CM_Donchian Channels Modified_V2_Lower_Alert***This Indicator was created by user Request to Add Alerts Capabilities for Donchian Channels.
New Features:
***Alerts Work - Ability To Create Alerts From Main Indicator.
***Can Also Be Used In Conjunction with Upper Indicator - CM_Donchian Channels Modified_V2 With Alert Capability
***Added Ability To Turn On/Off Highlight Bars.
***Added Ability to Turn On/Off Donch Channel Midline
***Added Ability to Turn On/Off Triangles That Plot At Top and Bottom Of Chart When Breakout Condition is TRUE.
Special Indicator Features:
***Ability To Use Different LookBack Period on Upper and Lower Donch Channel Lines.
How To Create Alerts:
***Create Alert by selecting Indicator - Either the name of the Upper Or Lower Indicator...
***Then select either Alert Breakout Upside or Downside(To The Right Of Indicator Name)
***Select Greater Than
***Select Value
***For Value put .99
Original Post Explaining Indicator is -
***If You Need Help Getting Custom Indicators to Trigger Alerts then View This Post.
CM ATR Stops/Bands - Multi-TimeFrameCM_MTF ATR Bands/Stops
Many Options Available Via Input Tab:
-Chart Defaults to Upper and Lower ATR's Based on Current Chart TimeFrame
-Ability to Plot either Upper and/or Lower ATR's
-Ability to Change the Time Frame ATR's are Based On!
-Ability to change Look Back Period and ATR Multiplier Individually for Both Time Frames
-This Gives you the ability to plot same Time Frame with (for ex.) a 5 ATR with a 1.5 Mult and a 14 ATR with a 2.0 Mult etc.
-Or you can plot Daily ATR's on a 60 minute Chart etc.
-ATR Multipliers are Calculated with Code that allows "Non Whole Numbers" Allowing Ability to use 1.5 ATR's, 1.8 ATR's etc.
***Endless # of Combinations can be used!!!!
CM_ADX_V1ADX System Overview
So I Came Across Another Trading System for Only $997. However, if you purchased in the next 24hours the whole system could be Yours For Only $497.
So I decided to Code it. This is only Version 1, and I discuss in the Video What I’ve found so for, some plans for Version 2 of the indicator, and I ask for your feedback on anything you find.
Indicators used in System:
CM_DI_Plus_Minus_V1 (Indicator On Bottom).
CM_ADX_V1 (Indicator On 2nd Pane).
CM_Gann_Swing_Hi_Lo (Indicator on Price Pane). This Indicator was published before…Link Below.
In Video I go over settings and how to customize charts.
Link To Video:
Link To Downloadable PDF Shown in Video:
CM_Ultimate_MA_MTF_V2CM_Ultimate_MA_MTF_V2 - Added Tilson T3
Defaults to Current Timeframe on Chart.
Ability to Plot 2nd Moving Average.
Ability to set Moving Averages to Custom Chart TimeFrame. Example Daily Ma on 60 Minute chart. Many Different Options from Weekly to 1 Minute.
Ability to Plot Cross where Moving Averages Cross (If using 2nd Moving Average).
Ability to Plot Highlight Bars when Price Crosses 1st Moving Average, or 2nd MA.
Moving Averages Supported in Inputs Tab
SMA - Simple Moving Average
EMA - Exponential Moving Average
WMA - Weighted Moving Average
HullMA - Hull Moving Average
VWMA - Volume Weighted Moving Average
RMA - Moving Average used in RSI - Similar to EMA
TEMA - Triple Exponential Moving Average
Tilson T3 - Tilson T3 Moving Average
CM_DI_Plus_MinusADX System Overview
So I Came Across Another Trading System for Only $997. However, if you purchased in the next 24hours the whole system could be Yours For Only $497.
So I decided to Code it. This is only Version 1, and I discuss in the Video What I’ve found so for, some plans for Version 2 of the indicator, and I ask for your feedback on anything you find.
Indicators used in System:
CM_DI_Plus_Minus_V1 (Indicator On Bottom).
CM_ADX_V1 (Indicator On 2nd Pane).
CM_Gann_Swing_Hi_Lo (Indicator on Price Pane). This Indicator was published before…Link Below.
In Video I go over settings and how to customize charts.
Link To Video:
Link To Downloadable PDF Shown in Video:
CM_DayOfWeek All Instruments V2Updated Code That Highlights Bars Based On Days Of The Week.
Works On Daily and Intra-Day Bars.
Works on All Instruments. Stocks, Forex, Futures, Bitcoin.
Shows Correct Trading Sessions!!!
Ability to Turn On/Off Each Day Of The Week via Inputs Panel.
CM_Stochastic Highlight BarsCM_Stoch Highlight Bars
belgusinc Wanted to Know How To Create Highlight Bars based on Stochastic Bars Being Overbought/Oversold
Ability to turn On/Off Crosses Only Above or Below High/Low Lines.
User sets Values Of High/Low lines. (Determines how highlight Bars are plotted, Based on the Value of the High/Low lines.
Ability to turn On/Off All Crosses, Both BackGround Highlights and “B”, “S” Letters.
Ability to turn On/Off BackGround Highlights if Stoch is Above Or Below High/Low Lines.
Ability to All or Any Combination of these Features.
Lower Indicator
CM Stochastic Multi-TimeFrameMulti TimeFrame Stochastic Loaded With Features.
Ability to turn On/Off Crosses Only Above or Below High/Low Lines.
User sets Values Of High/Low lines.
Ability to turn On/Off All Crosses, Both BackGround Highlights and “B”, “S” Letters.
Ability to turn On/Off BackGround Highlights if Stoch is Above Or Below High/Low Lines.
Ability to All or Any Combination of these Features.
Multi Timeframe Capabilities:
Stoch defaults to current timeframe. You can change to many other timeframes.
Ability to turn On/Off Plotting 2nd Stoch on same TimeFrame with different settings
Ability to turn On/Off Plotting 2nd Stoch on Different TimeFrame
Much More…All Inputs and Options are Adjustable in Inputs Tab.
CM_Pivot Points Daily To IntradayNew Pivots Indicator With Options for Daily, 4 Hour, 2 Hour, 1 Hour, 30 Minute Pivot Levels!
Great for Forex Traders! - Take a Look at Chart with Weekly, Daily, and 4 Hour levels. Weekly Pivots Indicator is separate - Link is Below.
Plot one Pivot Level or Multiple at the Same Time via Check Boxes in the Inputs tab.
Defaults to 4 Hour Pivot Levels - Adjust in Inputs Tab.
S3 and R3 are turned off by Default - You can Activate Them In The Inputs Tab.
These Intraday Options were Requested By Users Using My CM_ Pivots Point Custom Indicator that Plots Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, and Yearly Pivot Levels. Link is Below.
Now Both Longer-Term Traders and Shorter Term Traders Have All The Pivot Levels They Need. From Yearly Levels All The Way Down to 30 Minute Levels!
***The Candles On The Chart Are Custom Heikin-Ashi Paint Bars. Link is Below
CM_ Pivot Points Custom
Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly Pivot Levels
Heikin-Ashi Paint Bars
CM Willams %R and CCI BackGround HighlightCM_Willams %R and CCI BackGround Highlight
Created By User Request
Indicator Highlights:
Creates Red BackGround Highlight if CCI Or Williams %R are Above Upper Line (User Defined)
Creates Green BackGround Highlight if CCI Or Williams %R are Below Lower Line (User Defined)
Ability to Turn On/Off either Williams %R or CCI Highlights in Inputs Tab via Check Boxes.
Ability To Set All Parameters for CCI and Williams %R in Inputs Tab.
Ability to Set High/Low “Threshold” Lines for Both CCI and Williams %R in Inputs Tab.
***I was asked if you could plot Back Ground Highlights on Two Individual Indicators AND have it show if BOTH Indicators were Overbought and Oversold.
***The answer is Yes. On the Chart Above I have the same Shade of Red and Green for Both Indicators. However, you will notice when Both Indicators Show OverBought…Both Plot Red Back Ground Highlights Which = a Brighter Red. The same is True for Oversold Conditions. The Green Shows a Brighter Shade of Green.
***VERY IMPORTANT - It is difficult for a programmer to release Indicators with this feature because depending on what color background you use on your charts…THE COLORS LOOK COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. So If You Don’t Use The Black Back Ground Shown Above You Most Likely Will Need To Adjust The Transparency, and Possibly The Colors Themselves!!!!
Reference Page
TimWest Long Short FiltersTimWest Long Short Filters
Indicator Has 3 Separate Filters that Create Green(Bullish) or Red(Bearish) BackGround Highlights
If Price is Above or Below a certain LookBack Period - Tim Defaults to 63 on Daily Chart to Quickly View if Price is Above or Below it’s Price 1 Quarter Ago.
A Simple Moving Average Filter - Tim Defaults to 50 SMA and 200 SMA also known as the “Golden Cross”.
A Exponential Moving Average Filter - For Those Who Want To View Shorter Term Market Swings. Defaults to 50 EMA and 100 EMA used By Chuck Hughes, 7 Time World Trading Champion. Chuck Claims the 50/100 EMA's Show the Earliest Change in Market Direction the Equal - Sustainable Moves
Inputs Tab has Checkboxes to Turn On/Off any of the 3 Filters Above.
Reference Chart Post
CM Sling Shot SystemSling Shot System + Even Better System.
I get this email about a Trend Following System that sells for $1000 but I could get it that day for only $500!!!
I watch the video showing this Amazing System which may have taken me an entire minute to figure out the code.
I code it up. And Hey…It’s not a bad system. It’s good for people who may need a Entry Signal to get them in a Trending Move, and KEEP them in a Trending Move while providing a defined Stop.
So I thought I would save the community the Very Fair price of Only $500 for a system that consists of a couple of EMA’s and a few Rules…and give it to you for free.
See Link Below for Main Chart Showing 2nd System!!!
CM Gann Swing High Low V2CM Gann Swing High Low V2
Added Improvements:
Used PineScript “linebr" code so solid lines plot only when condition = true.
Via Inputs Tab:
Ability to Turn On/Off Highlight Bars When Crossing Above/Below Swing High Low
Ability to Turn On/Off Back Ground Highlights When Crossing Above/Below Swing High Low
Ability to Turn On/Off linebr plots.
Other Features: All Available Via Inputs Tab
Ability to Adjust Moving Average Values to adjust Sensitivity.
Ability to Turn On/Off Triangles Above/Below Bars based on Indicator.
Ability to Turn On/Off Triangles at Top And Bottom Of Screen Showing Direction of Indicator.
***Basically you have Option to View Indicator about every way possible.
***Special Thanks to Glaz for Original Code.
CM Percent Move Upper V1CM Percent Move Upper V1 .... Goes With the Lower Indicator
Created by ChrisMoody on 9/3/2014 by Request from vlad.adrian
**Plots A BackGround Highlight if % Move is Greater or Equal to User Input
** % Move is based on Close of Current Bar Compared to Close of Previous Bar
CM Percent Move Lower V1CM Percent Move Lower V1
Created by ChrisMoody on 9/3/2014 by Request from vlad.adrian
**Plots the percent move based on the Close of Bar Compared to the Close of Previous Bar
**If Bar closes Up then Histogram is Green, If Bar Closes Down Histogram is Red.
**Ability to Show/Hide Background Highlights, Horizontal Lines, % Histogram, and SMA of Percent Moves
CM Opening Range-Asia and Europe SessionCM Opening Range Asia AndEurope Sessions
Requested by rayhug1 to use Asia Range of 5pm Est to 2am Est...uses 540 minutes (5pm to 2am Est — 9 Hours) to calculate the Range...then breakouts trigger after 2am
-Ability to change Start and End Times to use any entire session.
---Defaults to 540 minutes (9 hours) but Opening Range Calculation can be changed to 1 hour, 2 hour etc. in Inputs tab
***Known Bug…Currently will NOT Plot accurately the U.S. Session from 0800 to 0759. Will Update Indicator when Fixed.
-Ability to Change the Start and End Times to Accommodate any session.
—Default is 1700 to 1659 (Asian Range)
—Europe Session 0200 to 0159
***All times are based on New York Time or Eastern Standard time … GMT-5
***Times will change based on Daylight Savings Time.
CM_Ultimate RSI Multi Time FrameAvailable Options on Inputs Tab!!!
RSI with ability to change first RSI to a different Time Frame.(Defaults To Current Chart Time Frame).
Ability To Turn On/Off Background Highlighting if First RSI is Above/Below 70 or 30 Lines.
Ability To Turn On/Off Background Highlighting When First RSI Crosses Above 30 Or Below 70.
Ability To Turn On/Off "B" Or "S" When First RSI Crosses Above 30 Or Below 70.
Ability To Turn On/Off Mid -Line Plot.
Option To Plot 2nd RSI to show different Time Frames on same chart!!!
Ability To Use Different Look Back Period If You Plot 2nd RSI.
CM_Enhanced CCI V2Added 0 Line, + - 200 lines
Added a line that hi-lights the outside of the CCI
Updated 8/12/2014 by request for christian.david.75457
Added Ability To Plot 2nd CCI - !!!
Added ability to turn On/Off the +-200 lines.
Added Ability to Turn On/Off Show Area of CCI
Added Ability To Turn On/Off Show The Outer CCI Line
CM_Guppy_EMAGuppy EMA Trend Based Indicator Requested by 2use
General RULES
1. If Fast and Slow EMA's are ALL in Uptrend. Fast EMA=Aqua Slow EMA's=Green.
2. If Fast And Slow EMA's are ALL in DownTrend. Fast EMA's=Orange Slow EMA's=Red.
3. If Conditions 1 or 2 = False the Color=Silver.
4. If Down Trend Slow EMA's = Resistance.
5. If Up Trend Slow EMA's = Support.
6. Great Moves Start when Color=Silver, then colors change to Up or Down Trend.
7. Conservative move is to wait for 1st or 2nd Pullback.
CM_RSI Plus EMARSI with EMA Signal Created By Request For @motcha1
@motcha1 Requested the RSI with EMA Signal.
A Larry Williams Follower who says it's a Great
Entry Signal when RSI Crosses EMA When VIX
Is Showing A Potential Bottom. Looks Good!!!
Link to Lower Indicator CM_Williams_Vix_Fix
CM Enhanced Ichimoku Cloud-V4CM Enhanced Ichimoku Cloud-V4 Updated For Alerts!!!
Correct Plot Names For Alerts!
Ability to Turn On/Off Color Of Cloud Based On Trend!
CM_Twiggs Money FlowFull Credit goes to LazyBear for publishing Original Code.
I added:
Threshold lines that changes the color of Histogram based on if it exceeds Threshold lines. Ability to turn off and on.
Ability to Turn Histogram Off/On
Ability to turn Twiggs Money Flow Line Off/On
CM_Hourly PivotsSimple Code for Hourly Pivot Points Requested by user pippo
Inputs Tab:
Turn On/Off Pivots
Turn On/Off R3/S3
CM_Gann_Swing_HighLowCustom Indicator - Gann Swing High Low
Uses New Plot Types
Inputs Tab Options:
Use Up/Down Arrows - Or Circles!
Turn Up/Down Arrows at Top and Bottom of Screen On/Off
New Top/Bottom of Screen Plot Types
New Up/Down Arrow Plot Types
Full Credit Goes to Glaz for Creating Code.
Created By Request for @dvk1970