ANN Next Coming Candlestick Forecast SPX 1D v1.0WARNING:
Experimental and incomplete.
Script is open to development and will be developed.
This is just version 1.0
This script is trained according to the open, close, high and low values of the bars.
It is tried to predict the future values of opening, closing, high and low values.
A few simple codes were used to correlate expectation with current values. (You can see between line 129 - 159 )
Therefore, they are all individually trained.
You can see in functions.
The average training error of each variable is less than 0.011.
This script is designed for experimental use on S & P 500 and connected instruments only on 1-day bars.
The Plotcandle function is inspired by the following script of alexgrover :
Since we estimate the next values, our error rates should be much lower for all candlestick values. This is just first version to show logic.
I will continue to look for other variables to reach average error = 0.001 - 0.005 for each candlestick status.
Feel free to use and improve , this is open-source.
Best regards.
[PX] M/W/D LevelHey guys,
this script shows monthly, weekly and daily OHLC data represented as horizontal level.
I tried to make it as user-friendly as possible. Therefore, you can add different colors and styles for each level, as well as turn them on and off.
With the "Label Offset" -parameter you are in control where the label text should appear. You can shift it from left to right and vice-versa. To shift it to the left choose a negative value. To shift it to the right use a positive one.
This best setting for me personally is the "Candle Selection" -dropdown. This allows you to decide wether you want to show the previous candles OHLC-data or the current live OHLC-data.
!!CAUTION!! If you use the "Current Month/Week/Day" -selection be aware that values shown are "live"-data of the current candle. Therefore, values will change the same way your chart keeps changing on live data.
The "Previous Month/Week/Day" -selection on the other hand is historical data and therefore only changes once we reached a new month/week/day.
If you like my work, consider leaving a like :)
Happy trading!
CoT Absolute Percent-Buschi
I'm often asked to provide an alternate view on the CoT data. For example, the indicator "Commercial index" is an oscillator from 0 to 100, but oftentimes it can be helpful to look at the absolute position. So, here the absolute position of certain parts of the CoT report are given, alongside with the percentage of a given time frame to put them in place.
The inputs are:
CoT Part Number ('1' for Commercials Short, '2' for Commercials Long, '3' for Commercials Netto, '4' for Large Speculators Short, '5' for Large Speculators Long, '6' for Large Speculators Netto, '7' for Small Speculators Short, '8' for Small Speculators Long, '9' for Small Speculators Netto, '10' for Open Interest)
Review Period (in years, just used for the percentage)
Percent Line 1, 2, 3, 4 (just to provide some lines which can be altered as required)
DISCLAIMER: I'm aware of Pine Script's ability to provide options as inputs (which would be much nicer for the CoT Parts). Alas, it is only available since version 3, and I noticed that for some reason the CoT data is not correctly adjusted to last Tuesday when using higher versions than 1. If someone knows a solution, please contact me.
Ich werde oft gefragt, eine alternative Sicht auf die CoT-Daten zu geben. Der Indikator "Commercial Index" zum Beispiel schwankt als Oszillator zwischen 0 und 100, aber oft kann der Blick auf die absolute Positionierung hilfreich sein. Also werden hier die Absolutpositionen verschiedene CoT-Bestandteile wiedergegeben, zusammen mit einer prozentualen Einteilung über eine vorgegebene Zeitspanne, um sie einordnen zu können.
The Eingaben lauten:
CoT Part Number ('1' Commercials Short, '2' Commercials Long, '3' Commercials Netto, '4' Large Speculators Short, '5' Large Speculators Long, '6' Large Speculators Netto, '7' Snall Speculators Short, '8' Small Speculators Long, '9' Small Speculators Netto, '10' Open Interest)
Review Period (Zeitintervall in Jahren, um die Prozentlinien zeichnen zu können)
Percent Line 1, 2, 3, 4 (um die Prozentlinien zur Verfügung zu stellen, die dann beliebig geändert werden können)
DISCLAIMER: Ich weiß über die Möglichkeit Bescheid, ab Pine Script Version 3 Optionen als Eingaben benutzen zu können (was deutlich angenehmer für die CoT-Bestandteile wäre). Leider habe ich gemerkt, dass die CoT-Daten bei Versionen über 1 leider nicht korrekt auf letzten Dienstag adjustiert werden, keine Ahnung warum. Falls jemand eine Lösung kennt, bitte kontaktieren.
Open Interest Rank-BuschiEnglish:
One part of the "Commitment of Traders-Report" is the Open Interest which is shown in this indicator (source: Quandl database).
Unlike my also published indicator "Open Interest-Buschi", the values here are not absolute but in a ranking system from 0 to 100 with individual time frames-
The following futures are included:
30-year Bonds (ZB)
10-year Notes ( ZN )
Soybeans (ZS)
Soybean Meal (ZM)
Soybean Oil (ZL)
Corn ( ZC )
Soft Red Winter Wheat (ZW)
Hard Red Winter Wheat (KE)
Lean Hogs (HE)
Live Cattle ( LE )
Gold ( GC )
Silver (SI)
Copper (HG)
Crude Oil ( CL )
Heating Oil (HO)
RBOB Gasoline ( RB )
Natural Gas ( NG )
Australian Dollar (A6)
British Pound (B6)
Canadian Dollar (D6)
Euro (E6)
Japanese Yen (J6)
Swiss Franc (S6)
Sugar ( SB )
Coffee (KC)
Cocoa ( CC )
Cotton ( CT )
S&P 500 E-Mini (ES)
Russell 2000 E-Mini (RTY)
Dow Jones Industrial Mini (YM)
Nasdaq 100 E-Mini (NQ)
Platin (PL)
Palladium (PA)
Aluminium (AUP)
Steel ( HRC )
Ethanol (AEZ)
Brent Crude Oil (J26)
Rice (ZR)
Oat (ZO)
Milk (DL)
Orange Juice (JO)
Lumber (LS)
Feeder Cattle (GF)
S&P 500 ( SP )
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (DJIA)
New Zealand Dollar (N6)
Ein Bestandteil des "Commitment of Traders-Report" ist das Open Interest, das in diesem Indikator dargestellt wird (Quelle: Quandl Datenbank).
Anders als in meinem ebenfalls veröffentlichten Indikator "Open Interest-Buschi" werden hier nicht die absoluten Werte dargestellt, sondern in einem Ranking-System von 0 bis 100 mit individuellen Zeitrahmen.
Folgende Futures sind enthalten:
30-jährige US-Staatsanleihen (ZB)
10-jährige US-Staatsanleihen ( ZN )
Sojabohnen-Mehl (ZM)
Sojabohnen-Öl (ZL)
Mais( ZC )
Soft Red Winter-Weizen (ZW)
Hard Red Winter-Weizen (KE)
Magerschweine (HE)
Lebendrinder ( LE )
Gold ( GC )
Silber (SI)
Rohöl ( CL )
Heizöl (HO)
Benzin ( RB )
Erdgas ( NG )
Australischer Dollar (A6)
Britisches Pfund (B6)
Kanadischer Dollar (D6)
Euro (E6)
Japanischer Yen (J6)
Schweizer Franken (S6)
Zucker ( SB )
Kaffee (KC)
Kakao ( CC )
Baumwolle ( CT )
S&P 500 E-Mini (ES)
Russell 2000 E-Mini (RTY)
Dow Jones Industrial Mini (YM)
Nasdaq 100 E-Mini (NQ)
Platin (PL)
Palladium (PA)
Aluminium (AUP)
Stahl ( HRC )
Ethanol (AEZ)
Brent Rohöl (J26)
Reis (ZR)
Hafer (ZO)
Milch (DL)
Orangensaft (JO)
Holz (LS)
Mastrinder (GF)
S&P 500 ( SP )
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (DJIA)
Neuseeland Dollar (N6)
Open Interest-Buschi
One part of the "Commitment of Traders-Report" is the Open Interest which is shown in this indicator (source: Quandl database).
The following futures are included:
30-year Bonds (ZB)
10-year Notes (ZN)
Soybeans (ZS)
Soybean Meal (ZM)
Soybean Oil (ZL)
Corn (ZC)
Soft Red Winter Wheat (ZW)
Hard Red Winter Wheat(KE)
Lean Hogs (HE)
Live Cattle (LE)
Gold (GC)
Silver (SI)
Copper (HG)
Crude Oil (CL)
Heating Oil (HO)
RBOB Gasoline (RB)
Natural Gas (NG)
Australian Dollar (A6)
British Pound (B6)
Canadian Dollar (D6)
Euro (E6)
Japanese Yen (J6)
Swiss Franc (S6)
Sugar (SB)
Coffee (KC)
Cocoa (CC)
Cotton (CT)
S&P 500 E-Mini (ES)
Russell 2000 E-Mini (RTY)
Dow Jones Industrial Mini (YM)
Nasdaq 100 E-Mini (NQ)
Platin (PL)
Palladium (PA)
Aluminium (AUP)
Steel (HRC)
Ethanol (AEZ)
Brent Crude Oil (J26)
Rice (ZR)
Oat (ZO)
Milk (DL)
Orange Juice (JO)
Lumber (LS)
Feeder Cattle (GF)
S&P 500 (SP)
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (DJIA)
New Zealand Dollar (N6)
Ein Bestandteil des "Commitment of Traders-Report" ist das Open Interest, das in diesem Indikator dargestellt wird (Quelle: Quandl Datenbank).
Folgende Futures sind enthalten:
30-jährige US-Staatsanleihen (ZB)
10-jährige US-Staatsanleihen (ZN)
Sojabohnen-Mehl (ZM)
Sojabohnen-Öl (ZL)
Soft Red Winter-Weizen (ZW)
Hard Red Winter-Weizen (KE)
Magerschweine (HE)
Lebendrinder (LE)
Gold (GC)
Silber (SI)
Rohöl (CL)
Heizöl (HO)
Benzin (RB)
Erdgas (NG)
Australischer Dollar (A6)
Britisches Pfund (B6)
Kanadischer Dollar (D6)
Euro (E6)
Japanischer Yen (J6)
Schweizer Franken (S6)
Zucker (SB)
Kaffee (KC)
Kakao (CC)
Baumwolle (CT)
S&P 500 E-Mini (ES)
Russell 2000 E-Mini (RTY)
Dow Jones Industrial Mini (YM)
Nasdaq 100 E-Mini (NQ)
Platin (PL)
Palladium (PA)
Aluminium (AUP)
Stahl (HRC)
Ethanol (AEZ)
Brent Rohöl (J26)
Reis (ZR)
Hafer (ZO)
Milch (DL)
Orangensaft (JO)
Holz (LS)
Mastrinder (GF)
S&P 500 (SP)
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (DJIA)
Neuseeland Dollar (N6)
Previous OHLC LevelsQuick dirty code for personal use. Plots previous OHLC levels based on a selected time-frame on the chart.
Not bad if you want to see different time-frame levels.
Fill function can serve to highlight the daily range (high-low or open-close) on non-standard charts
Uses base code from JayRogers
Range: OHLC vs Previous OHLCThis will plot your choice of OHLC (or any of the averaging choices) of the current candle compared to the previous candle.
For example if you choose "high" for the input and set the chart to daily, you'll see the currently daily high vs the previous daily high.
Green candle represent a higher high and the length of the candle represents how much higher.
Red candles represent a lower high than the previous day and the length is by how much lower.
This indicator is pretty straight forward, look for me to build on this with something a little more elaborate in the near future.
Bitfinex Sentiment Index [Long-Short]BSI provides two attractive graphs that breakdown the long (green area) and short (red area) positions ratio for the all Bitfinex margin cryptocurrency pairs only .
It is a quantitative measure of the bullishness or bearishness that can be used as a trading rule or in a trading system entries or exits. Included slow stochastic oscillator.
Open Close Cross Strategy // Real Back Test // Not goodI changed close series because, close series doing repaint.
I changed the near series with the previous open series .
but can use for sup and resistance
Daily ATR CaveSimilar to the RSI Cave idea, this plots daily Average True Range values on lower timeframes, as well as the daily open level, which is show as a grey dotted line. Basically a simple way to visualise basic mean reversion stuff
Yesterday Line: Lines at Yesterday's Open, Close, High, and Lowcreated by AutemOx
twitter: @joyrider5
reddit: /u/joyrider5
This creates lines at yesterdays open, close, high, and low. It is pretty amazing use of the timenow and dayofweek variables if I say so myself 8)
Market Hours PSTI modified following script for PST time users.
And also, it has only major 4 time zones (London/NewYork/Sydney/Tokyo), and supports 4H/1H/30M/15M/5M scales.
Gazzaahh~ TechFXC :-b
Previous Daily Open/High/Low/CloseThis indicator plots the previous day's open, high, low and close levels on the chart
Published by Luke (
MTF Previous Open/Close/RangeThis indicator will simply plot on your chart the Daily/Weekly/Monthly previous candle levels.
The "Auto" mode will allow automatic adjustment of timeframe displayed according to your chart.
Otherwise you can select manually.
Indicator plots the open/close and colors the high-low range area in the background.
Hope this simple indicator will help you !
You can check my indicators via my TradingView's Profile : @PRO_Indicators
Open/Close Vertical Line by WiscoDishOpen and close lines. I used a 4 minute timeframe, so the open price goes on 08:28-08:32 central time for the 8:30 open. You can change those times if you want, just copy/paste the script and edit.
Open Close Cross Alert R6 by JustUncleLThis revision of this indicator is an Open Public release. The indicator alert based on JayRogers "Open Close Cross Strategy R2" and is used in conjunction with the revised "Open Close Cross Strategy R5".
This indicator alert created for TradingView alarm sub-system (via the alertcondition() function, which currently does not work in a "Strategy" script). Also this indicator plots the Difference Factor between the Close and Open Moving Averages, this gives a good indication of strength of move. Also included in this release is optional Divergence finder with variable width channel.
Open Close Cross Strategy R5 revised by JustUncleLThis revision is an open Public release, with just some minor changes. It is a revision of the Strategy "Open Close Cross Strategy R2" originally published by @JayRogers.
JayRogers : "There are drawing/painting issues in pinescript when working across resolutions/timeframes that I simply cannot fix here.. I will not be putting any further effort into developing this until such a time when workarounds become available."
NOTE: Re-painting has not been observed with the default set up, nor with Alternate resolution multiplier up to 5.
Strategy based around Open-Close Moving Average Crossovers optionally from a higher time frame.
I have generally found that setting the strategy resolution to 3-5x that of the chart you are viewing tends to yield the best results, regardless of which MA option you may choose (if any) BUT can cause a lot of false positives - be aware of this. JustUncleL: using one of the Smoothed MA helps reduce false positives.
Don't aim for perfection. Just aim to get a reasonably snug fit with the O-C band, with good runs of green and red. JustUncleL: using SMMA (8 to 10) gives a good fit.
Option to either use basic open and close series data, or pick your poison with a wide array of MA types.
Optional Stop Loss and Target Profit for damage mitigation if desired (can be toggled on/off)
Positions get taken automatically following a crossover - which is why it's better to set the resolution of the script greater than that of your chart, so that the trades get taken sooner rather than later.
If you make use of the stops/target profit, be sure to take your time tweaking the values. Cutting it too fine will cost you profits but keep you safer, while letting them loose could lead to more draw down than you can handle.
Revsion R5 Changes by JustUncleL
Corrected cross over calculations, sometimes gave false signals.
Corrected Alternate Time calculation to allow for Daily,Weekly and Monthly charts.
Open Public release.
Revision R4 By JustUncleL
Change the way the Alternate resolution in selected, use a Multiplier of the base Time Frame instead, this makes it easy to switch between base time frames.
Added TMA and SSMA moving average options. But DEMA is still giving the best results.
Using "calc_on_every_tick=false" ensures results between back testing and real time are similar.
Added Option to Disable the coloring of the bars.
Updated default settings.
R3 Changes by JustUncleL:
Returned a simplified version of the open/close channel, it shows strength of current trend.
Added Target Profit Option.
Added option to reduce the number of historical bars, overcomes the too many trades limit error.
Simplified the strategy code.
Removed Trailing Stop option, not required and in my option does not work well in Trading View, it also gives false and unrealistic performance results in back testing.
R2 Changes by @JayRogers:
Simplified and cleaned up plotting, now just shows a Moving Average derived from the average of open/close.
Tried very hard to alleviate painting issues caused by referencing alternate resolution.
Pivots Daily Weekly Monthly YearlyDaily, Weekly, Monthly and yearly pivot lines
Just the pivot lines without the support and resistance lines
[RS]Open Range Breakout V3Request for DCC/coondawg71
added support for using session.
theres a issue with the session it needs to have the format inverted:
(start-end) to (end-start)
'0000-1500' to '1500-0000'