Ichimoku Kinkō hyō Keizen 改善
The script is not finnished yet and show's an other interpretation of how it could be scripted
Step -1 is complete... Basic Ichimoku with asjutable length and editable lines colors and visibilities.
Step -2 in progress... Adding ability to une multiple Spans, sens and Kumo on higher and lower timeframe.
Your Step : Like and Share ;) have a good year 2020 !
2020-01-06 /--------/ -R.V.
مؤشر أعلى وأدنى سعر
High Low YesterdayMy friends, this is a very simple script, but it has some work to function the way it currently does.
Basically it prints the HIGH and LOW from previous day into the current day. This forms like a channel.
It's useful to visually detect when the price cross over the yesterday's high, or close under yesterday's low.
You can activate/deactivate colors as input parameter:
- Price above a previous high: fills green.
- Price below a previous low: fills red.
- Price inside previous low/high: fills blue.
Hope this helps to you too.
This only works for intraday resolutions only (less than 1D)
More to come: I'm working to include pre-market low/high for the current trading day.
High/Low Weekly TimeframeI'm testing a simple but useful indicator that plots the high and low for the current week. The time-frame can be selected by the user.
It's useful when you're trading in a smaller time-frame (example: 1H or 4H) to know exactly the weekly low and high, and whether the price breaks above or below this price lines.
This indicator allows you:
- To select the desired time-frame to get the Low and High.
- To print an optional EMA for the same time-frame.
- To optionally change the bar-color when the close price crosses above the weekly high or crosses below the weekly low.
Hope this helps you to visually identify price movements.
If you like this script please give me a like and comment below.
[RD] Easy Fibonacci Channels==================================================================
October 21 2019 - Easy Fibonacci Channels - by RootDuk
Easy adaptable fibonacci channels. By changing the levels you can adapt
the lines as needed. There's also global params to use for horizontal and
vertical scaling.
None so far
Non so far
This is a little, simple script I made upon request from a user.
It shows the highs ad lows of up to three custom timelines (e. g. 60 min, 30 min and 15 min) within a chart.
Dies ist ein kleines, einfaches Skript, das ich auf Anfrage eines Nutzers erstellt habe.
Es zeigt die Hochs und Tiefs von bis zu drei individueller Zeitreihen (z. B. 60 min, 30 min und 15 min) innerhalb eines Charts.
Week High MTFSimple script to plot weekly data into your chart and as example how MTF works in pine script.
I use it for the 52 week high but you can choose other sources as well f.e. HL2 or close to reduce noise from wicks, also define your own length.
Liquidation Points for 50 and 100 Leverage V1First basic cut for all those who get liquidated.
The theory behind the liquidation system for Bitmex, shows an estimate where other trader's liquidation prices might be and ultimately how one can exploit other trader's losses for one's own gain.
I have left the code for the x25 leverage level if you wish to use.
If you wish to understand the theory more go to www.youtube.com
I have used vitvlkv’s Day/Low Code to assist in the calculations -
If somebody could improve on this. It would be great. Thanks
[RD] LCS - line channels (basic) v3 - [republish]==================================================================
July 18 2019 - LCS - line channels (basic) by RootDuk
Version : v3 - read the notes
Easy script to draw channels based on ie. GANN using the following
input params
- ibback : barsback to search for high and low
- ffactor : factor to up/downscale the lines
- oextend : extend lines, left, right, both, none
- bshowline : show horizontal lines yes/no
- bsshowdown : show diag down lines yes/no
- bsshowup : show diag up lines yes/no
- bshowindm : show index marker, where is you current ibback
When you use this code, pls let me know where and how you used it
as iam always curious what some can do with it. Thanks!
v2 - July 17 2019
- Removed support wallets from source code. I think the source
- has been deleted because of this, find no other clue.
v3 - July 18 2019
- Republish
[RD] high / low lines pv4 v1==================================================================
July 7 2019 - high / low lines pv4 v1 - by RootDuk
Easy script to draw some lines on the input variable barsback.
You can extend the lines on the sides: left, right, both or none.
With the show variables (bools) you can show or hide the lines
Lines: high to high, low to low, high to low or low to high
Easy way to find support / resistance based on the past with
extended lines. Cheers and enjoy
Hope TV (pinescript) will get color inputs for line or a type color so we can
easily create inputs for colors for lines. Now its static. If someone knows
another way, pls let me know, i'll integrate it
Non so far v1
Session AverageThis indicator finds the average time of High or Low formed in sessions.
This is a request from trader @Salmanmahmood15 . You need permission from him to fully use it
MONDAY HIGH LOW OPEN CLOSEMarks the monday HLOC of the day ill try to update it to mark all the week with mondays HLOC and use a rectangle in stead of lines
Max/Min by ResolutionIndicador que plota no gráfico as máximas e mínimas de acordo com um período selecionado.
Highs & LowsHigh and Lows Script.
For all the price action lovers out there.
Hope you all enjoy.
Assassin OHLCshow yesterday Daily high and low ,close(today's open).
You can save It yourself for change show last value.
Pine script limit change the length from configure.
New Highs-Lows AMEX-Buschi
This indicator shows the AMEX's up volume (green) and down volume (red).
Extreme trading days with more than 90 % up or down volume are marked via lines (theoretically values) and triangles (breaches).
Dieser Indikator zeigt das Aufwärts- (grün) und Abwärts-Volumen (rot) der AMEX.
Extreme Handelstage mit mehr als 90 % Aufwärts- oder Abwärts-Volumen ist gekennzeichnet über Linien (theoretische Werte) und Dreiecke (Überschreitungen).
New Highs-Lows NASDAQ-Buschi
This indicator shows the NASDAQ's new highs (green) and new lows (red).
Extreme trading days with more than 99 % new highs relative to new lows vice versa are marked via lines (theoretically values) and triangles (breaches).
Dieser Indikator zeigt die neuen Hochs (grün) und neuen Tiefs (rot) der NASDAQ.
Extreme Handelstage mit mehr als 99 % neuen Hochs relativ zu den neuen Tiefs und andersherum sind gekennzeichnet über Linien (theoretische Werte) und Dreiecke (Überschreitungen).
New Highs-Lows NYSE-Buschi
This indicator shows the NYSE's new highs (green) and new lows (red).
Extreme trading days with more than 99 % new highs relative to new lows vice versa are marked via lines (theoretically values) and triangles (breaches).
Dieser Indikator zeigt die neuen Hochs (grün) und neuen Tiefs (rot) der NYSE.
Extreme Handelstage mit mehr als 99 % neuen Hochs relativ zu den neuen Tiefs und andersherum sind gekennzeichnet über Linien (theoretische Werte) und Dreiecke (Überschreitungen).
Real Price for Heikin Ashi ChartsThe indicator is in the top left of the screen! That's all there is, by design.
This is a super simple indicator that allows you to see what the real price of a candle was when using Heikin Ashi charts, while not cluttering up your screen.
HA charts are a great way to help those who can be spooked by the chaos of the markets (I'm one!), but they have a big drawback in that the price you see on a HA candle is often significantly different from the real price that you would trade on. This brings issues of unrealistic expectations of profits/losses, and also makes back testing a strategy very difficult. I still wouldn't recommend ever using TradingView's "strategy" tool when using HA charts, but using this indicator you can do accurate manual back tests.
There's nothing plotted on the screen given that there's no real point in it, but you can make the lines appear if you wish - just go into settings and change the transparency.
The order of the numbers on the indicator match the OHLC (Open, High, Low, Close) format.
There's also settings to turn off one or more of the OHLC values, simply open the settings and go to Inputs. This could be useful for some people, as the High and Low values of HA candles are the same as regular candles. Only the Open and Close are different.
Any queries let me know.