Relative Bi-Directional Volatility RangeThe basic math behind this Indicator is very similar to the math behind the Relative Strength Index without using a standard deviation as used for the Relative Volatility Index. The Volatility Range is calculated by utilizing the highs and lows. However not in the same way as in the Relative Volatility Index. This approach leads to different values, but the overall result clearly reveals the intrinsic Volatility of the chart, so the user can be aware, when something fundamentally is going on behind the scenes. If the Volatility rises on positive and negative range (-100 to 100) it implies that something fundamental is changing.
An advantage of using this kind of calculation is the possibility of separating the data into positive (buy pressure) and negative (sell pressure) components. The bi-directional character shows a slightly overhang in one of the directions, which can be used to detect a trend. A Moving Average of the users choice shell smoothen the overhang of the Relative Bi-Directional Volatility and show a trend direction. Similar to the math of the Relative Strength Index as standard a Relative Moving Average is preferred. If the Moving Average is in the positive range (0 to 100) it indicates a bullish trend, else if the Moving Average is in the negative range (0 to -100) it indicates a bearish trend. External Indicators can use a provided Trend Shift Signal which switches from 0 to 1, if the trend becomes bullish or from 0 to -1, if the trend becomes bearish.
The user should know, that in this Indicator the starting point of the Moving Averages always begins at the first bar, because the starting progress is approximated appropriately. Most Moving Averages require a minimum number of bars to be calculated, which is chosen with the Moving Average Length. In this cases the length used will be automatically reduced in the background until the number of bars is sufficient to match the chosen length. So if data history is very short, the Indicator can be used never the less as good as possible.
It is feasible to switch the Indicator on a higher timeframe, while staying in a lower timeframe on the chart. This can be useful for making the indication cleaner, if the Moving Average is to choppy and shows too many false signals. On the other hand the benefit of a higher timeframe (or a higher Moving Average Length) is paid with higher latency of the signaling. So the user has to decide what the best setting in his case is.
This Indicator can be used with all kinds of charts. Even charts with percentage or negative values should work fine.
RF+ Replay for Heikin AshiRF+ Replay for Heikin Ashi
RF+ Replay for Heikin Ashi generates fully customisable Heikin Ashi candlesticks presented on a standard chart, enabling traders to utilise the Tradingview Replay feature with Heikin Ashi candlesticks when analysing and backtesting HA style strategies.
The features of this indicator include:
- Fully customisable Heikin Ashi Candles, including custom colour options for candle bodies, borders and wicks.
- Optional real-time, real-price close dots painted onto each candlestick.
- A optional set of 2 x Range Filters designed to indicate short term trend identification upon color change, ideal for low timeframe scalping.
- A optional set of 3 x fully customisable Moving Averages.
- An option to enable Heikin Ashi calculated data for the Range Filters and Moving Averages, so they present as they would on a Heikin Ashi non-standard chart type, without having to use an actual Heikin Ashi chart. Enabled by default.
- An optional sessions indicator, to highlight your prefered trading session for the purpose of backtesting.
- An optional watermark featuring customisable text and well as symbol and timeframe information, as seen in the screenshot of this indicator.
Instructions for use:
1) Because this indicator generates candlesticks and presents them onto your chart, you will need to hide the existing candlesticks so you do not see two sets of candles. You can do this by going into your Tradingview chart settings and making the candle bodies, borders and wicks fully transparent. You can then save this as a layout template. You can access your Chart Settings by clicking on the cog icon, or by right clicking on the chart itself and selecting 'Chart Settings' from the list.
2) Ensure you have the standard chart type selected - you do not need to select a Heikin Ashi type chart.
3) You will now be able to analyise and even backtest your Heikin Ashi style strategies including the use of the Tradingview Replay feature found at the top of the chart.
Heikin Ashi means 'average bar' in Japanese, which speaks to the fact that Heikin Ashi candles are calculated differently to standard Japanese candlesticks. The general idea of Heikin Ashi candles is to 'smooth' the appearance of price movement, by the use of averages within their calculation. It is important to understand that the Open and Close values of a Heikin Ashi candlestick do not reflect real Open and Close prices. You can use the real price dots feature to clearly see the real time and real price Close of each candle.
The formula for calculating a Heikin Ashi candlestick is as follows:
High = Maximum of High, Open, or Close (whichever is highest)
Low = Minimum of Low, Open, or Close (whichever is lowest)
Open = Open (previous bar) + Close (previous bar) /2
Close = (Open + High + Low + Close) / 4
If you found this useful, be sure to leave a like, comment and subscribe to show your support.
Until next time.
Rets High/Low (2.0 Special Uncensored Edition)This script can be used as a visual aid in seeing the last highs and lows of price in a specific time period. It automatically updates the plots if new highs or lows are made within the given lookback period.
This is a fairly basic version currently, with new added features coming in future updates such as range between high/low and half and whole number detection.
Keltner Channel Volatility FilterOVERVIEW
The Keltner Channel Volatility Filter indicator is a technical indicator that gauges the amount of volatility currently present in the market. The purpose of this indicator is to filter out with-trend signals during ranging/non-trending/consolidating conditions.
This indicator assists traders in capitalizing on the assumption that trends are more likely to start during periods of high volatility compared to periods of low volatility . This is because high volatility indicates that there are bigger players currently in the market, which is necessary to begin a sustained trending move.
So, to determine whether the current volatility in the market is low, the KCVF will grey out all bars whose average price is within the Keltner Channels.
If the average price breaks out of the Keltner Channels , it is reasonable to assume we are in a high-volatility period. Thus, this is the ideal time to enter a trending trade due to the assumption that trends are more likely to start during these high-volatility periods.
When the candles are greyed out, don't take any trend trades since the current volatility is less than the usual volatility experienced in the market.
When the candles aren't greyed out, take all valid with-trend trades since the current volatility is greater than the usual volatility experienced in the market.
Normalized VolatilityOVERVIEW
The Normalized Volatility indicator is a technical indicator that gauges the amount of volatility currently present in the market, relative to the average volatility in the market. The purpose of this indicator is to filter out with-trend signals during ranging/non-trending/consolidating conditions.
This indicator assists traders in capitalizing on the assumption that trends are more likely to start during periods of high volatility compared to periods of low volatility. This is because high volatility indicates that there are bigger players currently in the market, which is necessary to begin a sustained trending move.
So, to determine whether the current volatility is "high", it is compared to an average volatility for however number of candles back the user specifies.
If the current volatility is greater than the average volatility, it is reasonable to assume we are in a high-volatility period. Thus, this is the ideal time to enter a trending trade due to the assumption that trends are more likely to start during these high-volatility periods.
When the column's color is red, don't take any trend trades since the current volatility is less than the average volatility experienced in the market.
When the column's color is green, take all valid with-trend trades since the current volatility is greater than the average volatility experienced in the market.
Normalized VolumeOVERVIEW
The Normalized Volume indicator is a technical indicator that gauges the amount of volume currently present in the market, relative to the average volume in the market. The purpose of this indicator is to filter out with-trend signals during ranging/non-trending/consolidating conditions.
This indicator assists traders in capitalizing on the assumption that trends are more likely to start during periods of high volume compared to periods of low volume. This is because high volume indicates that there are bigger players currently in the market, which is necessary to begin a sustained trending move.
So, to determine whether the current volume is "high", it is compared to an average volume for however number of candles back the user specifies.
If the current volume is greater than the average volume, it is reasonable to assume we are in a high-volume period. Thus, this is the ideal time to enter a trending trade due to the assumption that trends are more likely to start during these high-volume periods.
More information on this indicator can be found on NNFX's video on it in his Indicator Profile series and on Stonehill Forex's blog post on it .
When the column's color is red, don't take any trend trades since the current volume is less than the average volume experienced in the market.
When the column's color is green, take all valid with-trend trades since the current volume is greater than the average volume experienced in the market.
Michigandolf's 30min Opening Range (w/Extensions)See previous version for explanation of the 30min Opening Range:
This new version is for users that prefer to see the Opening Range Extensions.
The extensions are based on the distance from the Opening Range High to the Mid Point (or Low to the Mid Point).
Quick and Simple - WPR+RSI+CCITake a look.
Couple of confluencial reversal signals from popular indicators (W%R, RSI & CCI). I can only say this shows how random the "stanard tools" are and how the market makers "play" these kind of tools to their advantage.
That said. It's better tha average, but not top-class, so expect to have to take signals with other confluence. DON'T take the plots or signals as buy / sell signals, they are just confluencial movements from these indicators based on how they should be "traditionally" used. Instead, use it as a guide as to what other traders may be thinking, or as a pull-back identifier.
Included 100 period ema as basic trend filter.
Not my normal type of script + been away for some time so be kind, lol :)
You might find it useful however so sharing.
More stuff to follow :)
Buying & Selling PressureBuying and selling pressure is a volatility indicator which denotes the balance between buyers and sellers inside candlestick.
You set the length to average it just like ATR. But This offers further break down of participants of the market.
Pretty much at any condition of the market the indicator can filter out interesting details to make trading decisions faster or confirm them.
So keep it simple we have two lines
🟢 Green → buying pressure
🔴 Red → selling pressure
If green is rising → Price most likely will grow
If green is rising and red is falling → Price will grow at higher probability
If red is rising → Price most likely will fall
If red is rising and green is falling → Price will fall at higher probability
When they both grow or fall → wait till one of them goes opposite way.
╳ Crossings can indicate turning points for bigger price swings.
Technically by very act of intersecting means that Buying and Selling Pressure are equal.
Can be used for Demand/Supply analysis and evaluate the support/resistance levels.
RF+ Divergence Scalping SystemRF+ Divergence Scalping System + Custom Signals + Alerts.
This chart overlay indicator has been developed for the low timeframe divergence scalper.
Built upon the realtime divergence drawing code from the Divergence for Many indicator originally authored by Lonsometheblue, this chart overlay indicator bundles several additional unique features and modifications to serve as an all-in-one divergence scalping system. The current key features at the time of publishing are listed below (features are optional and can be enabled or disabled):
- Fully configurable realtime divergence drawing and alerting feature that can draw divergences directly on the chart using data sourced from up to 11 oscillators selected by the user, which have been included specifically for their ability to detect divergences, including oscillators not presently included in the original Divergence for Many indicator, such as the Ultimate Oscillator and TSI.
- Optional on chart table showing a summary of key statuses of various indicators, and nearby divergences.
- 2 x Range Filters with custom settings used for low timeframe trend detection.
- 3 x configurable multi-timeframe Stochastic RSI overbought and oversold signals with presentation options.
- On-chart pivot points drawn automatically.
- Automatically adjusted pivot period for up to 4 configurable time frames to fine tune divergences drawn for optimal divergence detection.
- Real-price line for use with Heikin Ashi candles, with styling options.
- Real-price close dots for use with Heikin Ashi candles, with styling options.
- A selection of custom signals that can be printed on-chart and alerted.
- Sessions indicator for the London, New York, Tokyo and Sydney trading sessions, including daylight savings toggle, and unique ‘invert background color’ option, which colours the entire chart - except the trading session you have selected, leaving your chart clear of distracting background color.
- Up to 4 fully configurable moving averages.
- Additional configurable settings for numerous built in indicators, allowing you to alter the lengths and source types, including the UO, TSI, MFI, TSV, 2 x Range Filters.
- Configurable RSI Trend detection signal filter used in a number of the signals, which filters buy signals where the RSI is over the RSI moving average, and only prints sell signals where RSI is under the moving average.
- Customisable on-chart watermark, with inputs for a custom title, subtitle, and also an optional symbol | timeframe | date feature.
The Oscillators able to be selected for use in drawing divergences at the time of publishing are as follows:
- Ultimate Oscillator (UO)
- True Strength Indicator (TSI)
- Money Flow Index (MFI)
- Cumulative Delta Volume (CDV)
- Time Segmented Volume (TSV)
- Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
- Awesome Oscillator
- Relative Strength Index (RSI)
- Stochastic
- On Balance Volume (OBV)
- MACD Histogram
What are divergences?
Divergence is when the price of an asset is moving in the opposite direction of a technical indicator, such as an oscillator, or is moving contrary to other data. Divergence warns that the current price trend may be weakening, and in some cases may lead to the price changing direction.
There are 4 main types of divergence, which are split into 2 categories;
regular divergences and hidden divergences. Regular divergences indicate possible trend reversals, and hidden divergences indicate possible trend continuation.
Regular bullish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current downtrend, to an uptrend.
Regular bearish divergence: An indication of a potential trend reversal, from the current uptrend, to a downtrend.
Hidden bullish divergence: An indication of a potential uptrend continuation.
Hidden bearish divergence: An indication of a potential downtrend continuation.
Setting alerts.
With this indicator you can set alerts to notify you when any/all of the above types of divergences occur, on any chart timeframe you choose, also when the triple timeframe Stochastic RSI overbought and oversold confluences occur, as well as when custom signals are printed.
Configurable pivot period values.
You can adjust the default pivot period values to suit your prefered trading style and timeframe. If you like to trade a shorter time frame, lowering the default lookback values will make the divergences drawn more sensitive to short term price action. By default, this indicator has enabled the automatic adjustment of the pivot periods for 4 configurable time frames, in a bid to optimize the divergences drawn when the indicator is loaded onto any of the 4 time frames selected. These time frames and their associated pivot periods can be fully reconfigured within the settings menu. By default, these have been further optimized for the low timeframe scalper trading on the 1-15 minute time frames.
How do traders use divergences in their trading?
A divergence is considered a leading indicator in technical analysis , meaning it has the ability to indicate a potential price move in the short term future.
Hidden bullish and hidden bearish divergences, which indicate a potential continuation of the current trend are sometimes considered a good place for traders to begin, since trend continuation occurs more frequently than reversals, or trend changes.
When trading regular bullish divergences and regular bearish divergences, which are indications of a trend reversal, the probability of it doing so may increase when these occur at a strong support or resistance level . A common mistake new traders make is to get into a regular divergence trade too early, assuming it will immediately reverse, but these can continue to form for some time before the trend eventually changes, by using forms of support or resistance as an added confluence, such as when price reaches a moving average, the success rate when trading these patterns may increase.
Typically, traders will manually draw lines across the swing highs and swing lows of both the price chart and the oscillator to see whether they appear to present a divergence, this indicator will draw them for you, quickly and clearly, and can notify you when they occur.
How do traders use overbought and oversold levels in their trading?
The oversold level is when the Stochastic RSI is above the 80 level is typically interpreted as being 'overbought', and below the 20 level is typically considered 'oversold'. Traders will often use the Stochastic RSI at, or crossing down from an overbought level as a confluence for entry into a short position, and the Stochastic RSI at, or crossing up from an oversold level as a confluence for an entry into a long position. These levels do not mean that price will necessarily reverse at those levels in a reliable way, however. This is why this version of the Stoch RSI employs the triple timeframe overbought and oversold confluence, in an attempt to add a more confluence and reliability to this usage of the Stoch RSI.
This indicator is intended for use in conjunction with related panel indicators including the TSI+ (True Strength Indicator + Realtime Divergences), UO+ (Ultimate Oscillator + Realtime Divergences), and optionally the STRSI+ (MTF Stochastic RSI + Realtime Divergences) and MFI+ (Money Flow Index + Realtime Divergences) available via this authors’ Tradingview profile, under the scripts section. The realtime divergence drawing code will not identify all divergences, so it is suggested that you also have panel indicators to observe. Each panel indicator also offers additional means of entry confirmation into divergence trades, for example, the Stochastic can indicate when it is crossing down from overbought or up from oversold, the TSi can indicate when the 2 TSI bands cross over one another upward or downward, and the UO and MFI can indicate an entry confluence when they are nearing, or crossing their centerlines, for more confidence in your divergence trade entries.
Additional information on the settings for this indicator can be found via the tooltips within the settings menu itself. Further information on feature updates, and usage tips & tricks will be added to the comments section below in due course.
Disclaimer: This indicator uses code adapted from the Divergence for Many v4 indicator authored by Lonesometheblue, and several stock indicators authored by Tradingview. With many thanks.
Range Detector Indicator [Misu]█ This indicator shows an upper and lower band based on Highs and Lows.
Depending on this, the indicator interprets a ranging market, an uptrend or a downtrend.
█ Usages:
The purpose of this indicator is to identify when the price is ranging.
It's also used to identify changes in trends, breaking points, and trend reversals.
But it can also be used to show resistance or support levels.
█ Features:
> Price Action Change Alerts
> Price Action Change Labels
> Color Bars
> Show Bands
█ Parameters:
Deviation: A parameter used to calculate pivots.
Depth: A parameter used to calculate pivots.
Activate Range Detection: Check the box to activate range detection.
Band% Offset: A factor that is used to vary the bands offset.
Automated OHLC OLHC LevelsA simple, clean, effective visualization tool, for the OHLC or OLHC of a chosen candle/timeframe.
Apply this indicator using a higher timeframe, in conjunction with other levels and the directional bias, to easily recognize trading opportunities at lower timeframes.
Range-AnalysisMarkets usually tend to stay within a range during a specific time frame (for example first hour of the regular trading session, the whole regular trading session). For traders before initiating a trade it can be helpful to determine the range potential left for the targeted time frame. So they can decide to either try to ride the current trend further or fade the current trend in the case there is no range potential left for the specific time frame. This could be especially helpful for example in the E-Mini S&P future during the first hour.
The script calculates the average range for the last x days of the session defined and plots a line at the expected range extremes based on that average (for example: RangeExtremeHigh would be currentSessionLow+average Range of the last x days.
Any feedback is appreciated.
Intraday Range CalculatorThis indicator shows an easy way to determine if the stock, index or ETF ended within a configurable intraday range.
This solution is ideal for those who study and like Iron Condors or Iron Butterflies strategies.
If the square is red, it means that the selected deviation limits have been exceeded within the chosen times.
If the square is green, the price stayed within the pre-set limits.
A yellow circle marks the moment when the price leaves the range, either by the upper band or by the lower band.
In the last bar a label with the test results will be displayed.
In the configuration there are three fields:
1. Deviation : is the range in percentage that the price can move up or down from the start time to the end time.
2. Begin Time: is the time (in 24h or military format) where the process begins.
3. End Time: is the time (in 24h or military format) where the process ends.
* for the time 11:00 am, you must enter "1100"
* for the time 2:45pm, you must enter "1445"
The selected timeframe must be less than 1 hour and Extended Trading Hours in the lower left corner), otherwise the indicator may not show results.
Later I will make an improvement to solve these inconveniences.
SGX Nifty OHLC for Nifty 50 IndexSGX Nifty OHLC for Nifty 50 Index
What is this Indicator?
• This indicator calculates the OHLC levels of SGX Nifty.
How does SGX Nifty impact NIFTY and the Indian Market?
• Helps in predicting NIFTY50 Index behavior.
• The closing price of today's 9.14 am (IST) SGX Nifty will be the Open of today's Nifty50 Open. This helps to determine the opening Gap of Nifty50.
• SGX Nifty OHLC levels can act as support and resistance in Nifty50.
Who to use?
• Beneficial for Day Traders, who trade in NIFTY Index.
What timeframe to use?
• Use 1 minute for better accuracy.
• Other timeframes will also work.
Important Note
• Use 1 min timeframe for accurate OHLC.
• In other timeframes OHLC will have negligible difference, it won't be huge.
• This indicator will appear only on NIFTY Index and Futures chart.
• To hide the warning label go to the indicator Menu.
Previous Days RangesPrevious Days Ranges
Simply plots out market ranges of previous days price action, of which are the following:
Previous Day High
Previous Day Low
Previous Day Extended High
Previous Day Extended Low
Supports adjustments of timeframes, for different time zones, and style.
Intraday Background Time RangesThis simple script was written for studying recurring intraday behaviours of financial instruments. With it, you can highlight up to 13 customizable time ranges on your chart, filling the corresponding background space with colors you prefer. You can then write a note for each range and it will be shown in the optional related table.
The experience shows that every financial instrument has its own personality. With this in mind, the script can be useful to study intraday charts with the purpose of discovering recurring behaviours of specific instruments over a certain time range and under specific circumstances (normal days, earnings days, days with catalysts, etc.) This can help the trader to deeply understand the instrument personality, and therefore also to decide whether to enter or exit the market if its behaviour meets or not his expectations.
Please note that this script only works on minute/hourly charts.
EMA scalping - PapamallisEma of highs and low and macd.
Can be used as
*macd filter
*range market filter
Daily/Weekly ExtremesBACKGROUND
This indicator calculates the daily and weekly +-1 standard deviation of the S&P 500 based on 2 methodologies:
1. VIX - Using the market's expectation of forward volatility, one can calculate the daily expectation by dividing the VIX by the square root of 252 (the number of trading days in a year) - also know as the "rule of 16." Similarly, dividing by the square root of 50 will give you the weekly expected range based on the VIX.
2. ATR - We also provide expected weekly and daily ranges based on 5 day/week ATR.
- This indicator only has 1 option in the settings: choosing the ATR (default) or the VIX to plot the +-1 standard deviation range.
- This indicator WILL ONLY display these ranges if you are looking at the SPX or ES futures. The ranges will not be displayed if you are looking at any other symbols
- The boundaries displayed on the chart should not be used on their own as bounce/reject levels. They are simply to provide a frame of reference as to where price is trading with respect to the market's implied expectations. It can be used as an indicator to look for signs of reversals on the tape.
- Daily and Weekly extremes are plotted on all time frames (even on lower time frames).
Ultimate IndicatorThis is a combination of all the price chart indicators I frequently switch between. It contains my day time highlighter (for day trading), multi-timeframe long-term trend indicator for current commodity in the bottom right, customizable trend EMA which also has multi-timeframe drawing capabilities, VWAP, customizable indicators with separate settings from the trend indicator including: EMA, HL2 over time, Donchian Channels, Keltner Channels, Bollinger Bands, and Super Trend. The settings for these are right below the trend settings and can have their length and multiplier adjusted. All of those also have multi-timeframe capabilities separate from the trend multi-time settings.
The Day Trade Highlight option will draw faint yellow between 9:15-9:25, red between 9:25-9:45, yellow between 9:45-10:05. There will be one white background at 9:30am to show the opening of the market. while the market is open there will be a very faint blue background. For the end of the day there will be yellow between 15:45-15:50, red between 15:50-16:00, and yellow between 16:00-16:05. During the night hours, there is no coloring. The purpose of this highlight is to show the opening / closing times of the market and the hot times for large moves.
The indicators can also be colored in the following ways:
1. Simple = Makes all colors for the indicator Gray
2. Trend = Will use the Donchian Channels to get the short-trend direction and by default will color the short-term direction as Blue or Red. Unless using Super Trend, the Donchian Channel is used to find short-term trend direction.
3. Trend Adv = Will use the Donchian Channels to get the short-trend direction and by default will color the short-term direction as Blue or Red. Unless using Super Trend, the Donchian Channel is used to find short-term trend direction. If there is a short-term up-trend during a long-term down-trend, the Blue will become Navy. If short-term down-trend during long-term up-trend, the Red will be Brown.
4. Squeeze = Compares the Bollinger Bands width to the Keltner Channels width and will color based on relative squeeze of the market: Teal = no squeeze. Yellow = little squeeze. Red = decent squeeze. White = huge squeeze. if you do not understand this one, try drawing the Bollinger Bands while using the Squeeze color option and it should become more apparent how this works. I also recommend leaving the length and multiplier to the default 20 and 2 if using this setting and only changing the timeframe to get longer/shorter lengths as I've seen that changing the length or multiplier can more or less make it not work at all.
Along with the indicator settings are options to draw lines/labels/fills for the indicator. I enjoy having only fills for a cleaner look.
The Labels option will show Buy/Sell signals when the short-term trend flips to agree with the long-term trend.
The Trend Bars option will do the same as the Labels option but instead will color the bars white when a Buy/Sell option is given.
The Range Bars option shows will color a bar white when the Close of a candle is outside of a respective ranging indicator option (Bollinger or Keltner).
The Trend Bars will draw white candles no matter which indicator selection you make (even "Off"). However, Range Bars will only draw white when either Bollinger or Keltner are selected.
The Donchian Channels and Super Trend are trending indicators and should be used during trending markets. I like to use the MACD in conjunction with these indicators for possibly earlier entries.
The Bollinger Bands and Keltner Channel are ranging indicators and should be used during ranging markets. I like to use the RSI in conjunction with these indicators and will use 60/40 for overbought and oversold areas rather than 70/30. During a range, I wait for an overbought or oversold indication and will buy/sell when it crosses back into the middle area and close my position when it touches the opposite band.
I have a MACD/RSI combination indicator if you'd like that as well :D
As always, trade at your own risk. This is not some secret indicator that will 100% win. As always, the trades you see in the picture use a 1:1.5 or 1:2 risk to reward ratio, for today (August 8, 2022) it won 5/6 times with one trade still open at the end of the day. Manage your account correctly and you'll win in the long term. Hit me up with any questions or suggestions. Happy Trading!
Donchian Channels+Standard Donchian Channels, this includes a Trend EMA which can be configured and the channels will use to give buy and sell signals. The channels are also colored in such a way to indicate a trend reversals. My favorite part that sets this apart from others is, if using the bClose option (which I recommend you do) the trend will not reverse until there is a close above/below the previous channel high/low. i.e. a reversal into an uptrend requires the current bar to close above the previous upper channel rather than just a new high.
The coloring of the current trend allows for a quick read of current market conditions and I use this on any timeframe across all forms of charts (forex stock, futures , crypto, etc). When taking one of the signals I use the opposite channel as the stop loss (when buying use bottom, and selling use top channel)
Update 1:
- Added my name to the code
- Updated the picture to show off the indicator better
- Raised the brightness of the fill color a bit, looks nicer I think
As a warning: I have obviously hand picked this picture to really show off this indicator's power to work in a trending market. Donchian Channels are a trending indicator and work best in trending markets with decent pull backs. If there are multiple signals going in each direction, it is a choppy market and you should stay out until it starts trending again. I generally use a 1:1.5 risk to reward ratio but sometimes will stretch it to 1:2 if it is a nice trade and I feel the market is in my favor as you can see from the trades placed in the picture (and I use that method for any commodity / chart and timeframe). I use the close of the white candle and then (since they are trades going short) I use the upper Donchian Channel as my stop loss.
I personally like to have the lines and labels turned off and enable all other options. Labels are just there to really stand out so you don't miss the white candle indication for a trade. OH! Also, I've had comments from friends that the white candles are hard to see, I turn off my candle borders in settings; makes it super easy to see them then. I turn lines off as the fill does the job well enough and it seems cleaner in my eyes.
If you'd like to see this picture on your chart, it is Micro E-Mini S&P 500 Futures from July 10, 2022 @ 18:00 on the 1-min chart.
just now
Update 2:
- Added day trading time highlights
- Added ranging market indicator (This I'm still working on so use at your own discretion, it's intended purpose is to tell when the Donchian Channels are not going to give great signals and to use a ranging indicator instead)
- Added multi-timeframe trend screener (handy if you want to quickly see the trend direction (based on the Trend EMA you set) of several time frames without having to change charts). It will draw in the bottom right of the chart.
The Average True Range Multiplier (ATRX) is a simple technical indicator that takes the value of the ATR indicator and multiplies it by a user-specified amount.
This indicator is primarily used to set key levels based on historical volatility. The ATR indicator alone measures the historical volatility of the selected instrument, this indicator just multiplies that value to save the hassle of doing that yourself.
God Number Channel V1 (GNC V1)Channel, made of 5 MAs, which a made this way: High of N-period SMA - Low of N-period SMA + X-period SMA (check the code), where N and X are defined by your input.
Main purpose: helps you understand in what range price can move.
If the price is above or below the channel, it means that the movement is very strong and you count it as a trend, but be careful then the price returns to the channel, as correction will follow very soon. Use fib correction tool to understand the approximate depth of correction, works pretty good.
Recommendation: consider using the Vortex Indicator( len 21 and 14 are fine; for trend) and "Vumanchu Divergencies + B"(for anything, but calibrate for accuracy, otherwise there will be too much false signals). If you want to see more options where the price might go, just add new MA and add/substract to/from its value avg1*(any of fibonacci correction levels, I personally use 1.618 and 2.618 and for me it is ok): plot(show_ma1 ? ma1+( [ [ ]]]*avg1) : na, color = ma1_color, title="MA №1")
Recommendations and feedback are welcome(!)
Take your wins
Pre Market \ Opening Range High LowGreen vertical lines are showing pre market open and then the opening range as the first hour of market NYSE market open
Pre market high and low are blue lines | intraday opening range high low are in white
Trades are taken in the current direction above | below range breaks with the direction of price action using the moving averages
Price breaking through moving averages and a range is the optimal trade to enter - exit at next range for target - stop loss below the lower | higher moving average depending on short or long
A break above or below the intraday high or low and pre market high or low can give massive profits trailing your stop loss as price runs
Using MA 5 and 12 to filter out entries and exits above or below the ranges short or long is also another strategy to implement