This is combo strategies for get a cumulative signal. First strategy This indicator plots 2/20 exponential moving average. For the Mov Avg X 2/20 Indicator, the EMA bar will be painted when the Alert criteria is met. Second strategy The Accelerator Oscillator has been developed by Bill Williams as the development of the Awesome Oscillator. It...
This is a modified version of Bill Williams' Accelerator. The Accelerator measures the difference between the Awesome Oscillator(another Williams indicator) and its 5 day SMA. This script plots 2 accelerators rather than 1. Users can define the lengths of the fast and slow SMA's used in the Awesome Oscillator calculation by adjusting the options in the input...
This indicator was originally developed by Bill M. Williams. Also known as Acceleration/Deceleration Oscillator.
The Accelerator Oscillator has been developed by Bill Williams as the development of the Awesome Oscillator. It represents the difference between the Awesome Oscillator and the 5-period moving average, and as such it shows the speed of change of the Awesome Oscillator, which can be useful to find trend reversals before the Awesome Oscillator does. You...
buy when bars turns from red to middle green and sale when values become middle red do not wrok on side move