Dynamically Adjusting EMA Crossing

The Exponential Moving Average is the most commonly used indicator in every market. but no one can predict which pair of exponential moving average crossing will work best together. Every instrument require different EMAs crossing. It can be 2 EMA crossings or 3 EMA crossings.

Dynamically Adjusting EMA crossing tries to solve this issue. Algorithm finds the optimal EMA crossing setting for every instrument across all timeframes based on the EMA lengths provided in the settings. It evaluates the most profitable crossing combination for each instrument. The logic backtests the different combinations of EMA crossing based on the EMA lengths provided in the indicator's settings.

There are 3 EMA options in the settings Fact, Slow and Long. Indicator's Settings have the option to choose 2 EMA crossings or 3 EMA crossings.

Default Settings
Fast : 5 to 10
Slow : 13 to 19
Long : 20 to 60

Please do keep in mind that the performance of the indicator reduces as we increase the default settings range.

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