cryptomars signal 3.0

تم تحديثه

1. In the indicator, there is an orange signal that fluctuates linearly. It is a buy signal when it goes from bottom to top. When the signal line remains in the upper position, it indicates a multi-party trend.

2. When it goes from top to bottom, it indicates a sell signal. When the signal line remains below, it indicates a sales trend.

3. Depending on the time level, when the position of the signal line changes, determine whether the current candle is completed or not according to the time level of the chart you selected to determine the signal. For example, if you select a chart level of 5 meters, then when the signal line changes, for example, it will send a sell signal from top to bottom. At this time, please do not rush to sell. You should wait for this 5 meter candlestick to complete. When the candle is over and the next candle is started, if the signal line remains in the top-down form, the sell signal is normal and you can sell it.

Because the position of the signal appears, it is the location of the sale. During the completion of the candlestick , the signal may disappear after disappearing. We only have to wait for a while to get a more stable deal.

4. The alarm setting is very simple. There are two lines in the indicator. One is the orange signal line that fluctuates up and down, and the other is the fixed zero line of “zero”.

We set it in the alarm. When the signal line passes "zero" from the top, the short signal is sent only when the candle map is completed. When the signal line passes "zero" from "up" below, the signal is sent for a long time when the candlestick is completed.

One trick, the appearance of the signal, is that the price runs in one direction for a while, so it appears at or near the bottom. Because, when we have already made a profit in the transaction, we can make a profit in advance, and we do not need to wait for the opposite signal to stop the profit and reduce the risk of profit retracement.

Because in this market, the fluctuations are very large, and the people who compete are also very fierce. What we need to do is to make every transaction as possible, and we are all profitable. If we sell and find that the price is still rising, please don't feel sorry, don't consider eating all the profits.

6. When the signal appears, in most cases, even in the impact trend, it will still run a distance in the direction of the signal, that is, you will profit, so please close the position and make a profit in time. Otherwise, when the price volatility is too small, you miss the profit point, the price starts to run in the opposite direction, and you may change from profit to loss.

BITMEX's trailing stop loss is a great feature, please use it flexibly.

7, if it is a shock trend, please try not to trade.

8. We recommend that you turn on the “cryptomars 2.0” and “cryptomars 1.0” indicators. No matter who signs the trade first, you can trade, which can help you get more profit.

9. Remember, I hope this indicator will be your powerful assistant, but please don't rely on it completely. Learning more trading knowledge and skills is even more important. Therefore, when we consider the profitable position, you can use your trading skills, MACD , KDJ, etc. to assist and profit in a more suitable position.
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نص برمجي للمستخدمين المدعوين فقط

الوصول إلى هذا النص مقيد للمستخدمين المصرح لهم من قبل المؤلف وعادة ما يكون الدفع مطلوباً. يمكنك إضافته إلى مفضلاتك، لكن لن تتمكن من استخدامه إلا بعد طلب الإذن والحصول عليه من مؤلفه. تواصل مع ADUPOWERAK للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات، أو اتبع إرشادات المؤلف أدناه.

يرجى ملاحظة أن هذا النص البرمجي الخاص هو بدعوة فقط ولم يتم تحليله بواسطة مشرفي النصوص البرمجية. لم يتم تحديد مدى امتثالها للقواعد الداخلية . لا تقترح TradingView الدفع مقابل النصوص البرمجية واستخدامها حتى تثق بنسبة 100٪ في مؤلفها وتفهم كيفية عملها. في كثير من الحالات، يمكنك العثور على بديل جيد مفتوح المصدر مجانًا في نصوص مجتمع الخاصة بنا ‎‎.

تعليمات المؤلف

هل تريد استخدام هذا النص البرمجي على الرسم البياني؟

تحذير: ‎‎‎يرجى القراءة‎‎ قبل طلب الوصول.

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