Function 2 Point Line using UNIX TIMESTAMP V1experimental:
draws a line from 2 vectors(price, time)
reformatted the function,
added automatic detection of the period multiplier by approximation(gets a bit goofy with stocks/week time),
example using timestamp() function.
offsetting is still bugged, i cant find a way around it atm.
Ver. 1 by Ricardo M Arjona @XeL_Arjona
The Following indicator/code IS NOT intended to be a formal investment advice or recommendation by the author, nor should be construed as such. Users will be fully responsible by their use regarding their own trading vehicles/assets.
The embedded code and ideas within this work are FREELY AND PUBLICLY available on the Web for NON LUCRATIVE ACTIVITIES and must remain as is.
This is a REAL mathematically approach of an ORDINARY LEAST SQUARES LINE FITTING SLOPE as TradingView currently don't have a native one embedded, neither as a pine function. Other "Sope" indicators from this linear regression model I found on public library are currently based on "momentum" rather tan slope.
Any modifications or additions are quite welcome!
Ver. 2.0 XelMod
This is an UPDATED version of a previous script already posted.
List of changes from previous script:
Separated as Column Histogram just the Regressive (Rate-Of-Change) Force of the indicator which gives a faster response of the trend.
Default period is now set to 81, as better Oscillator swing lagging.
This is an excelent momentum indicator very similar to ADX but in a candle weighting distribution rather than ranges.
For additional reference:
Any feedback will be welcome...
Standard Error of the Estimate -Composite Bands-Standard Error of the Estimate - Code and adaptation by @glaz & @XeL_arjona
Ver. 2.00.a
Original implementation idea of bands by:
Traders issue: Stocks & Commodities V. 14:9 (375-379):
Standard Error Bands by Jon Andersen
This code is a former update to previous "Standard Error Bands" that was wrongly applied given that previous version in reality use the Standard Error OF THE MEAN, not THE ESTIMATE as it should be used by Jon Andersen original idea and corrected in this version.
As always I am very Thankfully with the support at the Pine Script Editor chat room, with special mention to user @glaz in order to help me adequate the alpha-beta (y-y') algorithm, as well to give him full credit to implement the "wide" version of the former bands.
For a quick and publicly open explanation of this truly statistical (regression analysis) indicator, you can refer at Here!
Extract from the former URL:
Standard Error Bands are quite different than Bollinger's. First, they are bands constructed around a linear regression curve. Second, the bands are based on two standard errors above and below this regression line. The error bands measure the standard error of the estimate around the linear regression line. Therefore, as a price series follows the course of the regression line the bands will narrow, showing little error in the estimate. As the market gets noisy and random, the error will be greater resulting in wider bands.
[RS]Decay Channel Candles V0EXPERIMENTAL: Experiment using Linear Regression based on %atr for decay(decay option is a mutiplier for the atr).
[RS]Linear Regression Bands V1experiment with linear regression, the purpose was to catch break outs early, but it creates to much visual noise
same as version 0 but with added margin filter and signal to mark entrys
[RS]Average Advance and Decline Lines V0Method to draw linear regression lines from average price advance&decline range
Linear Regression Slope - Version 2Version 2 - Linear Regression Slope. This version will have more freedom on picking your own length for all the Inputs.
One of the main reason I changed it is because, Slope calculation on transition period was not being computed properly. Because the Version 1, looks back the length assigned, and compute the slope based on two candle readings, could be 10 days apart or 50. That was misleading.
Therefore, I changed it to plot daily slope and Smooth it with an EMA.
Linear Regression Curve -
List of All my Indicators -
Linear Regression SlopeCorrected Version, for
VERSION - 2 () updated for Custom Length, and fixed some formula glitches.
UCSgears_Linear Regression SlopeThis is version 1 of the Linear Regression Slope. In ideal world the Linear regression slope values will remain same for any time period length. because the equation is y = mx+b, where m is the slope. All I did here is m = y/x
The Main Purpose of this indicator is to see, if the Trend is accelerating or decelerating.
The first Blue bar will caution when a strong trend is losing strength. I will leave the rest for you to explore.
I picked AAPL again, because it does have both up and down trend, in the recent time.
Mistake in the code
Corrected Version -