Moving Averages Based on Different Timeframes [QuadzCrypto]

بواسطة QuadzCrypto
==== Moving Averages Based on Different Timeframes [QuadzCrypto] ====

==== Overview ====

The "Moving Averages Based on Different Timeframes" indicator offers a method for adding up to 10 different moving averages (MA) that be defined to individuals timeframes and overlayed onto the current chart layout.

It was originally intended to see higher timeframe moving averages whilst working on a lower timeframe for analysing possible failure or success conditions related to moving averages.

The moving averages can be used against something other than close as the source but this is not recommended. Each MA can be enabled or disabled and can be set to smooth to neaten higher timeframe MA's. You can choose from all all the different common MA types and can be mixed and matched.

==== Inputs ====
- Enable MA: Tick box to enable or disable the MA
- Smooth Line: Enable or disable smoothing effect of the MA
- MA Type: Choose the MA type (EMA, SMA, WMA, HMA, RMA)
- Source: Choose the source to base the MA off (Default: Close)
- Length: Choose the length of the MA as an integer
- Timeframe: Select the timeframe the MA is to be calculated on

==== Plots ====

- MA1 through to MA10 which plot the defined MA's

==== Style ====

- All MA plot lines can have colours and line styles and sizes to be changed

==== Application ====

This has been coded to see multiple timeframe MA's regardless of what chart layout timeframe is current on display. Please not on certain chart layouts it will be impossible to display the MA as it cannot be calculated, in this case the lines will simply not be drawn.

==== Disclaimer ====

This indicator is for educational purposes only and should not be construed as financial advice. Trading involves risk, and you should consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any trading decisions.
educationalMoving Averagesmultitimeframe

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