It doesn't look like the correction is done yet.

If we consider an expanded flat correction we are now on wave C. According to theory wave C usually is 100% to 165% of wave A. I am not willing to accept yet that LTC will go down to 36 euro (161,8%) so I have drawn the C at the !00% level which is around 83 euro the same level we were on february 6th.

At the moment the chanel for C is pretty clear.

The most logical thing to happen right now would be that the C wave will unfold in a typical 5 wave structure something like i've drawn in yellow. At the moment the ratio's between the waves doesn't point to that. But things change quickly.
Another possibility is that the C wave unfolds as an ABCDE structure. This is wat is looks like at the moment drawn in purple. E wave should, according to theory, finish around the 100 euro.

I've sold my LTC at 129 this morning after catching a nice ride up from 116.
For now it's a no trade zone for me.

By the way I actually hope i'm wrong. Would be great to start an uptrend again.
Elliott WaveEURLTCLTCEURWave Analysis

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