 are NOT equal weighted, but more heavily weighted toward the winners. Now, you can make your own of a basket of symbols and make them custom weighted or equal weighted. Have some fun exploring this.
You select the symbols of your choice and then chart them as one line with a specific weighting. This can be done in the settings menu once the indicator is selected. Use the symbol search field to add a symbol. From what I have tested, it works for any symbol whether it's stocks, crypto, FX and more. The default is set to stocks.
The Weight field in the settings menu is where you can assign a specific weight to the symbol of your choice. This way you can make an equal weighted index or a custom weighted index. By default each symbol is set to 10 or 10%. There are 10 symbols in the menu, so at 10%, they are equally weighted! In the script I have made it so each weighting is in percentage terms. So type in the percentage and you're good to go.
The chart is currently displayed in a separate window and not as an overlay. This may change in the future. The line can also be changed slightly and the color of it. Stay tuned for more on this.
Send in feedback
I am a Pine rookie in all regards and I am surely looking for support, feedback, and/or ideas. I want to add a lot more to this. If you look at the settings you will see have some input fields that are in their first iteration and currently needing to be improved. Rather than waiting to make them perfect, I just want to get this out there and update as I go. Also, as mentioned, I will definitely need a little support at adding more features that I have in mind.
Credit where credit is due
I used a lot of Open Source indicators as inspiration to quickly get going so thank you to the following people and accounts who share open source scripts that you can use to learn, test, and get started instantly:
And many others. That's the beauty of open source!
Closing note
Publishing it open source so people can fact check my code and thinking. One thing I know for sure is that this can probably be created in a more efficient way. Nonetheless, please a take look and let me know what you think - I am excited to make some updates over the coming weeks.
Thanks for reading!
Binance CHOP Dashboard by KziHere is a Dashboard to find the opportunuty of bigs moves with 20 pairs.
The Dashboard is too big for the phone view. I thinks we can use it only on computer view.
How it's work ?
I look for the CHOP on Weekly and Daily time frame
The CHOP give the "tension" of the pair.
So i look for the biggest "tension" to take the "big mooves"
I look for the align tension between weekly and daily
The CHOP can be 0 to 100 , the result is:
(Weeky CHOP x Daily CHOP) = 0 to 10 000
To make the result easy to read, i divide so that the "note" is between 0 and 10.
If you have more than 3 /10 = RED => HOT Opporunity for big mooves
If you have less than 1/10 = BLUE => COLD opporunity
Thanks for your comment,
The code is well.
But i think there is an opportunity to do it better with some for loop.
Is some of you do it, please let's me know.
Key Financials A simple table with up to 9 key financials on your chart.
Simple, easy and configurable.
Trading the Equity Curve Position Sizing Example"Trading the equity curve" as a risk management method is the process of acting on trade signals depending on whether a system’s performance is indicating the strategy is in a profitable or losing phase.
The point of managing equity curve is to minimize risk in trading when the equity curve is in a downtrend. This strategy has two modes to determine the equity curve downtrend: By creating two simple moving averages of a portfolio's equity curve - a short-term and a longer-term one - and acting on their crossings. If the fast SMA is below the slow SMA, equity downtrend is detected (smafastequity < smaslowequity).
The second method is by using the crossings of equity itself with the longer-period SMA (equity < smasloweequity).
When Trading with the Equity Curve" is active, the position size will be reduced by a specified percentage if the equity is "under water" according to a selected rule. If you're a risk seeker, select "Increase size by %" - for some robust systems, it could help overcome their small drawdowns quicker.
Risk On Risk OffA helpful indicator for those who follow a systematic long-term investment approach.
What it shows:
It shows the 60 Day Cumulative Return of $BND Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF against the 60 Day Cumulative Return of $BIL SPDR Bloomberg Barclays 1-3 Month T-Bill ETF.
This Indicator will provide you a sense of where the economic environment is at, if the indicator shows that the 60 Day Cumulative return of $BND is ABOVE $BIL, it means that it's a good idea to go Risk ON in the stock market; On the other hand, if the inverse is true, it means that is a good idea to go Risk OFF in the stock market.
Example Uses:
Warren Buffet often advice Investors to just buy a S&P500 index tracking ETF like $SPY consistently and you will likely to be making money in the long-term.
With this indicator you will be able to make the Buffet Strategy even simpler: when the indicator shows Risk ON, buy the $SPY; when the indicator shows Risk OFF, consider hedges like $IEF iShares 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETF. AMEX:SPY
Bond Yeild CurveBond Yeild Curve
A bond yeild curve is a line that plot the interest rate of bonds of each maturity dates.
The slope of the curve give the future of economy cycle.
if the slope could be normal (positive), flat or even inverted.
This indicator aquired data of bond yeild provided by TradingView.
How to use it.
Select the country of the bond / another country to compare.
Select the maturity of bond (this indicator set 2Y, 5Y, 10Y and 20Y as default).
You can toggle to 3 different data set; Yeild, Spread (10Y-2Y) and Yeild Curve.
In case that you select the "Yeild Curve", you can customize the desired past period to compare.
How we can get the benefit.
- If the current spread is greater than 1.0, it suppose that the economy of that country probably is ok.
- if the current spread is between 0 - 1.0, it suppose to be flatted and probably turn to invert and the economy cound be in a recession soon.
- if the current spread is below 0, it suppose to be inverted and economy is in recession.
when knowing the state of economy, it would help us to manage our investment.
When you select "Yeild"
When you select "Spread"
When you select "Yeild Curve"
I'm new for this.
if any idea, correction and suggestion, i do appreciate it.
LCDT Trade Entry ToolLCDT Trade Entry Tool
Enter the Offset for the X Axis for the Entry Tool.
Enter the Offset for the Y Axis for the Entry Tool.
Enter the Price for your Stop Loss in $.
Enter your desired Risk Amount in $.
Enter the max amount of of Capital per Trade in $.
There are toggle buttons in the setup to reveal/remove more data in the label that pops up, as well as a toggle to make the text larger.
Accumulation/Distribution Bands & Signals (BTC, 1D, BITSTAMP) This is an accumulation/distribution indicator for BTC/USD (D) based on variations of 1400D and 120D moving averages and logarithmic regression. Yellow plot signals Long Term Accumulation, which is based on 1400D (200W) ALMA, orange plot signals Mid Term Accumulation and is based on 120D ALMA, and finally the red plot signals Long Term Distribution that's based on log regression. It should be noted that for red plot to work BTC 1D BITSTAMP graph must be used, because the function of the logarithmic regression was modified according to the x axis of the BITSTAMP data.
Signal bands have different coefficients; long term accumulation (yellow) and and the log regression (red) plots have the highest coefficients and mid term accumulation (orange) has the lowest coefficients. Coefficients are 6x, 3x and 1.5x for the red (sell) and yellow (buy) plots and 1x, 2x and 3x for the orange (buy) plot. Selling coefficient for the yellow and the orange plots are respectively 2x and 1x. Buy and sell signals are summed up accordingly and plotted at the top of the highest band.
Acknowledgement: Credits for the logarithmic regression function are due @memotyka9009 and Benjamin Cowen
Overnight Gap AnalysisThere is a wide range of opinion on holding positions overnight due to gap risk. So, out of curiosity, I coded this analysis as a strategy to see what the result of only holding a position overnight on an asset would be. The results really surprised me. The script backtests 10+ years, and here are the findings:
Holding a position for 1 hour bar overnight on QQQ since January 2010 results in a 545% return. QQQ's entire return holding through the same period is 643%
The max equity drawdown on holding that position overnight is lower then the buy/hold drawdown on the underlying asset.
It doesn't matter if the last bar of the day is green or red, the results are similar.
It doesn't matter if it is a bull or bear market. Filtering the script to only trade when the price is above the 200-day moving average actually reduces its return from 545% to 301%, though it does also reduce drawdown.
I see similar patterns when applying the script to other index ETFs. Applying it to leveraged index ETFs can end up beating buy/hold of the underlying index.
Since this script holds through the 1st bar of the day, this could also speak to a day-opening price pattern
The default inputs are for the script to be applied to 1 hour charts only that have 7 bars on the chart per day. You can apply it to other chart types, but must follow the instructions below for it to work properly.
What the script is doing :
This script is buying the close of the last bar of the day and closing the trade at the close of the next bar. So, all trades are being held for 1 bar. By default, the script is setup for use on a 1hr chart that has 7 bars per day. If you try to apply it to a different timeframe, you will need to adjust the count of the last bar of the day with the script input. I.e. There are 7 bars per day on an hour chart on US Stocks/ETFs, so the input is set to 7 by default.
Other ways this script can be used :
This script can also test the result of holding a position over any 1 bar in the day using that same input. For instance, on an hour chart you can input 6 on the script input, and it will model buying the close of the 6th bar of the day while selling on the close of the next bar. I used this out of curiosity to model what only holding the last bar of the day would result in. On average, you lose money on the last bar every day.
The irony here is that the root cause of this last bar of the day losing may be people selling their positions at the end of day so that they aren't exposed to overnight gap risk.
Disclaimer: This is not financial advice. Open-source scripts I publish in the community are largely meant to spark ideas that can be used as building blocks for part of a more robust trade management strategy. If you would like to implement a version of any script, I would recommend making significant additions/modifications to the strategy & risk management functions. If you don’t know how to program in Pine, then hire a Pine-coder. We can help!
Position & Lot Size CalculatorBuilt with love "Position & Lot Size Calculator"
This indiator will help you to calculate your position size for managing the risk
Features :
1. Click-able Price Entry & SL (Easier Interface)
How to use it :
1. After add the indicator, set the Entry & SL Price with click price line in the chart
2. Set the risk and another parameter
Risk AssistAs the profit level increases, the amount of profit taking required to avoid risk asymptotically reaches zero.
This indicator displays the % of the established position required to exit in order to ensure the trade is not a loss if the stop is hit.
Values in green (at or below 100%) indicate a winning position.
Values in red (above 100%) indicate a losing position.
Alert Examples:
If you are intent on "selling half" to avoid risk, you can set an alert on the value of this indicator for 50.
If you are intent on "selling a 3rd" to avoid risk, you can set an alert on the value of this indicator for 33.3.
Money Management_V2 [javadmhs]Hi every one
you can use this indicator in your trades for money and risk management.
Very easy to use. Just enter the requested information of your trade and see the amount of money you need to enter into a transaction. Also you can see your pnl%.
Risk = The amount of money that if you lose, does not matter to you. This will be a percentage of your total capital.
Balance = your total capital.
Leverage = If you trade in future, you can use this. set it 1 in spot.
Commision = The amount of exchange fee.
Usable Cap = The amount of money you should enter into a transaction, depending on your risk.
PNL% = Amount of profit and loss.
You Can use this for Short and Long.
Let me know if you see a problem.
Leverage CalculatorThis script is intended to be used as a risk management calculator.
It will calculate the best leverage to use based on the maximum percentage of loss you are willing to incur on your trading portfolio.
Also calculates the order value and order qty based on your inputs.
Please note this calculator does not take into account any trading fees imposed by the exchange you are using.
*** Only risking 1% to 5% of your portfolio is considered good risk management ***
*** Not financial advice ***
------ Settings Inputs -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Portfolio Size" -- enter your portfolio balance
"% Willing to lose on this trade" -- enter the percent of your portfolio you are willing to lose if the stop loss is hit
"Entry Price" -- enter the price at which you will enter the trade
"Stop Loss Price" -- enter the price at which your stop loss will be set
------ Outputs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Portfolio" -- displays the portfolio balance entered in settings
"max loss on trade" -- displays the % loss entered in settings and the corresponding amount of your portfolio
"Entry Price" -- displays the entry price entered in settings
"Stop Loss Price" -- displays the stop loss price entered in settings
"Stop Loss %" -- displays the calculated percentage loss from the entry price
"Leverage calc" -- displays the calculated leverage based on your max loss and stop loss settings
"Order Value" -- displays the value of the order based on the calculated leverage
"Order Qty" -- displays the calculated order qty based on the calculated leverage
SHAD helperDisplays lines and labels for prices following the SHAD strategy.
SHAD strategy consists in selling half the position every time price doubles, thus this indicator displays values for x2, x4, x8 and x16 of current closing price.
You can also see "/2" (-50%) and "/4 " (-75%) values.
You can edit display colors and labels text size in the indicator's settings
D-VaR position sizingThe D-VaR position sizing method was created by David Varadi. It's based on the concept of Value at Risk (VaR) - a widely used measure of the risk of loss in a portfolio based on the statistical analysis of historical price trends and volatilities. You can set the Percent Risk between 1 (lower) and 1.5 (higher); as well as, cap the % of Equity used in the position. The indicator plots the % of equity recommended based on the parameters you set.
Abz BTC InvestorInvestor indicator:
This indicator is intended to be used on a chart showing Bitcoin's historical price action. By viewing years of Bitcoin's history, it's possible to better see Bitcoin's current price within a long term context of the price rage.
Purpose and possible usage:
I built the indicator to make it easier for me and for friends and family to make better informed decisions about our Bitcoin investments. The indicator shows the historic range of the asset and indicates where Bitcoin is oversold (below the bottom line) and overbought (above the top purple line):
- Above the top purple line, I'll look to take some profits or consider hedging to protect my long term position's growth
- Below the bottom purple line, I'll look to dollar cost average into a long term position
I think the idea for this came from idea listening to the YouTuber Birb talking about how well Bitcoin tracked between the 200 day moving average (bottom navy moving average) and 5x that value (top moving average).
Hope you find it useful.
Best wishes,
Period Dollar Cost Average BacktesterHere is a simple script to calculate the profits and other dollar cost average strategy statistics. This strategy was created to avoid asset price volatility, so the pump and dump scheme does not affect the portfolio. By dividing the investment amount into periods, the investor doesn’t need to analyze the market, fundamental analysis, or anything. The goal is to increase the asset holdings and avoid fast and robust price movements.
This indicator has some configurations.
Amount to buy: the amount to buy at each time
Broker fee %: the fee percentage that the broker has for spot trade
Frequency: the frequency of the investments. Example: 1 Day means that every day, it will buy an amount of the asset
Starting Date: when the indicator will start the investment simulation
Ending Date: when the indicator will end the investment simulation
InfoCell With/Height: it relates to the panel for view purposes. Change the values to fit better on your screen.
This indicator has three lines:
Total Invested (green): total amount invested at the end of the period
Total Net Profit (pink): total profit by converting the amount of the asset bought at the latest closing price
Holding Profits (yellow): the amount that would be in the portfolio if the investor had invested all the capital in a signal trade at the beginning of the period.
The statistics panel has some information to help you understand buying the asset in one or more trades. So, besides those three lines that were mentioned above, here are the other statistics:
Entry Price: The price of the asset when the first investment was made
Gross Profit: Total amount of profit, not excluding the losses
Gross Losses: Total amount of losses, not excluding the profits
Profit Factor: The Gross Profit divided by the Gross Loss. A value above 1 means it’s profitable.
Profit/Trades: Net profit per trade. This includes the broker fees.
Recovery Factor: The Net profit divided by the relative drawdown. The higher the recovery factor, the faster the recovery of a loss
Total Asset Bought: The amount of the asset that was bought at the end of the investment plan
Absolute Drawdown: The total amount of losses that made the account balance go below its initial value
Relative Drawdown: The max drawdown that occurred, no matter the account balance amount
Total Trades: number of times the investment was made in the selected period
Total Fee: total Fee that was spent on the total investment
Total Winning Trades: the total amount of winning trades. A trade is considered a winner if the net profit is up compared with the latest investment.
Total Losing Trades: the total amount of losing trades. A trade is considered a loser if the net profit is down compared to the latest investment.
Max consecutive wins: the max amount of consecutive winning trades
Max consecutive losses: the max amount of consecutive losing trades
The chart above uses the default configuration of the indicator. Placed on the BTCUSD market, taking the time range of January 1st, 2018 to January 1st, 2022, 4 years. Buying a BTC amount with 10 USDT every day in that period would generate a more than 500% profit. Compared to the profit amount by just holding the count, which was close to 350% profit, the dollar cost average by period would be much more profitable.
Portfolio Performance - Effects of RebalancingFunction:
- Can be used to evaluate the performance of a portfolio containing 2 assets over a set time interval
- Shows the % return of the portfolio over the time interval defined by the user
- Includes a threshold rebalancing algorithm to show the effects that rebalancing has on the portfolio over the long term
- Created to evaluate of the performance of portfolios containing different weightings of stocks and bonds over time assuming that the user would rebalance the portfolio when asset weights crossed a threshold
- To be used with dividends adjustments turned on
- Add this script to a symbol. e.g. AMEX:SPY
- Click the chart to define the entry time and the exit time. i.e. the time interval
- Define the initial investment of the portfolio. Default setting is $100,000
- Define the second asset to be included in the portfolio. e.g. BATS:AGG
- The strategy comes pre-populated with a portfolio that has a weight of 80% asset 1 and 20% asset 2. i.e. 80% AMEX:SPY and 20% BATS:AGG if the symbols mentioned above were chosen
- The 7 lines show the weighted % return of each portfolio over the time period defined by the user
- Each line (except the blue) is the return based on a different rebalancing threshold. The default settings are 1%, 2.5%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 30%
- The blue line is the % return of a portfolio that was made up of 100% asset 1 over the time interval. i.e. 100% AMEX:SPY
- Asset weights and rebalancing thresholds are adjustable via the settings
- Each plot can be turned on and turned off via a tick box in the settings
Smart RebalanceThis script is based on the portfolio rebalancing strategy. It's designed to work with cryptocurrencies, but it can work with any market.
How portfolio rebalance works?
Let's assume your initial capital is $1000, and you want to distribute it into 4 coins. This script takes the USDT as the stable coin for the initial money, so in case you want other currency, the pairs must be with that fiat as the quote.
Following our example, you would take BTC, ETH, BNB, and FTT. After selecting the coins, it's time to choose how much allocation is on each. Let's put 25% on each. This way, $250 of our capital on each coin.
After selecting the coins and their allocation, you choose the price change ratio for rebalancing. Let's use 1%. Next, you start to watch the markets. The first thing that happens, following our example, is the BTCUSDT price moving 1% up.
That amount hit the ratio of 1% for the rebalance. Hence, you sell 1% of BTC for USDT and redistribute to the other coins, buying 0.25% of each currency to rebalance the portfolio.
Next, ETHUSDT goes 1% down, time to rebalance again. This time, you need to take 0.33% of each other coin and buy ETH, so this way, it's all divided as the chosen allocation.
Why use rebalancing?
Looks easy, right? It is, but very time demanding. Demands even more if you raise the number of coins you want to distribute. Having a system to do that automatically is a must to work efficiently. Rebalancing spreads the risk among multiple currencies. This way, you earn small when it goes up, but you lose small when it goes down.
What this script helps with portfolio rebalance?
This indicator will not buy/sell for you but will help you choose the best markets for your rebalancing. Which coin will work best in that period? Do I need to have more than 8 coins? How much must be my ratio? Those questions you can answer using this indicator.
What this script has?
Start and End dates
The script will work for a certain period. All calculations will be done in that period.
Coin Ratio %
The amount of price movement of each asset that will be used to calculate the rebalancing
Initial Capital and Broker Fee
The amount of capital to be used on the rebalancing and the broker fee you want to use the strategy. The cost will be applied on every trade, buying or selling the coins.
Assets, allocations, and colors
It's possible to select from 2 to 10 assets to be used on the portfolio. Each purchase must have the allocation %. Suppose the sum of the allocations is different from 100%. In that case, a warning message will appear on the chart instead of the statistics.
Panel and tooltips
There is a panel with a summary of the results
Set allocations automatically
There is an option to make the indicator use the daily asset volume from the day before to determine the allocation percentage of each asset. This option is better if you are unsure how much allocation you want to use on each coin.
Use this indicator as a backtest for your rebalancing strategy. The selected market on the chart will not affect the calculation on this indicator, but the time frame will. The higher the time frame, the higher the coin ratio % must be.
About the code
The code is written to use arrays to store the values of each asset, making the calculations on each candle inside the time range. The for-loops are used to reduce the code length and make it easy to change the analysis of all assets. Finally, the script has some comments on the code.
Portfolio Performance - 2 AssetsFunction:
- Can be used to evaluate the performance of portfolios containing 2 assets over a set time interval
- Created to evaluate of the performance of portfolios containing different weightings of stocks and bonds over time
- Shows the % return of each portfolio over the time interval defined by the user
- Capable of showing the risk adjusted % return of each portfolio over the time interval defined by the user (setting turned off by default)
- To be used with dividends adjustments turned on
- Add this script to a symbol. e.g. NASDAQ:BND
- Click the chart to define the entry time and the exit time. i.e. the time interval
- Define the second asset to be included in the portfolio. e.g. AMEX:VOO
- The strategy comes pre-populated with 6 portfolios with the most common stock/bond weightings (100% stocks/0% bonds, 80% stocks/20% bonds, 60% stocks/40% bonds, et cetera)
- The 6 lines show the weighted % return of each portfolio over the time period defined by the user
- All asset weights are adjustable via the settings
- Each plot can be turned on and turned off via a tick box in the settings
- There are 6 plots that show the risk adjusted returns of each portfolio (setting turned off by default)
TradingPortfolioLibrary "TradingPortfolio"
Simple functions for portfolio management. A portfolio is essentially
a float array with 3 positions that gets passed around
into these functions that ensure it gets properly updated as trading ensues.
An example usage:
import hugodanielcom/TradingPortfolio/XXXX as portfolio
var float my_portfolio = portfolio.init(0.0, strategy.initial_capital) // Initialize the portfolio with the strategy capital
if close < 10.0
portfolio.buy(my_portfolio, 10.0, close) // Buy when the close is below 10.0
plot(portfolio.total(my_portfolio), title = "Total portfolio value")
get_balance(portfolio) Gets the number of tokens and fiat available in the supplied portfolio.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The tokens and fiat in a tuple
set_balance(portfolio, new_crypto, new_fiat) Sets the portfolio number of tokens and fiat amounts. This function overrides the current values in the portfolio and sets the provided ones as the new portfolio.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
new_crypto : The new amount of tokens in the portfolio.
new_fiat : The new amount of fiat in the portfolio
Returns: The tokens and fiat in a tuple
init(crypto, fiat) This function returns a clean portfolio. Start by calling this function and pass its return value as an argument to the other functions in this library.
crypto : The initial amount of tokens in the portfolio (defaults to 0.0).
fiat : The initial amount of fiat in the portfolio (defaults to 0.0).
Returns: The portfolio (a float )
crypto(portfolio) Gets the number of tokens in the portfolio
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The amount of tokens in the portfolio
fiat(portfolio) Gets the fiat in the portfolio
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The amount of fiat in the portfolio
retained(portfolio) Gets the amount of reatined fiat in the portfolio. Retained fiat is not considered as part of the balance when buying/selling, but it is considered as part of the total of the portfolio.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
Returns: The amount of retained fiat in the portfolio
retain(portfolio, fiat_to_retain) Sets the amount of fiat to retain. It removes the amount from the current fiat in the portfolio and marks it as retained.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
fiat_to_retain : The amount of fiat to remove and mark as retained.
Returns: void
total(portfolio, token_value) Calculates the total fiat value of the portfolio. It multiplies the amount of tokens by the supplied value and adds to the result the current fiat and retained amount.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A float that corresponds to the total fiat value of the portfolio (retained amount included)
ratio(portfolio, token_value) Calculates the ratio of tokens / fiat. The retained amount of fiat is not considered, only the active fiat being considered for trading.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A float between 1.0 and 0.0 that corresponds to the portfolio ratio of token / fiat (i.e. 0.6 corresponds to a portfolio whose value is made by 60% tokens and 40% fiat)
can_buy(portfolio, amount, token_value) Asserts that there is enough balance to buy the requested amount of tokens.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to assert that can be bought
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A boolean value, true if there is capacity to buy the amount of tokens provided.
can_sell(portfolio, amount) Asserts that there is enough token balance to sell the requested amount of tokens.
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to assert that can be sold
Returns: A boolean value, true if there is capacity to sold the amount of tokens provided.
buy(portfolio, amount, token_value) Adjusts the portfolio state to perform the equivalent of a buy operation (as in, buy the requested amount of tokens at the provided value and set the portfolio accordingly).
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to buy
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A boolean value, true the requested amount of tokens was "bought" and the portfolio updated. False if nothing was changed.
sell(portfolio, amount, token_value) Adjusts the portfolio state to perform the equivalent of a sell operation (as in, sell the requested amount of tokens at the provided value and set the portfolio accordingly).
portfolio : A portfolio float array as created by the `init()` function.
amount : The amount of tokens to sell
token_value : The fiat value of a unit (1) of token
Returns: A boolean value, true the requested amount of tokens was "sold" and the portfolio updated. False if nothing was changed.