
Boogie Bear Teaches the Pros about Elliot Wave Theory

By Techmology
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So Now it's time to unveil why we didn't capitulate out of trend. I see the majority of all charts in TV have had a difficult time understanding markets of scale and quite specifically Elliot Wave Theory. Some of the most popular accounts here refuse to even attempt to consider a concept in public they can't understand. Others pretend the Elliot wave theory Unbreakable Rules can be broken. Others claim Elliot Wave Theory is nothing to be taken seriously and most traders ignore it in light of indicators which build the larger picture to dial in the targets of Elliot wave Theory while avoiding the very backbone of the anomaly entirely. Others use terms like "Bubble" and "Failed Break out" to describe things they couldn't read or are a fundamental expectation of Elliot Waves if you're able to perceive them. It's OK though, It's some pretty complicated stuff and it's not for everyone. There's a reason the most successful traders on Earth are masters of Elliot Wave Theory. They're my inspiration! So far so good.

I've been charting the end of the bear market for some time and continuing to find answers to the questions within the waves which don't meet the criteria widely accepted by this social media popularity contest.

For those who doubt, doubt on! I'm getting rich! I called the Dip which only happens in bearish scenarios. The indicators supported this evidence. Still though, all time high of short liquidations when I was long. Over and over I read alerts of more and more shorts at every move up. I've read a lot of predictions of needing to dump lower to find the top of wave 4 start of the prior wave. The problem with that statement is, we already found it! Can you see now? There's a conjunction of waves at the end of every C wave. It often looks like an M. However often times, this M becomes malformed like seen in this chart in two classes of waves. We're still in Primary wave 3 guys. This party is only starting.

I've told you before and I'll tell you again, the 90+ of all BTC being held in 10% of all wallets need this asset to remain attractive and profitable. Maintaining a low circulating supply and leaving only the scraps to be bid to the moon is fundamentally necessary for them to amass wealth like never before. Goldman Sachs (and others) Owns exchanges so it has the data needed to do things like save this market from being tanked by panic selling and short sellers trying to destroy their investments in BTC. Again, Where do you think those buy orders came from every time we touched that healthy bullish trend line? It certainly wasn't the people here!

Wave 1 of this cycle will bring us back near the ATH making a cup and handle formation. Wave 2 will retrace, and wave 3 will leave anyone still on the sidelines in the dust. You're being left in the dust now if you're still waiting for a dip. The next one is above where we are right now! Here are my tentative targets. These targets and reaching a double top are necessary to maintain the long bullish trends and allow enough room for Primary wave 4 to correct without breaking into bullish territory. Moon doesn't describe what we're in store for in 2018 and beyond. Will you be with me? I really hope everyone understands the time, the dedication, and the talent that goes into TAs that come out like the ones I've been publishing when few others had the courage. Return back and press play from time to time to see how I'm doing! And please, help me reach and help more people by up voting my content.

You can expect more great TAs from me others will continue to TA themselves after they've realized they were wrong as has been happening the more I hone my capacity. I never charted a day in my life before January 2018. Imagine what's next? More objective and thoughtful TA shining a light through the fud. That's what!

No one is always right, But each of my failures have resulted in quantifiable improvements. And no one here is the master of the charts. Some just get it
Edit to add, These targets and reaching a double top are necessary to maintain the long bullish trends and allow enough room for Primary wave 4 to correct without breaking into BEARISH territory
Getting ready for that 200 MA retest on 1 day folks. 3rd times a charm! We have Bullish divergence building for a new move up. still moving well within bounds. This is going to be an exciting week! NY opens shortly. Lets see how they handle the day! I see it's likely to see one more sub wave bounce over the next 24-72 hours. Just remember, scaling is the hardest part of wrapping our heads around these moves up as there are more sub waves within these moves than we're used to. Still no reason to get all Boogie Bear PTSD on it. I'm excited. Are you?
OK I get it! All hope is lost till a break of $12k zone right?
This is getting boring guy's...
To be clear, the wave count idea in this chart is still very much in play, simply offset a little
CraigCurtin was kind enough to point out I failed to effectively label the waves on the left and should be labeled 3-3-4-A and 3-3-5-1 respectively. I'd like to thank him for the thoughtful comment so we might all have a more clear picture of what I'm sharing.
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