HEADER - This is the totality of evidence for "THE MOST ACCURATE PRICE FORECAST IN THE WORLD" posts I started on 10/20. The link is to the first one, #1, is below. I realized before writing #1, that I should present the evidence. But the evidence is so substantially long, it could take me a longer than month to finish. In that time, we could be on post #70 or more for this series as a whole. With that in mind, what I am about to publish is just the introductory material for this post. Since it is 10/21 today, you should come back on 11/21, when I imagine most of this should be completed as a whole.
CHART AT TOP - First, this 6-hour bar chart above will serve as the 100-day generic forecast that is the foundation of post #1. It is generic bc it has not been "detailed" for 6-hour bars. While I will no doubt present it later, I do not need it for this post OR the daily posts that are numbered starting with #1. There are 3 hi-lights above. The lightest/longest one is the 100-day. The medium one is the 50-day, which has been partially detailed. The shortest/darkest one is the hi-light for post #1, longer than a week. Trend lines are lines that are "in play".
MATERIAL BELOW - This is a discussion of historical work available on Tradingview. Due to Tradingview restriction on bar history (especially for replay of charts AND ESPECIALLY FOR SMALL BAR SIZES UNDER 3-HOUR), it's better to start with recent charts and work backward bc the majority of charts prior to September(?) 2021 do not even "replay". So providing older evidence will take AT LEAST twice as long. Whenever POSSIBLE, I will be brief to keep this post from being too long to consume. That is it for the introduction, I will add as we go.