MTF BB%+ [Overlay] [Intromoto]

تم تحديثه
This indicator is based around BB%, essentially showing where deviations are within price over time. This is the overlay version, better to see the precise candle signals.

Plotshapes are printed when exiting extremes of the deviations, back towards the mean.

Arrows indicate an increased likelihood of price reverting direction. Red arrow =bearish, green arrow = bullish. Dots below candles = bullish, above candles = bearish.
Dots on the top and bottom of the candles show a sub level of reversion that would be perhaps less extreme than when price reenters the norm from the normal standard deviation.

Users can also change the timeframe of the indicator for high time frame signals.

Barcolors for plotshapes included.

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ملاحظات الأخبار
Added user inputs for plotshape variables
ملاحظات الأخبار
Added ability to change MA type
ملاحظات الأخبار
Removed oscillator plots. Prevented overlapping signals
ملاحظات الأخبار
Added alerts
ملاحظات الأخبار
Removed extraneous data points from oscillator version. Updated to v5.
ملاحظات الأخبار
Added Alerts for Purple / Orange plotshapes

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الوصول إلى هذا النص مقيد للمستخدمين المصرح لهم من قبل المؤلف وعادة ما يكون الدفع مطلوباً. يمكنك إضافته إلى مفضلاتك، لكن لن تتمكن من استخدامه إلا بعد طلب الإذن والحصول عليه من مؤلفه. تواصل مع Intromoto للحصول على مزيد من المعلومات، أو اتبع إرشادات المؤلف أدناه.

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تعليمات المؤلف

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