Bitfinex Longs vs Shorts [R1984]TradingView Pine script to compare open Bitfinex BTCUSD long versus short positions.
This indicator compares open BTCUSD Bitfinex long versus short positions.
Switch between total position and percent comparison.
Configurable gradient shading (useful with total position comparison).
Bitfinex Sentiment VolumeThis indicator takes the current symbol (ex. BITFINEX:NEOUSD), looks for long and short positions in Bitfinex and displays the total volume of margin positions.
When you hover the indicator you can see the total volume in blue, the volume of long positions in green and the volume of short positions in red.
This indicator is meant to be combined with the Bitfinex Sentiment Oscillator indicator in order to get the full picture of margin positions.
Bitfinex Sentiment OscillatorThis indicator takes the current symbol (ex. BITFINEX:NEOUSD), looks for long and short positions in Bitfinex and displays an oscillator between -100 and +100.
The oscillator represents the dominance between long and short positions where -100 means 100% short dominance, 0 means that the number of positions is even (50%/50% dominance) and +100 means 100% long dominance.
In this example, during November's NEO Flash Crash, the oscillator displayed 98.1022 % of long dominance, which basically means that everyone who had a leveraged position was stacked in a domino which eventually resulted in massive liquidations and the dreaded flash crash.
This indicator is meant to be combined with the Bitfinex Sentiment Volume indicator in order to get the full picture of margin positions.
BITFINEX Long to Short RatioShows the ratio of longs to shorts. Above 1.0 means more longs. Below 1.0 means more shorts. A value of 1.0 means equilibrium.
COT Net Position's (by Ramon Coto-Vazquez) Commitment of TradersUpdated COT Net Positions with optional open interest in the settings
Updated the codes that broke anything related to COT
Fixed an issue that appeared on most COT scripts where the monthly chart didn't update the last price.
I have been asked for a BTC_address so If you feel the urge to Donate
Bitfinex Margin VolumesQuick view on longs/short margin positions on Bitfinex for current Crypto Symbol.
COT Majors Net Position's (by Ramon Coto-Vazquez)COT Currency Majors.
This is a temp fix for the COT data changes until tradingview reintegrates the codes or its a perm fix if the current codes don't change.
Big thanks to fractalhedge for help on the project.
NAAIM SentimentSentiment Indicator for the National Association of Active Investment Managers
Follow me on twitter for market timing and verified returns posted to my feed
AAII SentimentSentiment Indicator for the American Association of Individual Investors
Follow me on twitter for market timing and verified returns posted to my feed
Bull And Bear Balance Strategy This new indicator analyzes the balance between bullish and
bearish sentiment.
One can cay that it is an improved analogue of Elder Ray indicator.
To get more information please see "Bull And Bear Balance Indicator"
by Vadim Gimelfarb.
SentimentSentiment is inversly related with price movement. When long positions make a peak, market has a high possibility to go down and when short positions are dominant, there may be a near-term bull market ringing the door bell.