Bottoms & Tops - KR

تم تحديثه
Finds the tops & bottoms.
ملاحظات الأخبار
Update: Fixed a small error in the script.

Explanation: "S" stands for short, "L" stands for long. These are the shorts & longs that are applied to the strategy.

Arrows simply signify tops & bottoms, independent from how the strategy acts. (Sometimes the strategy won't short/long, or will reverse based on the stop loss conditions.)

Stops: They're more reversals than stops really, when a stop is reached, the strategy reverses it's position.

ملاحظات الأخبار
The settings usually need very small changes based on the exchange you're using.
ملاحظات الأخبار
Changed the default settings a bit.
ملاحظات الأخبار
This strategy is still in it's infancy, at the moment and from recent testing, I found it's best used to confirm your own TA.
I would personally not rely on it fully, especially in the crypto market. It might have good results, but that's during *normal* price action, crypto is unregulated and can be VERY volatile.
Use with caution.

This is also a very basic scratch of an idea I've had recently, I will be working on it for a while to imrpove it's accuracy and usage scenarios.
If you find anything you think isn't working as expected, please let me know!

Thank you :)
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