1) someone asked me how I can "make sure" we were NOT getting a move to 1800 and 1625
2) better yet, how can I even see that from this position?
3) so here's a quick snap shot of my method
4) so first, we can agree short term trends lead long term trends
5) meaning, if it's bullish, the 5 day moving average should lead the 10 day
6) and the 10 should lead the 20, the 20 should lead the 50, the 50 should lead 100
7) and the 100 period MA should lead the 200 period MA and so on and on and on
8) second, we can agree that LRC works better than SMA, EMA, VWMA, whatever have you
9) if you disagree on this (LRC vs any type of MA), you're just being silly or you don't have enough experience yet