Acceleration Bands HTF
This version gives you the ability to see the indicator from the HIGHER timeframes when you are on the timeframes. Please note that this is not the original formula, but a factored one that I found effective for identifying market trends. Thanks to @capissimo who provided the base open-code.
Acceleration Bands are designed to capture potential price breakouts or reversals in an asset. They are calculated based on a stock's price movements over a specified period, typically using the high, low, and closing prices. The idea is to identify moments when the price is accelerating (hence the name) beyond its normal range, which might indicate the beginning of a new trend.
Acceleration Bands consist of three lines:
Upper Band (AB Upper): This is calculated by adding a certain percentage of the simple moving average (SMA) to the highest high over a given period.
Middle Band: This is typically the SMA of the stock's price.
Lower Band (AB Lower): This is calculated by subtracting the same percentage of the SMA from the lowest low over a given period.
Mathematically :
AB Upper = SMA + (Highest High * Percentage)
AB Lower = SMA - (Lowest Low * Percentage)
Upper Band = SMA x (1 + (High - Low) / SMA)
Lower Band = SMA x (1 - (High - Low) / SMA)
The bands are used to identify periods when the price of a security is accelerating or decelerating:
Breakout Above Upper Band: This is usually considered a bullish signal, suggesting that the price is accelerating upwards and a new uptrend may be starting.
Breakdown Below Lower Band: This is usually considered a bearish signal, suggesting that the price is accelerating downwards and a new downtrend may be starting.
Reversal Between Bands: When the price re-enters the region between the bands after breaking out, it can be seen as a potential reversal signal.
Trading Strategy
Entry Signals:
Buy when the price breaks above the upper band.
Sell or short when the price breaks below the lower band.
Exit Signals:
Close a long position when the price falls back into the area between the bands.
Close a short position when the price rises back into the area between the bands.
Helps capture early trends.
Can be used across various time frames and assets.
Provides clear entry and exit signals.
PSE, Practical Strategy EnginePSE, Practical Strategy Engine
A ready-to-use engine that is simple to connect your indicator to, simple to use, and effective at generating alerts for order-filled events during the real-time candle.
Great for
• Evaluating indicators on important metrics without the need to write a strategy script for backtesting.
• Using indicators with built-in risk management.
About The PSE
This engine accepts entry and exit signals from your indicator to provide trade signals for both long and short positions. The PSE was written for trading Funds (e.g. ETF’s), Stocks, Forex, Futures, and Cryptocurrencies. The trades on the chart indicate market, limit, and stop orders. The PSE allows for backtesting of trades along with metrics of performance based on trade-groups with many great features.
Note: A link to a video of how to connect your indicator(s) to the PSE is provided below.
Key Features
A Trade-Grp makes up one or more trade positions from the first position entering to the last position exiting. Using Trade-Grp’s instead of positions should help you better assess if the metric results fit your trading style.
Below are two (2) examples of a Trade-Grp with three (3) positions.
A table of metrics is available if the “Show Metrics Table” checkbox is enabled on the Inputs tab, but metrics always show in the Data Window.
Examples of the Metrics Table are shown below.
• ROI (Return on Investment) and CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) are based on the Avg Invest/Trade-Grp and are adjusted for dividends if the “Include Dividends in Profit” checkbox is enabled.
• Profit/Risked is based on Trade-Grp’s. Also known as reward/risk, as well as expectancy per amount risked. It determines the effectiveness of your strategy and provides a measure of comparison between your strategies. This is adjusted for dividends if the “Include Dividends in Profit” checkbox is enabled. In the Data Window the color is green when above the breakeven point of making a profit and red when below the breakeven point. In the Table the color is red if below the breakeven point, otherwise it is the default color. For example, using the 3 metrics tables above:
For every USD risked the profit is 1.709 USD.
For every BTC risked the profit is 0.832 BTC.
For every JPY risked the profit is 0.261 JPY.
• Winning % is based on Trade-Grp’s. In the Data Window the color is green when above the breakeven point of making a profit and red when below the breakeven point. In the Table the color is red if below the breakeven point, otherwise it is the default color.
The breakeven point is a relationship between the Profit/Risked and Winning % to indicate system profitability potential. Another way to assess trading system performance. For example, for a low Winning % a high Profit/Risked is needed for the system to be potentially profitable.
• Profit Factor (PF) is based on Trade-Grp’s. The dividend payment, if any, is not considered in the calculation of a win or loss. The “Include Dividends in Profit Factor” checkbox allows you the option to either include or not include dividends in the calculation of Profit Factor. The default is enabled.
Must enable the “Include Dividends in Profit” checkbox to include dividends in PF.
Including dividends in PF evaluates the trading strategy with a more overall profitability performance view.
Enable/Disable “Include Dividends in Profit Factor” checkbox also affects the Avg Trade-Grp Loss, and thus Equity Loss from ECL and % Equity Loss from ECL.
• Max Consecutive Losses are based on Trade-Grp’s.
• Nbr of Trade-Grp’s and Nbr of Positions.
These help you to determine if enough trades have occurred to validate your strategy. The Nbr of Positions is the count of positions on the chart. The TV list of trades in the Strategy Tester may indicate more than what is actually shown on the chart. The Data Window includes 'Nbr Strat Tester Trades', which equals the TV listing trades, to help you locate specific trades on the chart.
• Time in Market (%) is based on Trade-Grp’s and date range selected.
• Avg Invest/Trade-Grp will indicate the average amount of money invested in a Trade-Grp. This is adjusted for dividends if the “Include Dividends in Profit” checkbox is enabled.
• Equivalent Consecutive Losses, labeled as Equiv. Cons. Losses (ECL).
This value is determined by the Winning % and Nbr of Trade-Grp’s. This simulates the more likely case of a series of losses, then a small win, then another series of losses to form an equivalent consecutive losing streak. To lower the value, increase the Winning %.
• Equity Loss from ECL is the equity loss from the equivalent consecutive losses.
• % Equity Loss from ECL is the percent of equity loss from the equivalent consecutive losses.
Risk Management
• Pyramid rules enforce and maintain position sizing designated by you on the Inputs tab (% Equity to Risk, Up/Dwn Gap) & Properties tab (number of pyramids, slippage, and commission).
A pyramid position will not occur unless both its stop covers the last entry price with gap/slippage and commission cost of previous trade is covered. If take profit is enabled, a pyramid position will not occur unless commission cost of the trade is covered when take profit target is reached.
• Position sizing, stop-loss (SL), trailing stop-loss (TSL), and take profit (TP) are used.
• Wash sale prevention for applicable assets is enforced. Wash sale assets include stock and fund (e.g. ETF’s).
• No more than one entry position per candle is enforced .
Other Great Features
• Losing Trade-Grp’s indicated at the exit with label text in the color blue. Used to easily find consecutive losses affecting your strategy’s performance. The dividend payment, if any, is not considered in the calculation of a win or loss.
• Position values can be displayed on the chart. The number format is based on the min tick value, but is limited to 8 decimal places only for display purposes.
• Dividends per share and the amount can be displayed on the chart.
• Hold Days . This is the number of days to hold before allowing the next Trade-Grp. Can be a decimal number. This feature may help those trading on a cash account to avoid any settlement violations when trading the same asset.
• Date Filter. Partition the time when trading is allowed to see if the strategy works well across the date range selected. The metrics should be acceptable across all four (4) time ranges: entire range, 1st half, IQR (inter-quartile range), and 2nd half.
• Price gap amount identification. Used in determining if a pyramid entry may be profitable, and may be used in determining slippage amount to use.
• When TP is enabled, the PSE will only allow a pyramid position if the potential is profitable based on commission and price gap selected.
• Trade-Grp’s shown in background color: green for long positions and red for short positions.
• The PSE will alert you to update your stop-loss as the market changes if your exchange/broker does not allow for trailing stop-loss orders. Enable this option on the Inputs tab with Alert Chg TSL.
• The PSE will alert you if your drawdown exceeds Max % Equity Drawdown set on the Inputs tab.
• The PSE will send an alert to warn you of an expiring GTC order.
Some brokers will indicate the order is GTC, Good 'Till Cancelled, but there really is a time limit on the order and is typically 60-120 days. Therefore, the PSE will alert you if you've been in position for close to 60 days so you can refresh your order. The alert is typically a few days before the 60-day time period.
• For order fill alerts just use a {{placeholder}} in the Message of the alert. Details on how to enter placeholders is explained below.
• Identify same bar enter/exit for first entries and pyramids. This is shown in the Data Window as well. This can help you determine what stop-loss % works best for your trading style.
• Leverage trading information is displayed in the Data Window and applies to Trade-Grps.
Failed PosSize or Margin (%): Shows a zero if the failed-to-trade position size was less than 1 or shows the margin % which failed to meet the margin requirement set in the Properties tab. A flag will show on the bar where a failed-to-trade occurred. This is only applicable to the first position of a Trade-Grp. Position the cursor over the flag for the value to show in the Data Window.
Notional Value: total Trade-Grp position size x latest entry price x point value. The equity must be > notional value x margin requirement for a trade to occur.
Current Margin (%): must be greater than margin requirement set on the Properties tab in order for a trade to occur.
Margin Call Price: when enabled on the Style tab is displayed on both the chart and the Data Window as shown below.
PSE Settings
• Pyramiding requires the Stop Method to be set to either TSL or Both (meaning SL & TSL).
• The maximum number of pyramids is determined by the value entered in the Properties tab.
• Pyramid orders require the enter price to be higher than the previous close for Longs and lower than the previous close for Shorts.
• Pyramids also require the stop with gap/slippage to be higher than the last entry price for Longs, and lower than the last entry price for Shorts. This covers all previous positions and maintains position sizing.
• When take profit, TP, is enabled, the pyramids also require that they will be profitable when opening a position assuming they will reach TP. This is automatically adjusted by you with the Dwn Gap/Up Gap, Slippage, and Commission settings.
Inputs Tab
General Settings
Color Traded Background
Enable to change background color where in a trade. Green for long positions and red for short positions.
Show Losing Trade-Grp
Enable to show if losing Trade-Grp and is indicated by text in blue color. The last position may be at a loss, but if there was profit for the Trade-Grp, then it will not be shown as a loss .
Show Position Values
Enable to show the currency value of each position in gold color.
Include Dividends in Profit
This feature is only applicable if the asset pays dividends and the time frame period of the chart is 1D or less, otherwise ignored. The PSE assumes dividends are taken as cash and not reinvested.
Enable to adjust ROI, CAGR, Profit/Risked, Avg Invest/Trade-Grp, and Equity to include dividend payments. This feature considers if you were in position at least one day prior to the ex-dividend date and had not exited until after the ex-dividend date.
When Show Dividends is enabled it will display the payout in currency/share, as well as the total amount based on the number of shares the position(s) of the Trade-Grp are currently holding.
Include Dividends in Profit Factor
This checkbox allows you the option to either include or not include dividends in the calculation of Profit Factor. Must enable the “Include Dividends in Profit” checkbox to include dividends in PF. The dividend payment, if any, is not considered in the calculation of a win or loss.
Show Metrics Table
Options are font size and table location.
Alert Failed to Trade
Enable for the strategy to alert you when a trade did not happen due to low equity or low order size. Applicable only for the first position of a Trade-Grp.
Trade Direction
Options are 'Longs Only', 'Both', 'Shorts Only'.
Hold Days
This is the number of days to hold before allowing the next Trade-Grp. Applies only to the first trade position of a Trade-Grp. Where a Trade-Grp consists of the first position plus any pyramid positions.
The value entered will be overwritten to >= 31 to prevent wash sale for applicable assets in the event the last Trade-Grp was a loss. Wash sale assets include stock and fund (i.e. ETF’s).
The minimum value is the equivalent of 1 candle and is automatically assigned by the PSE if the entered value is equivalent to less than one candle. To calculate Hold Days in # of candles on the Hour chart divide the chart period by 24 x #candles. On the Minute chart divide the chart period by 60 then by 24 x #candles.
Show Vertical Lines at From Date & To Date
Shows a vertical dotted line at the From Date and To Date for visual inspection of the setting.
Date Filter
When enabled, trades are allowed between the From Date and To Date, i.e., the date range.
When disabled, trades are allowed for all candles.
Partition the time when trading is allowed to see if your indicator settings work well across the date range. Click 1st Half, IQR (inter-quartile range), or 2nd Half buttons to trade a portion of the date range.
Select only one at-a-time to partition the time when trading is allowed.
When 1st Half is enabled only trades for the 1st half of the date range are allowed.
When IQR is enabled only trades for the inter-quartile date range are allowed.
When 2nd Half is enabled only trades for the 2nd half of the date range are allowed.
Position Sizing
The % of Equity to Risk has been separated into two (2) areas: for initial trades and for pyramid trades. This allows for greater ability to maximize profits within your acceptable drawdown. A variation of the Anti-Martingale method from the initial trade if you choose to use it in that manner.
% Equity to Risk for Initial Trades: enter the percent of equity you want to risk per position for the initial trades of each Trade-Grp. For example, for 1% enter 1.
% Equity to Risk for Pyramid Trades: enter the percent of equity you want to risk per position for the pyramid trades of each Trade-Grp. For example, for 2% enter 2.
% Equity for Max Position Size: the position size will not exceed this amount. For example, for 25% enter 25.
Max % Equity Drawdown Warning: an alert will be triggered if the maximum drawdown exceeds this v alue. For example, for 10% enter 10.
Stop Methods
NOTE: The Stop Method must be either Both or TSL in order for the pyramids to work. This feature enforces position sizing.
Stop-loss, SL, and trailing stop-loss, TSL, are other features that enforce risk management.
The trailing stop-loss, TSL, is activated immediately if Stop Method = TSL. If Stop Method = Both, then the TSL is activated when its value is above stop-loss, SL, for Longs and below the SL for Shorts.
The calculated TSL value (shown on the chart by + symbol) of the previous bar is used for the current bar and the plot value is off by default, but you can it turn on via the Style tab. This is available so you can better understand how the TSL value used was calculated from. It is beneficial to show when monitoring the real-time candle.
Alert Chg TSL
When enabled, this feature will alert you to update your stop price if it moves greater than the change amount in %. The amount is the absolute % so will work for both Longs and Shorts. For example, for 1% enter 1 . This is provided since some exchanges/brokers do not offer TSL orders and you must manually adjust as price action plays out.
The alert will also suggest a stop limit price based on the gap selected and explained below.
The alert will occur at the close of the candle at the calculated TSL value of the candle just prior to the real-time candle.
Dwn Gap/Up Gap Input Settings
A price gap is the difference between the closing price of the previous candle and the opening price of the current candle. Dwn Gap and Up Gap are illustrated here.
The values of the Dwn Gap and Up Gap can be seen in the Data Window and are based on the settings of the Date Filter.
The options are “zero gap”, "median gap", "avg gap", "80 pct gap", "90 pct gap". The X pct gap stands for X percentile rank. For example, "80 pct gap" means that 80% of the gaps are less than or equal to the value shown in the Data Window. Select “zero gap” to disable this feature.
If Show Stop Limit is enabled, it will show a dotted-line below or above the current stop price where a stop-limit order should be taken. It is shown based on the gap option selected. Again, the PSE trades market, limit, and stop orders, but a stop-limit may be shown if you wanted to see where one would be set using the Up/Dwn Gap.
Dwn Gap: Affects Short Take Profit, Long Pyramid Entries, and to show the Long Stop Limit.
Up Gap : Affects Long Take Profit, Short Pyramid Entries, and to show the Short Stop Limit.
Fixed Take Profit (TP)
When take profit (TP) is enabled, the PSE will determine if opening a pyramid position will be in profit assuming the TP will be hit while considering commission costs (on Properties tab).
The larger of Up Gap or Slippage value is used with Long positions regarding TP.
The larger of Dwn Gap or Slippage value is used with Short positions regarding TP.
Properties Tab
• Initial Capital: Set as desired.
• Base Currency: Leave as Default. The PSE is designed to use the instrument’s currency, therefore leave as Default.
• Order Size: Leave as default. This setting has been disabled and position sizing is handled on the Inputs tab and is based on % of equity.
• Pyramiding: Set as desired.
• Commission: Set as number %. The PSE is designed to only work with commission as a percent of the position value.
• Verify Price for Limit Orders: Set as desired.
Adjust Slippage on the Properties tab to account for a realistic bid-ask spread. You can use one of Dwn/Up Gap values or other guidelines. Again, the Dwn/Up Gap values are based on the Date Filter input settings.
Heed warnings from the TradingView Pine Script™ manual about values entered into the Slippage field.
The Slippage (ticks) have a noticeable influence on entry price and exit price especially at the beginning when the date range includes prices from $0.01 to $100,000.00 like that for BTC-USD INDEX. When this is the case, it is best to use different slippage values when partitioning time with the Date Filter.
To minimize the effects of slippage, yet account for it select ‘median gap’ on the Input Tab and use that value for slippage on the Properties tab.
The slippage value is included in the placeholder {{strategy.order.price}}.
Leverage Trading
The PSE is designed to be used both without leverage (the default) and with leverage.
These two settings apply to Trade-Grps. For example, for 5x leverage enter 20 (1/5x100=20).
Margin for Long Positions: Set as desired. The default is 100%.
Margin for Short Positions: Set as desired. The default is 100%.
This setting on the Inputs tab applies to each trade position within a Trade-Grp.
Max % Equity per Position: Set as desired. The default is 20% and intended for non-leverage trading. For leverage trading set as desired. For example, for 3x leverage enter 300 (3x100=300).
Recalculate After Order Is Filled
The PSE uses the strategy parameter calc_on_order_fills=true to allow for enter/exit on the same bar and generate alerts immediately after an order is filled. This parameter is on the Properties tab and is named ‘Recalculate After order is filled’ and is enabled by default.
Disabling this feature will cause the PSE to not work as intended.
You will see the following Caution! on the TV Strategy Tester
This occurs because the PSE has the strategy parameter calc_on_order_fills = true.
Again, the PSE will only work as intended if this parameter is enabled and set to true.
Therefore, you can close the caution sign and be confident of receiving realistic results.
Recalculate On every tick: Disable.
Fill Orders
• Using bar magnifier: Set as desired.
• On Bar Close: Disable. The PSE will not work as intended if this is enabled.
• Using Standard OHLC: Set as desired.
Using The Alert Message Box From TV Strategy Alert
Set alerts to gain access to all the alerts from PSE. This allows for both order filled alerts, as well as the alert function calls related to refresh GTC orders, drawdown exceeded, update stop-loss order, and Failed to Trade.
Example Message for Manual Trading Alerts
(This is just an example. Consult TV manual for possible placeholders to use.)
Alert for {{plot("position_for_alert")}} position. (long = 1; short = -1)
{{exchange}}:{{ticker}} on TF of {{interval}} at Broker Name
{{strategy.order.action}} Equity x Equity_Multiplier USD in shares at price = {{strategy.order.price}},
where Equity_Multiplier = {{strategy.order.contracts}} x {{strategy.order.price}} / {{plot("Equity")}}
or {{strategy.order.action}} {{strategy.order.contracts}} shares at price = {{strategy.order.price}}.
Note: Use the Equity x Equity_Multiplier method if you have several accounts with different initial capital.
Example Message for Bot Trading Alerts
(You must consult your specific bot for configuring the alert message. This is just an example.)
"action": "{{strategy.order.action}}",
“price”: {{strategy.order.price}}
"amount": {{strategy.order.contracts}},
"botId": "1234"
Connecting to the PSE
The diagram below illustrates how to connect indicators to the PSE.
The Aroon and MACD indicators are only used here as an example. Substitute your own indicators and add as many as you like.
Connection Indicator for the PSE
A video of how to connect your indicator(s) to the PSE is below.
The Connection Indicator for the PSE, also called here the connection-indicator.
Below is a description of how to connect your chosen indicators to the connection-indicator. Two (2) indicators were chosen for the example, but you may have one (1) or many indicators.
If you have source code access to your indicators you can paste the code directly into the connection-indicator to eliminate the need to have those indicators on the chart and the additional connection of them to the connection-indicator. Below will assume source code to the indicators are not available.
The MACD and Aroon Oscillator are from TV built standard indicators and are shown here just as an example for inputs (i.e. source) to the connection-indicator. They were configured as follows:
The source code for the connection-indicator is shown below. Substitute your own chosen indicators and add as many as you like to create your connection-indicator that feeds into the PSE. The MACD and Aroon Oscillator were simply chosen as an example. Configure your connection-indicator in the manner shown below.
// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// This is just an example Indicator to show how to interface with the PSE.
// The indicators used in the example are standard TV built indicators.
indicator(title="Connection Indicator for the PSE", overlay=false, max_lines_count=500, max_labels_count=500, max_boxes_count=500)
// Ind_1 INDICATOR ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// This is just and example and used MACD histogram as the source.
Filter_Ind_1 = input.bool(false, 'Ind_1', group='Ind_1 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~', tooltip='Click ON to enable the indicator')
input_Ind_1 = input.source(title = "input_Ind_1", defval = close, group='Ind_1 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')
Entry_Ind_1_Long = Filter_Ind_1 ? input_Ind_1 > 0 ? 1 : 0 : 0
Entry_Ind_1_Short = Filter_Ind_1 ? input_Ind_1 < 0 ? 1 : 0 : 0
Exit_Ind_1_Long = Entry_Ind_1_Short
Exit_Ind_1_Short = Entry_Ind_1_Long
// Ind_2 INDICATOR ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
// This is just an example and used Aroon Oscillator as the source. Included limits to use with the oscillator to determine enter and exit.
Filter_Ind_2 = input.bool(false, "Ind_2", group='Ind_2 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~', tooltip='Click ON to enable the indicator')
Filter_Ind_2_Limit =, minval=0, step=5, group='Ind_2 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')
Filter_Ind_2_UL = Filter_Ind_2_Limit
Filter_Ind_2_LL = -Filter_Ind_2_Limit
up = input.source(title = "input_Ind_2A Up", defval = close, group='Ind_2 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')
down = input.source(title = "input_Ind_2B Down", defval = close, group='Ind_2 INDICATOR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~')
oscillator = up - down
Entry_Ind_2_Long = Filter_Ind_2? oscillator > Filter_Ind_2_UL ? 1 : 0 : 0
Entry_Ind_2_Short = Filter_Ind_2? oscillator < Filter_Ind_2_LL ? 1 : 0 : 0
Exit_Ind_2_Long = Entry_Ind_2_Short
Exit_Ind_2_Short = Entry_Ind_2_Long
//#region ~~~~~~~ASSEMBLY OF FILTERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}
// You may have as many indicators as you like. Assemble them in similar fashion as below.
// ——————— Assembly of Entry Filters
Nbr_Entries =, minval=1, title='Min Nbr Entries', inline='nbr_in_out', group='Assembly of Indicators')
// Update the assembly based on the number of indicators connected.
EntryLongOK = Entry_Ind_1_Long + Entry_Ind_2_Long >= Nbr_Entries? true: false
EntryShortOK = Entry_Ind_1_Short + Entry_Ind_2_Short >= Nbr_Entries? true: false
entry_signal = EntryLongOK ? 1 : EntryShortOK ? -1 : 0
plot(entry_signal, title="Entry_Signal",, 0))
// ——————— Assembly of Exit Filters
Nbr_Exits =, minval=1, title='Min Nbr of Exits', inline='nbr_in_out', group='Assembly of Indicators', tooltip='Enter the minimum number of entries & exits
required for a signal.')
// Update the assembly based on the number of indicators connected.
ExitLongOK = Exit_Ind_1_Long + Exit_Ind_2_Long >= Nbr_Exits? true: false
ExitShortOK = Exit_Ind_1_Short + Exit_Ind_2_Short >= Nbr_Exits? true: false
exit_signal = ExitLongOK ? 1 : ExitShortOK ? -1 : 0
plot(exit_signal, title="Exit_Signal",, 0))
//#endregion ~~~~~~~END OF ASSEMBLY OF FILTERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~}
The input box for the connection-indicator is shown below. The default for input source is “close”. For Input_Ind_1 click the dropdown and select the MACD Histogram. For Input_Ind_2 click the dropdown and select Aroon Up and Aroon Down as shown.
Signal Connection Section of PSE
Below is a description of how to connect your chosen indicators to the PSE from the connection-indicator.
At the PSE Input tab, the Signal Connection Section is where you select the source of the Entry and Exit Signal to the PSE. These are the outputs from connection-indicator.
The default source is “close”. Click the dropdown and select the entry and exit signal to establish a connection as shown below.
R-based Strategy Template [Daveatt]Have you ever wondered how to properly track your trading performance based on risk rather than just profits?
This template solves that problem by implementing R-multiple tracking directly in TradingView's strategy tester.
This script is a tool that you must update with your own trading entry logic.
Quick notes
Before we dive in, I want to be clear: this is a template focused on R-multiple calculation and visualization.
I'm using a basic RSI strategy with dummy values just to demonstrate how the R tracking works. The actual trading signals aren't important here - you should replace them with your own strategy logic.
R multiple logic
Let's talk about what R-multiple means in practice.
Think of R as your initial risk per trade.
For instance, if you have a $10,000 account and you're risking 1% per trade, your 1R would be $100.
A trade that makes twice your risk would be +2R ($200), while hitting your stop loss would be -1R (-$100).
This way of measuring makes it much easier to evaluate your strategy's performance regardless of account size.
Whenever the SL is hit, we lose -1R
Proof showing the strategy tester whenever the SL is hit:
The magic happens in how we calculate position sizes.
The script automatically determines the right position size to risk exactly your specified percentage on each trade.
This is done through a simple but powerful calculation:
risk_amount = (strategy.equity * (risk_per_trade_percent / 100))
sl_distance = math.abs(entry_price - sl_price)
position_size = risk_amount / (sl_distance * syminfo.pointvalue)
Limitations with lower timeframe gaps
This ensures that if your stop loss gets hit, you'll lose exactly the amount you intended to risk. No more, no less.
Well, could be more or less actually ... let's assume you're trading futures on a 15-minute chart but in the 1-minute chart there is a gap ... then your 15 minute SL won't get filled and you'll likely to not lose exactly -1R
This is annoying but it can't be fixed - and that's how trading works anyway.
The template gives you flexibility in how you set your stop losses. You can use fixed points, ATR-based stops, percentage-based stops, or even tick-based stops.
Regardless of which method you choose, the position sizing will automatically adjust to maintain your desired risk per trade.
To help you track performance, I've added a comprehensive statistics table in the top right corner of your chart.
It shows you everything you need to know about your strategy's performance in terms of R-multiples: how many R you've won or lost, your win rate, average R per trade, and even your longest winning and losing streaks.
Happy trading!
And remember, measuring your performance in R-multiples is one of the most classical ways to evaluate and improve your trading strategies.
FreedX Grid Backtest█ FreedX Grid Backtest is an open-source tool that offers accurate GRID calculations for GRID trading strategies. This advanced tool allows users to backtest GRID trading parameters with precision, accurately reflecting exchange functionalities. We are committed to enhancing trading strategies through precise backtesting solutions and address the issue of unreliable backtesting practices observed on GRID trading strategies. FreedX Grid Backtest is designed for optimal calculation speed and plotting efficiency, ensuring users to achieve fastest calculations during their analysis.
The core of the FreedX Grid Backtest tool lies in its ability to simulate grid trading strategies. Grid trading involves placing orders at regular intervals within a predefined price range, creating a grid of orders that capitalize on market volatility.
⚙️ Backtest Range:
→ Purpose: Allows users to specify the backtesting range of GRID strategy. Closes all positions at the end of this range.
→ How to Use: Drag the dates to fit the desired backtesting range.
⚙️ Investment & Compounding:
→ Purpose: Allows users to specify the total investment amount and select between fixed and compound investment strategies. Compounding adjusts trade quantities based on performance, enhancing the grid strategy's adaptability to market changes.
→ How to Use: Set the desired investment amount and choose between "Fixed" or "Compound" for the investment method.
⚙️ Leverage & Grid Levels:
→ Purpose: Leverage amplifies the investment amount, increasing potential returns (and risks). Users can define the number of grid levels, which determines how the investment is distributed across the grid.
→ How to Use: Input the desired leverage and number of grids. The tool automatically calculates the distribution of funds across each grid level.
⚙️ Distribution Type & Mode:
→ Purpose: Users can select the distribution type (Arithmetic or Geometric) to set how grid levels are determined. The mode (Neutral, Long, Short) dictates the direction of trades within the grid.
→ How to Use: Choose the distribution type and mode based on the desired trading strategy and market outlook.
⚙️ Enable LONG/SHORT Grids exclusively:
Beyond automated settings, the tool offers manual adjustments for traders seeking finer control over their grid strategies.
⚙️ Manual Level Adjustment:
→ Purpose: Enables traders to manually set the top, reference, and bottom levels of the grid, offering precision control over the trading range.
→ How to Use: Activate manual levels and adjust the top, reference, and bottom levels as needed to define the grid's scope.
⚙️ Stop Triggers:
→ Purpose: Provides an option to set upper and lower price limits, acting as stop triggers to close or terminate trades. This feature safeguards investments against significant market movements outside the anticipated range.
→ How to Use: Enable stop triggers and specify the upper and lower limits. The tool will automatically manage positions based on these parameters.
This guide gives you a quick and clear overview of the FreedX Grid Backtest tool, explaining how you can use this cutting-edge tool to improve your trading strategies.
FreedX Backtest Plus█ Our new FreedX Backtest PLUS template enhances TradingView backtesting with smart features like Mean Reversion, Flexible Volatility, Liquidation Filter, and Better Trend Filtering, making strategies more effective. It lets users set up automated alerts easily. This guide explains how to make the most of these improved features.
The Trading Date Settings feature in our TradingView script allows you to refine their backtesting parameters by specifying trading dates and hours. This feature enhances the accuracy of the backtest by aligning it with specific time frames and days, ensuring that the strategy is tested under relevant market conditions.
⚙️ Enable Trading Between Specific Dates:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Allows you to limit the backtesting of their strategy to a specific date range.
💡 How to Use:
→ Input the Start Date and End Date for the backtest period.
→ The script will execute the strategy only within this specified date range.
⚙️ Enable Trading Between Specific Hours:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Allows you to limit the backtesting of their strategy to a specific hour range.
💡 How to Use:
→ Input the start and end hour for in Trading Session section.
→ The script will execute the strategy only within this specified hour range.
⚙️ Enable Trading on Specified Days of the Week:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Gives you the option to conduct backtesting on selected days of the week, tailoring the strategy to particular market behaviours that may occur on these days.
💡 How to Use:
→ Select the days of the week for the backtest.
→ The script will activate the trading strategy only on these chosen days.
The Buy/Sell Trigger Settings feature is designed to provide users with flexibility in defining the conditions for 'LONG' and 'SHORT' signals based on various indicator types. This customization is crucial for tailoring strategies to different trading styles and market conditions.
⚙️ Single-Line Plotted Indicators :
🎯 Purpose:
→ Enables you to select a single-line plotted indicator as a source for backtesting. You can define specific levels to trigger 'LONG' or 'SHORT' signals.
💡 How to Use:
→ Choose a Single-Line Plotted indicator as the source.
→ Set the top and bottom levels for the indicator.
→ The script triggers 'LONG' signals at the bottom level and 'SHORT' signals at the top level.
⚙️ Two-Line Plotted Indicators :
🎯 Purpose:
→ Allows backtesting with two-line cross plot sources. Signals are generated based on the crossover of these lines.
💡 How to Use:
→ Select two lines as 'Source 1' and 'Source 2' for the indicator.
→ The script triggers a 'LONG' signal when 'Source 1' crosses above 'Source 2'.
→ Conversely, a 'SHORT' signal is triggered when 'Source 2' crosses above 'Source 1'.
⚙️ Custom Signals :
🎯 Purpose:
→ This setting enables users to define their own criteria for LONG, SHORT, and CLOSE signals based on custom indicator outputs.
💡 How to Use:
→ Select the custom source for your signals.
→ Define the output values that correspond to each signal type (e.g., “1” for 'LONG', “-1” for SHORT, and “0” for CLOSE).
→ The script will trigger signals according to these custom-defined values.
The TP/SL (Take Profit/Stop Loss) Settings feature is designed to give users control over their profit securing and risk mitigation strategies. This feature allows for setting custom TP and SL levels, which can be critical in managing trades effectively.
Custom TP/SL Levels for Long/Short Signals:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Enables users to set specific percentage levels for Take Profit and Stop Loss on long and short signals.
💡 How to Use:
→ In the TP/SL Settings, input the desired percentage for Take Profit (TP) and Stop Loss (SL).
→ For example, to secure a profit at a 10% price increase on LONG signals, set the “Long TP Percentage” to “10”.
Strategy Settings provide a range of options to customize the trading strategy. These settings include leverage, position direction changes, and more, allowing users to tailor their strategy to their risk tolerance and market view.
⚙️ Enable Reverse Position:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Automatically closes a current position and opens a new one in the opposite direction upon detecting a signal for a market trend change.
🎯 Example:
→ If a LONG signal is received while in a SHORT position, the script will close the SHORT position and open a LONG position.
💡 How to Use:
→ Activate this feature in the Strategy Settings.
⚙️ Enable Spot Mode:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Disables short orders, using short signals only for closing long positions.
💡 How to Use:
→ Select the 'Spot Mode' option in the Strategy Settings.
⚙️ Enable Invert Signals:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Inverts all indicator signals, changing LONG signals to SHORT and vice versa.
💡 How to Use:
→ Opt for the 'Invert Signals' feature in the Strategy Settings.
⚙️ Enable Trailing Stop:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Triggers a trailing stop order on the exchange instead of a standard stop market order.
☢️ Caution:
→ The backtesting of this feature on TradingView may not accurately reflect actual strategy performance due to discrepancies between TradingView and exchange mechanisms.
💡 How to Use:
→ Select 'Trailing Stop' in the Strategy Settings.
⚙️ Enable Realistic TP & SL:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Goal is protect the user from unrealistic stop loss and take profit prices in live exchange trading conditions.
→ That feature continuously checks the take profit, stop loss and move stop loss prices to prevent unrealistic values. It changes their values according to (minimum realistic percent %)
💡 How to Use:
→ Select 'Enable Realistic TP & SL' in the Strategy Settings. Write min allowed percents.
Limiter Settings provide a range of options to customize the trading strategy. These settings include drawdown limits,contract limit, tradable ratio, for allowing users to tailor their strategy to their risk tolerance and market view.
⚙️ Leverage :
🎯 Purpose:
→ Allows users to apply leverage to their trades.
☢️ Caution:
→ High leverage can significantly increase the risk of liquidation.
→ High leverage and a high stop-loss price may override your fixed stoploss percentage, adjusting the stop-loss to the liquidation price.
💡 How to Use:
→ Set the desired leverage ratio in the Strategy Settings.
⚙️ Drawdown Limit:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Sets a maximum drawdown limit, automatically halting the strategy if this limit is reached, thereby controlling risk.
💡 How to Use:
→ Input the maximum drawdown limit (default: 100, min: 0, max: 100).
⚙️ Contract Limit:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Sets a maximum contract limit, beyond which the compound effect cannot be used. This is important to prevent market manipulation through large-volume orders.
💡 How to Use:
→ Input the maximum contract limit (min: 0).
⚙️ Tradable Ratio:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Sets a tradable ratio, it uses that ratio calculating entry cost for position. Main purpose is cash-out and cash-in according to balance change.
💡 How to Use:
→ Input the tradable ratio percent (default: 98, min: 0.1, max: 100).
Cash-Out Settings offer a money-saving mechanism that prevents entering positions with the entire balance due to cashed-out funds. It functions with a webhook alerts, but the 'Override Allocation %' option must be enabled.
⚙️ Cash-out Threshold %:
🎯 Purpose:
→ It is cash-out mechanism, it saves money with a target threshold.
💡 How to Use:
→ Input the threshold (min: 0).
⚙️ Cash-out Per Profitable Trades %:
🎯 Purpose:
→ It is cash-out mechanism, it saves money from every trade with a percent like commission.
💡 How to Use:
→ Input save percent% (min: 0).
Advanced Strategy Settings offer sophisticated methods for managing Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) using the Average True Range (ATR). These settings are ideal for traders who want to incorporate volatility into their exit strategies.
⚙️ Enable ATR Stop Loss:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Automatically sets the Stop Loss price using the Average True Range at the time of entry.
💡 How to Use:
→ Activate 'ATR Stop Loss' to have the SL price calculated based on the current ATR.
⛓ Enable ATR Trailing Stop:
→ Dynamically updates the Stop Loss price with each new bar, according to the Average True Range.
→ Activate 'ATR Trailing Stop'.
→ Set the ATR Period to define the number of bars for ATR calculation.
→ Adjust the ATR SL Multiplier to determine the stop loss distance.
→ Modify the ATR TP Multiplier for setting the take profit distance.
⚙️ Enable ATR Take Profit:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Sets the Take Profit price based on the Average True Range at the time of entry.
💡 How to Use:
→ Choose 'ATR Take Profit' for TP price determination using ATR.
⚙️ Enable ATR Limit Entry:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Trade can not open in candle close price. Price should hit target price that based on average true range value.
💡 How to Use:
→ Choose 'ATR Limit Entry' for entry price determination using ATR.
⛓ Enable ATR Limit Entry Trailing Price:
→ Dynamically updates the entry price with each new bar, according to the Average True Range.
→ Activate 'ATR Limit Entry Trailing Price'.
→ Set the ATR Period to define the number of bars for ATR calculation.
→ Adjust the ATR SL Multiplier to determine the stop loss distance.
→ Modify the ATR TP Multiplier for setting the take profit distance.
Trend Filtering Settings are designed to align trading strategies with the prevailing market trend, enhancing the precision of trade entries and exits. These settings utilize moving averages for trend analysis and decision-making.
⚙️ Enable Moving Average Filtering:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Limits trades based on moving average trends, blocking short trades in an uptrend and vice versa.
💡 How to Use:
→ Enable 'Trend Filtering'.
→ Set Fast and Slow MA Lengths for trend analysis.
→ Select the Timeframe for moving averages.
→ Choose the Moving Average Type for trend filtering.
🎯 Note:
→ Be cautious with timeframe selections; lower timeframes than the base may cause inconsistencies.
⛓ Exit on Trend Reversal:
→ Automatically closes a position when a market trend reversal is detected.
→ Turn on 'Exit on Trend Reversal' in the settings.
⛓ Ignore Counter Signals:
→ Ignores counter signals during trending market way.
→ If the trend way is long. All short signals will ignore and vice versa.
⛓ Enable Drawing On Chart:
→ Visually represents the trend filter directly on the chart for easy reference.
→ Activate 'Drawing On Chart' to see the trend filter overlaid on the trading chart.
⚙️ Enable Adx Filtering:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Limits trades based on adx value, blocking trades if trend strength is not enough or vice versa for invert mode.
💡 How to Use:
→ Enable 'Adx Filtering'.
→ Set Smoothing and Lengths for adx trend analysis.
→ Select level barrier for trend strength.
⚙️ Enable Custom Filtering:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Limits trades based on custom sources, blocking trades according to custom trades.
💡 How to Use:
→ Enable 'Custom Filtering'.
→ Select fast source.
→ Select slow source.
→ Enable lag mode.
Mean Reversion Filtering Settings are designed to align trading strategies during accumulation market conditions. They set a distance from a line to permit trading. The purpose is to ensure that when the price strays too far from the mean line, it should revert back. In accumulation markets, price movements are generally horizontal. In such situations, mean reversion will operate like a grid, enabling profitable trades with low drawdown. However, when the market structure begins to trend, mean reversion filters may not be as profitable as in accumulation markets. For instance, let's say the price is rising and we are shorting the market until it reaches the mean price line. As the price goes up and the mean also rises, we will end up closing the position at a higher price, rendering the mean reversion system non-profitable. Therefore, consider this filter wisely; greater distances might work better in trending markets.
⚙️ Enable Kairi Filter:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Blocks trades based on distance percent between price and moving average.
💡 How to Use:
→ Enable 'Kairi Filter'.
→ Set Length and Distance Percent.
⛓ Enable Trend Drawing On Chart:
→ Visually represents the trend filter directly on the chart for easy reference.
→ Enable 'Drawing On Chart' to see the allowed regions overlaid on the trading chart with arrows.
⚙️ Enable VWAP Filter:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Blocks trades based on distance percent between price and volume weighted average price.
💡 How to Use:
→ Enable 'VWAP Filter'.
→ Set Timeframe as minutes and distance as percent.
⛓ Exit on Crossing with VWAP:
→ Automatically closes a position when the closing price of a candle crosses the VWAP.
→ Choose "Enable", 'Exit on Crossing with VWAP' in the settings.
⛓ Enable Drawing On Chart:
→ Visually represents the trend filter directly on the chart for easy reference.
→ Enable 'Drawing On Chart' to see the allowed regions overlaid on the trading chart with arrows.
Liquidation filter compares the volume data of futures and spot markets.
Large differences in volume indicate unexpected market conditions, such as massive trading activities, which may signal liquidations.
⚙️ Enable Liquidation Filter:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Blocks trades based on extra ordinary volume differences in spot and futures market.
💡 How to Use:
→ Enable 'Liquidation Filter'.
→ Set behavior to react during that market conditions.
→ Set base amount to filter volume. This amount changes according to timeframe, you should find right amounts.
→ Liquidation candle count means, it is sum of liquidated candle count in last 20 bars.If you set 0, it means feature is disabled.
→ Detection, try to select the spot and perpetual symbols automatically, symbol names varies, it do not support all symbols, you should choose manually in that situation.
Automated Alert Settings are designed to integrate your TradingView script with webhook alerts. These settings allow for enhanced strategy execution and management.
Enable Webhook Alerts:
🎯 Purpose:
💡 How to Use:
→ Enable 'Webhook Alerts' in the settings.
→ Enter your Strategy Key.
→ Optionally, activate 'Override Allocation Percentage' to bypass the preset allocation percentage.
☢️ Caution:
→ Overriding the allocation percentage may result in trade entry errors due to misalignment between entry cost and available balance.
Enable Custom Alerts:
🎯 Purpose:
→ User can produce unique messages for different purposes.
💡 How to Use:
→ Enable 'Custom Alerts' in the settings.
→ Enter your message format type.
Debugging Settings are crucial for users who want to analyze and optimize their strategies. These settings provide tools for visualizing alerts on charts and accessing detailed data outputs.
⚙️ Enable Alert Plotting:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Allows users to visualize trading alerts directly on the chart, aiding in strategy analysis and refinement.
💡 How to Use:
→ Activate 'Alert Plotting' to draw alerts on the chart.
☢️ Caution:
→ It is recommended to disable this feature when creating actual trading alerts, as it can cause latency in signal processing.
⚙️ Enable Debugger Mode:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Facilitates strategy debugging by providing detailed data output in the TradingView Data Window.
💡 How to Use:
→ Turn on 'Debugger Mode' to access real-time data and metrics relevant to your strategy.
⚙️ Enable Table:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Facilitates strategy debugging by providing detailed data output in the TradingView Table on chart.
💡 How to Use:
→ Turn on 'Table' to access last closed candle data and metrics relevant to your strategy.
⚙️ Enable Bar Magnifier
⚙️ Enable Using standard OHLC
FreedX Backtest█ Our strategy template empowers TradingView users to effortlessly backtest any indicator, enhancing their trading strategy's effectiveness. In addition, users can create automated webhook alerts from the template. This document details our template's features and how to utilize them effectively.
The Trading Date Settings feature in our TradingView script allows you to refine their backtesting parameters by specifying trading dates and hours. This feature enhances the accuracy of the backtest by aligning it with specific time frames and days, ensuring that the strategy is tested under relevant market conditions.
⚙️ Enable Trading Between Specific Dates:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Allows you to limit the backtesting of their strategy to a specific date range.
💡 How to Use:
→ Input the Start Date and End Date for the backtest period.
→ The script will execute the strategy only within this specified date range.
⚙️ Enable Trading Between Specific Hours:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Allows you to limit the backtesting of their strategy to a specific hour range.
💡 How to Use:
→ Input the start and end hour for in Trading Session section.
→ The script will execute the strategy only within this specified hour range.
⚙️ Enable Trading on Specified Days of the Week:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Gives you the option to conduct backtesting on selected days of the week, tailoring the strategy to particular market behaviours that may occur on these days.
💡 How to Use:
→ Select the days of the week for the backtest.
→ The script will activate the trading strategy only on these chosen days.
The Buy/Sell Trigger Settings feature is designed to provide users with flexibility in defining the conditions for 'LONG' and 'SHORT' signals based on various indicator types. This customization is crucial for tailoring strategies to different trading styles and market conditions.
⚙️ Single-Line Plotted Indicators :
🎯 Purpose:
→ Enables you to select a single-line plotted indicator as a source for backtesting. You can define specific levels to trigger 'LONG' or 'SHORT' signals.
💡 How to Use:
→ Choose a Single-Line Plotted indicator as the source.
→ Set the top and bottom levels for the indicator.
→ The script triggers 'LONG' signals at the bottom level and 'SHORT' signals at the top level.
⚙️ Two-Line Plotted Indicators :
🎯 Purpose:
→ Allows backtesting with two-line cross plot sources. Signals are generated based on the crossover of these lines.
💡 How to Use:
→ Select two lines as 'Source 1' and 'Source 2' for the indicator.
→ The script triggers a 'LONG' signal when 'Source 1' crosses above 'Source 2'.
→ Conversely, a 'SHORT' signal is triggered when 'Source 2' crosses above 'Source 1'.
⚙️ Custom Signals :
🎯 Purpose:
→ This setting enables users to define their own criteria for LONG, SHORT, and CLOSE signals based on custom indicator outputs.
💡 How to Use:
→ Select the custom source for your signals.
→ Define the output values that correspond to each signal type (e.g., “1” for 'LONG', “-1” for SHORT, and “0” for CLOSE).
→ The script will trigger signals according to these custom-defined values.
The TP/SL (Take Profit/Stop Loss) Settings feature is designed to give users control over their profit securing and risk mitigation strategies. This feature allows for setting custom TP and SL levels, which can be critical in managing trades effectively.
Custom TP/SL Levels for Long/Short Signals:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Enables users to set specific percentage levels for Take Profit and Stop Loss on long and short signals.
💡 How to Use:
→ In the TP/SL Settings, input the desired percentage for Take Profit (TP) and Stop Loss (SL).
→ For example, to secure a profit at a 10% price increase on LONG signals, set the “Long TP Percentage” to “10”.
Strategy Settings provide a range of options to customize the trading strategy. These settings include leverage, drawdown limits, position direction changes, and more, allowing users to tailor their strategy to their risk tolerance and market view.
⚙️ Enable Leverage :
🎯 Purpose:
→ Allows users to apply leverage to their trades.
☢️ Caution:
→ High leverage can significantly increase the risk of liquidation.
→ High leverage and a high stop-loss price may override your fixed stoploss percentage, adjusting the stop-loss to the liquidation price.
💡 How to Use:
→ Set the desired leverage ratio in the Strategy Settings.
⚙️ Enable Drawdown Limit:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Sets a maximum drawdown limit, automatically halting the strategy if this limit is reached, thereby controlling risk.
💡 How to Use:
→ Input the maximum drawdown limit (default: 100, min: 0, max: 100).
⚙️ Enable Reverse Position:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Automatically closes a current position and opens a new one in the opposite direction upon detecting a signal for a market trend change.
🎯 Example:
→ If a LONG signal is received while in a SHORT position, the script will close the SHORT position and open a LONG position.
💡 How to Use:
→ Activate this feature in the Strategy Settings.
⚙️ Enable Spot Mode:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Disables short orders, using short signals only for closing long positions.
💡 How to Use:
→ Select the 'Spot Mode' option in the Strategy Settings.
⚙️ Enable Invert Signals:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Inverts all indicator signals, changing LONG signals to SHORT and vice versa.
💡 How to Use:
→ Opt for the 'Invert Signals' feature in the Strategy Settings.
⚙️ Enable Trailing Stop:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Triggers a trailing stop order on the exchange instead of a standard stop market order.
☢️ Caution:
→ The backtesting of this feature on TradingView may not accurately reflect actual strategy performance due to discrepancies between TradingView and exchange mechanisms.
💡 How to Use:
→ Select 'Trailing Stop' in the Strategy Settings.
Advanced Strategy Settings offer sophisticated methods for managing Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) using the Average True Range (ATR). These settings are ideal for traders who want to incorporate volatility into their exit strategies.
⚙️ Enable ATR Stop Loss:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Automatically sets the Stop Loss price using the Average True Range at the time of entry.
💡 How to Use:
→ Activate 'ATR Stop Loss' to have the SL price calculated based on the current ATR.
⚙️ Enable ATR Take Profit:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Sets the Take Profit price based on the Average True Range at the time of entry.
💡 How to Use:
→ Choose 'ATR Take Profit' for TP price determination using ATR.
⚙️ Enable ATR Trailing Stop:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Dynamically updates the Stop Loss price with each new bar, according to the Average True Range.
💡 How to Use:
→ Activate 'ATR Trailing Stop'.
→ Set the ATR Period to define the number of bars for ATR calculation.
→ Adjust the ATR SL Multiplier to determine the stop loss distance.
→ Modify the ATR TP Multiplier for setting the take profit distance.
Trend Filtering Settings are designed to align trading strategies with the prevailing market trend, enhancing the precision of trade entries and exits. These settings utilize moving averages for trend analysis and decision-making.
⚙️ Enable Trend Filtering:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Limits trades based on moving average trends, blocking short trades in an uptrend and vice versa.
💡 How to Use:
→ Enable 'Trend Filtering'.
→ Set Fast and Slow MA Lengths for trend analysis.
→ Select the Timeframe for moving averages.
→ Choose the Moving Average Type for trend filtering.
🎯 Note:
→ Be cautious with timeframe selections; lower timeframes than the base may cause inconsistencies.
⚙️ Enable Exit on Trend Reversal:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Automatically closes a position when a market trend reversal is detected.
💡 How to Use:
→ Turn on 'Exit on Trend Reversal' in the settings.
⚙️ Enable Trend Drawing On Chart:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Visually represents the trend filter directly on the chart for easy reference.
💡 How to Use:
→ Activate 'Trend Drawing On Chart' to see the trend filter overlaid on the trading chart.
Automated Alert Settings are designed to integrate your TradingView script with webhook alerts. These settings allow for enhanced strategy execution and management.
Enable Webhook Alerts:
🎯 Purpose:
💡 How to Use:
→ Enable 'Webhook Alerts' in the settings.
→ Enter your Strategy ID.
→ Optionally, activate 'Override Allocation Percentage' to bypass the preset allocation percentage.
☢️ Caution:
→ Overriding the allocation percentage may result in trade entry errors due to misalignment between entry cost and available balance.
Debugging Settings are crucial for users who want to analyze and optimize their strategies. These settings provide tools for visualizing alerts on charts and accessing detailed data outputs.
⚙️ Enable Alert Plotting:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Allows users to visualize trading alerts directly on the chart, aiding in strategy analysis and refinement.
💡 How to Use:
→ Activate 'Alert Plotting' to draw alerts on the chart.
☢️ Caution:
→ It is recommended to disable this feature when creating actual trading alerts, as it can cause latency in signal processing.
⚙️ Enable Debugger Mode:
🎯 Purpose:
→ Facilitates strategy debugging by providing detailed data output in the TradingView Data Window.
💡 How to Use:
→ Turn on 'Debugger Mode' to access real-time data and metrics relevant to your strategy.
⚙️ Enable Bar Magnifier
⚙️ Enable Using standard OHLC
TradingView.To Strategy Template (with Dyanmic Alerts)Hello traders,
If you're tired of manual trading and looking for a solid strategy template to pair with your indicators, look no further.
This Pine Script v5 strategy template is engineered for maximum customization and risk management.
Best part?
This Pine Script v5 template facilitates the dynamic construction of TradingView.TO alerts, sparing users the time and effort of mastering the TradingView.TO syntax and manually create alert commands.
This powerful tool gives much power to those who don't know how to code in Pinescript and want to automate their indicators' signals via TradingView.TO bot.
TradingView.TO is a trading bot software that forwards TradingView alerts to your brokers (examples: Binance, Oanda, Coinbase, Bybit, Metatrader 4/5, ...) for automating trading.
Many traders don't know how to create TradingView.TO dynamically-compatible alerts using the data from their TradingView scripts.
Traders using trading bots want their alerts to reflect the stop-loss/take-profit/trailing-stop/stop-loss to break options from your script and then create the orders accordingly.
This script showcases how to create TradingView.TO alerts dynamically.
1) You'll have to create one alert per asset X timeframe = 1 chart.
Example: 1 alert for BTC/USDT on the 5 minutes chart, 1 alert for BTC/USDT on the 15-minute chart (assuming you want your bot to trade the BTC/USDT on the 5 and 15-minute timeframes)
2) Select the Order fills and alert() function calls condition
3) For each alert, the alert message is pre-configured with the text below
Please leave it as it is.
It's a TradingView native variable that will fetch the alert text messages built by the script.
4) TradingView.TO uses webhook technology - setting a webhook URL from the alerts notifications tab is required.
I) Modular Indicator Connection
* plug your existing indicator into the template.
* Only two lines of code are needed for full compatibility.
Step 1: Create your connector
Adapt your indicator with only 2 lines of code and then connect it to this strategy template.
To do so:
1) Find in your indicator where the conditions print the long/buy and short/sell signals.
2) Create an additional plot as below
I'm giving an example with a Two moving averages cross.
Please replicate the same methodology for your indicator, whether a MACD , ZigZag, Pivots , higher-highs, lower-lows or whatever indicator with clear buy and sell conditions.
indicator("Supertrend", overlay = true, timeframe = "", timeframe_gaps = true)
atrPeriod =, "ATR Length", minval = 1)
factor = input.float(3.0, "Factor", minval = 0.01, step = 0.01)
= ta.supertrend(factor, atrPeriod)
supertrend := barstate.isfirst ? na : supertrend
bodyMiddle = plot(barstate.isfirst ? na : (open + close) / 2, display = display.none)
upTrend = plot(direction < 0 ? supertrend : na, "Up Trend", color =, style = plot.style_linebr)
downTrend = plot(direction < 0 ? na : supertrend, "Down Trend", color =, style = plot.style_linebr)
fill(bodyMiddle, upTrend,, 90), fillgaps = false)
fill(bodyMiddle, downTrend,, 90), fillgaps = false)
buy = ta.crossunder(direction, 0)
sell = ta.crossunder(direction, 0)
//////// CONNECTOR SECTION ////////
Signal = buy ? 1 : sell ? -1 : 0
plot(Signal, title = "Signal", display = display.data_window)
//////// CONNECTOR SECTION ////////
Important Notes
🔥 The Strategy Template expects the value to be exactly 1 for the bullish signal and -1 for the bearish signal
Now, you can connect your indicator to the Strategy Template using the method below or that one.
Step 2: Connect the connector
1) Add your updated indicator to a TradingView chart
2) Add the Strategy Template as well to the SAME chart
3) Open the Strategy Template settings, and in the Data Source field, select your 🔌Connector🔌 (which comes from your indicator)
Note it doesn’t have to be named 🔌Connector🔌 - you can name it as you want - however, I recommend an explicit name you can easily remember.
From then, you should start seeing the signals and plenty of other stuff on your chart.
🔥 Note that whenever you update your indicator values, the strategy statistics and visuals on your chart will update in real-time
II) BOT Risk Management:
- Max Drawdown:
Mode: Select whether the max drawdown is calculated in percentage (%) or USD.
Value: If the max drawdown reaches this specified value, set a value to halt the bot.
- Max Consecutive Days:
Use Max Consecutive Days BOT Halt: Enable/Disable halting the bot if the max consecutive losing days value is reached.
- Max Consecutive Days: Set the maximum number of consecutive losing days allowed before halting the bot.
- Max Losing Streak:
Use Max Losing Streak: Enable/Disable a feature to prevent the bot from taking too many losses in a row.
- Max Losing Streak Length: Set the maximum length of a losing streak allowed.
Margin Call:
- Use Margin Call: Enable/Disable a feature to exit when a specified percentage away from a margin call to prevent it.
Margin Call (%): Set the percentage value to trigger this feature.
- Close BOT Total Loss:
Use Close BOT Total Loss: Enable/Disable a feature to close all trades and halt the bot if the total loss is reached.
- Total Loss ($): Set the total loss value in USD to trigger this feature.
Intraday BOT Risk Management:
- Intraday Losses:
Use Intraday Losses BOT Halt: Enable/Disable halting the bot on reaching specified intraday losses.
Mode: Select whether the intraday loss is calculated in percentage (%) or USD.
- Max Intraday Losses (%): Set the value for maximum intraday losses.
Limit Intraday Trades:
- Use Limit Intraday Trades: Enable/Disable a feature to limit the number of intraday trades.
- Max Intraday Trades: Set the maximum number of intraday trades allowed.
Restart Intraday EA:
III) Order Types and Position Sizing
- Choose between market or limit orders.
- Set your position size directly in the template.
Please use the position size from the “Inputs” and not the “Properties” tab.
I know it's redundant. - the template needs this value from the "Inputs" tab to build the alerts, and the Backtester needs it from the "Properties" tab.
IV) Advanced Take-Profit and Stop-Loss Options
- Choose to set your SL/TP in either USD or percentages.
- Option for multiple take-profit levels and trailing stop losses.
- Move your stop loss to break even +/- offset in USD for “risk-free” trades.
V) Miscellaneous:
Retry order openings if they fail.
Order Types:
Select and specify order type and price settings.
Position Size:
Define the type and size of positions.
Leverage settings, including margin type and hedge mode.
Limit trades to specific sessions.
Limit trades to a specific date range.
Trades Direction:
Direction: Specify the market direction for opening positions.
VI) Logger
The TradingView.TO commands are logged in the TradingView logger.
You'll find more information about it in this TradingView blog post .
1) Transform your indicator into a TradingView.TO trading bot more easily than before
Connect your indicator to the template
Create your alerts
Set your EA settings
2) Save Time
Auto-generated alert messages for TradingView.TO.
I tested them all and checked with the support team what could/couldn’t be done.
3) Be in Control
Manage your trading risks with advanced features.
4) Customizable
Fits various trading styles and asset classes.
* Make sure you have your TradingView.TO account
* If there is any issue with the template, ask me in the comments section - I’ll answer quickly.
1) I connected this strategy template to a dummy Supertrend script.
I could have selected any other indicator or concept for this script post.
I wanted to share an example of how you can quickly upgrade your strategy, making it compatible with TradingView.TO.
2) The backtest results aren't relevant for this educational script publication.
I used realistic backtesting data but didn't look too much into optimizing the results, as this isn't the point of why I'm publishing this script.
This strategy is a template to be connected to any indicator - the sky is the limit. :)
3) This template is made to take 1 trade per direction at any given time.
Pyramiding is set to 1 on TradingView.
The strategy default settings are:
* Initial Capital: 100000 USD
* Position Size: 1%
* Commission Percent: 0.075%
* Slippage: 1 tick
* No margin/leverage used
Signal ComposerThis Signal Composer script can compose existing signals from other "Signal Indicators" into one and can forward it to the "Template Trailing Strategy".
It allows the user to combine the logic of two signals and define the conditions that will trigger the start, end, cancel start, and cancel end deals of the produced signal. A signal will be composed from those user-defined conditions.
For example, one signal indicator may have the main logic and the other the filter logic. If you want to combine more signals you may add two Signal Composer scripts and pipe the output of the first composer to the second one.
This is the "main building block" of creating a bit more complex strategies without writing any code.
The "indicator on indicator" feature is needed so you can forward the resulting signal to the "Template Trailing Strategy" so that you can set take profits, stop losses, custom alerts, and all other nifty features this framework provides.
Thus, you should be a Plus or Premium user to get its full potential. It is very convenient for those who want to create a strategy without coding their own signal indicator and for those who want to fast-prototype various ideas based on simple but composable conditions.
It can nicely be combined with the "Signal Adapter" which combines simple (non-signal) indicators and produces a signal. This is a recipe to build fast and backtest more complex strategy logic.
This approach has a fail-fast mentality! Keep, in mind that you can code a single signal indicator with your composed logic later on only if the idea turns out to be "good enough".
Signal AdapterThis Signal Adapter script can compose a signal based on inputs from other simple (non-signal) indicators and can forwards it to the "Template Trailing Strategy".
It allows the user to combine up to eight external inputs and define the conditions that will trigger the start, end, cancel start and cancel end deals.
A signal will be composed from those user-defined conditions. The "indicator on indicator" feature is needed so you can forward the resulted signal to the "Template Trailing Strategy".
Thus you should be Plus or Premium user to get it's full potential. It is very convenient for those who want to create a strategy without coding their own signal indicator and for those
who want to fast prototype various ideas based on simple conditions.
Buy&Sell Bullish Engulfing - The Quant Science🇺🇸
Buy&Sell Bullish Engulfing - The Quant Science It is a Buy&Sell strategy based on the 'Bullish Engulfing' candlestick pattern. The main goal of the strategy is to achieve a consistent and sustainable return over time, with a manageable level of risk.
Bullish Engulfing
The template was developed at the top of the Indicator provided by TradingView called 'Engulfing - Bullish'.
Entry: A single long order is opened when the candlestick pattern is formed, and the percentage size of the order (%) is fixed by the trader through the user interface.
Exit: The long trade is closed on a percentage equity take profit-stop loss.
Buy&Sell Bullish Engulfing - The Quant Science è una strategia Buy&Sell basata sul candlestick pattern 'Bullish Engulfing'. L'obiettivo principale della strategia è ottenere un ritorno costante e sostenibile nel tempo, con un livello gestibile di rischio.
Bullish Engulfing
Il template è stato sviluppato al top dell' Indicatore fornito da Trading View chiamato 'Engulfing - Bullish'.
Entrata: viene aperto un singolo ordine long quando si forma il candlestick pattern, la size percentuale dell'ordine (%) viene selezionato tramite l'interfaccia utente dal trader.
Uscita: la chiusura della posizione avviene unicamente tramite un take profit-stop loss percentuale calcolato sul capitale.
Strategy Template + Performance & Returns table + ExtrasA script I've been working on since summer 2022. A template for any strategy so you just have to write or paste the code and go straight into risk management settings
>Signal only Longs/only Shorts/Both
>Leverage system
>Proper fees calculation (even with leverage on)
>Different Stop Loss systems: Simple percentage, 4 different "move to Break Even" systems and Scaling SL after each TP order (read the disclaimer at the bottom regarding this and the TV % profitable metric)
>2 Take Profit systems: Simple percentages, or Risk/reward ratios based on SL level
>Additional option on TP so last one "rides free" until closure of position or Stoploss is hit (for more than 1 orders)
>Up to 5 TP orders
>Show or hide SL/TP levels on demand
>2 date filters. Manual filter is nothing new, enter two dates/hours and filter will turn on. BUT automatic filter is another thing (thanks to user @bfr_ for his help in codingthis feature)
>AUTOMATIC DATE FILTER. Allows you to split all historical data on the chart in X periods, then choose the range of periods used. Up to 10 but that can be changed, instructions included. Useful for WalkForward simulations, haven't seen a script in TradingView that allows you to do this and test your strategy on "unseen data" automatically
Besides, some additions I like to add to my codes:
>Returns table for monthly and weekly performance. Requires recalculation on every tick. This is a modified version of @QuantNomad's work. May add lower TF options later on
>Volume Based S/R system. Original work from @shtcoinr
>One feature that was made by me, the "portfolio table". Yields info and metrics of your strategy, current position and balance. You're able to turn it off and change its size
Should anyone find an error, or have any idea on how to improve this code, please contact me. Future updates could come, stay tuned
In order to have accurate StopLoss hit, I had to change the previous system, which was a "close position on candle close" instead at actual stoploss level. It was fixed, but resulted on inflation of the number of trading orders, thus reducing the percent profitable and making it strongly biased and unreal. Keep that in mind, that "real" profitability could be 2x or 3x the metric TradingView says. If your strategy has a really high trading frequency, resulting in 3000+ orders, might be a problem. Try to make use of the automatic/manual date filter as workaround, I have no means of changing this, seems it is not a bug but an intended design of the PineScript Code
Multi-Symbol Cross Indicator Template - Unleash Your Potential!Unlock your full trading potential with this powerful and versatile Multi-Symbol Cross Indicator Template! This script is designed to make you stand out from the crowd by enabling you to monitor multiple symbols on a single chart for specific events, such as a Golden Cross or Death Cross. With its high adaptability to include various technical indicators, you're in complete control of your trading decisions and market analysis.
By using the built-in function, this template fetches data for your chosen symbols from the selected exchange and calculates the conditions (e.g., moving average crossovers) for each symbol. Although the current implementation focuses on Golden Crosses and Death Crosses, the sky is the limit when it comes to modifying the script to incorporate other technical indicators such as RSI, MACD, or Bollinger Bands.
You, as a discerning trader, can easily customize the script by selecting your preferred exchange and symbols through input options. This flexibility allows you to monitor your favorite markets without the need for any direct code modification, giving you the ultimate adaptability for various trading strategies and market analysis purposes.
Remember, this script is more than just an example or template; it's the key to unleashing your inner trading genius. While it's not intended to be a standalone trading strategy, it serves as the foundation for you to build upon and create your own customized multi-symbol indicators or strategies. You are awesome, and with this Multi-Symbol Cross Indicator Template, there's no doubt that you're on the path to achieving great success in your trading journey!
[GTH] Minervini++ (Minervini's trend template, augmented)This indicator summarizes many of famous trader Mark Minervini's investment criteria into one (hopefully) easy to read indicator.
It is comprised of two general sections: technical and fundamental.
Within the technical section there are 4/5 groups:
(1) Price location (above SMA 50/150/200). Optional: EMA 21
(2) SMAs sequence (SMA 50 above SMA 150 above SMA 200). Optional: EMA 21
(3) SMAs trending, based on a 21 day lookback (adjustable). Optional: EMA 21
(4) Price range (between 25% above 52W low and 25% below 52W high, adjustable)
(5) Optional: Relative Strength (MarketSmith style) in comparison to the SPY (adjustable). Disabled by default, since I personally don't find it very meaningful.
Within the fundamental section there are three groups:
(1) EPS growth over 4 quarters (adjustable), average growth over before mentioned number of quarters, growth acceleration over the same
(2) Revenue, same as for EPS
(3) Net Profit Margin, same as for EPS
There is a "LED" in front of every criterion. If fulfilled it's green, otherwise red. The horizontal "LED strips" summarize the results in a sorted manner, from left to right: green, yellow, red.
The indicator also plots the (EMA 21)/SMA 50/150/200 lines used by Minervini by default (can be disabled). The location on the screen can be chosen, as well as the text size. By default the 52W high/low lines are plotted as well (can be disabled).
Although the calculations and values displayed at the right border are based on internally retrieved daily price data and should therefore be independent from the chart's time frame, at times some figures change when a different timeframe is selected.
On rare occasions the indicator is not displayed, but appears after reloading the chart.
Ultimate Strategy Template (Advanced Edition)Hello traders
This script is an upgraded version of that one below
New features
- Upgraded to Pinescript version 5
- Added the exit SL/TP now in real-time
- Added text fields for the alerts - easier to send the commands to your trading bots
Step 1: Create your connector
Adapt your indicator with only 2 lines of code and then connect it to this strategy template.
For doing so:
1) Find in your indicator where are the conditions printing the long/buy and short/sell signals.
2) Create an additional plot as below
I'm giving an example with a Two moving averages cross.
Please replicate the same methodology for your indicator wether it's a MACD , ZigZag , Pivots , higher-highs, lower-lows or whatever indicator with clear buy and sell conditions.
indicator(title='Moving Average Cross', shorttitle='Moving Average Cross', overlay=true, precision=6, max_labels_count=500, max_lines_count=500)
type_ma1 = input.string(title='MA1 type', defval='SMA', options= )
length_ma1 = input(10, title=' MA1 length')
type_ma2 = input.string(title='MA2 type', defval='SMA', options= )
length_ma2 = input(100, title=' MA2 length')
// MA
f_ma(smoothing, src, length) =>
rma_1 = ta.rma(src, length)
sma_1 = ta.sma(src, length)
ema_1 = ta.ema(src, length)
iff_1 = smoothing == 'EMA' ? ema_1 : src
iff_2 = smoothing == 'SMA' ? sma_1 : iff_1
smoothing == 'RMA' ? rma_1 : iff_2
MA1 = f_ma(type_ma1, close, length_ma1)
MA2 = f_ma(type_ma2, close, length_ma2)
// buy and sell conditions
buy = ta.crossover(MA1, MA2)
sell = ta.crossunder(MA1, MA2)
plot(MA1,, 0), title='Plot MA1', linewidth=3)
plot(MA2,, 0), title='Plot MA2', linewidth=3)
plotshape(buy, title='LONG SIGNAL',, location=location.belowbar,, 0), size=size.normal)
plotshape(sell, title='SHORT SIGNAL',, location=location.abovebar,, 0), size=size.normal)
/////////////////////////// SIGNAL FOR STRATEGY /////////////////////////
Signal = buy ? 1 : sell ? -1 : 0
plot(Signal, title='🔌Connector🔌', display = display.data_window)
Basically, I identified my buy, sell conditions in the code and added this at the bottom of my indicator code
Signal = buy ? 1 : sell ? -1 : 0
plot(Signal, title="🔌Connector🔌", transp=100)
Important Notes
🔥 The Strategy Template expects the value to be exactly 1 for the bullish signal, and -1 for the bearish signal
Now you can connect your indicator to the Strategy Template using the method below or that one
Step 2: Connect the connector
1) Add your updated indicator to a TradingView chart
2) Add the Strategy Template as well to the SAME chart
3) Open the Strategy Template settings and in the Data Source field select your 🔌Connector🔌 (which comes from your indicator)
From then, you should start seeing the signals and plenty of other stuff on your chart
🔥 Note that whenever you'll update your indicator values, the strategy statistics and visual on your chart will update in real-time
- Color Candles: Color the candles based on the trade state ( bullish , bearish , neutral)
- Close positions at market at the end of each session: useful for everything but cryptocurrencies
- Session time ranges: Take the signals from a starting time to an ending time
- Close Direction: Choose to close only the longs, shorts, or both
- Date Filter: Take the signals from a starting date to an ending date
- Set the maximum losing streak length with an input
- Set the maximum winning streak length with an input
- Set the maximum consecutive days with a loss
- Set the maximum drawdown (in % of strategy equity)
- Set the maximum intraday loss in percentage
- Limit the number of trades per day
- Limit the number of trades per week
- Stop-loss: None or Percentage or Trailing Stop Percentage or ATR - I'll add shortly multiple options for the trailing stop loss
- Take-Profit: None or Percentage or ATR - I'll add also a trailing take profit
- Risk-Reward based on ATR multiple for the Stop-Loss and Take-Profit
Special Thanks
Special thanks to @JosKodify as I borrowed a few risk management snippets from his website:
Multi Trend Cross Strategy TemplateToday I am sharing with the community trend cross strategy template that incorporates any combination of over 20 built in indicators. Some of these indicators are in the Pine library, and some have been custom coded and contributed over time by the beloved Pine Coder community. Identifying a trend cross is a common trend following strategy and a common custom-code request from the community. Using this template, users can now select from over 400 different potential trend combinations and setup alerts without any custom coding required. This Multi-Trend cross template has a very inclusive library of trend calculations/indicators built-in, and will plot any of the 20+ indicators/trends that you can select in the settings.
How it works : Simple trend cross strategies go long when the fast trend crosses over the slow trend, and/or go short when the fast trend crosses under the slow trend. Options for either trend direction are built-in to this strategy template. The script is also coded in a way that allows you to enable/modify pyramid settings and scale into a position over time after a trend has crossed.
Use cases : These types of strategies can reduce the volatility of returns and can help avoid large market downswings. For instance, those running a longer term trend-cross strategy may have not realized half the down swing of the bear markets or crashes in 02', 08', 20', etc. However, in other years, they may have exited the market from time to time at unfavorable points that didn't end up being a down turn, or at times the market was ranging sideways. Some also use them to reduce volatility and then add leverage to attempt to beat buy/hold of the underlying asset within an acceptable drawdown threshold.
Special thanks to @Duyck, @everget, @KivancOzbilgic and @LazyBear for coding and contributing earlier versions of some of these custom indicators in Pine.
This script incorporates all of the following indicators. Each of them can be selected and modified from within the indicator settings:
ALMA - Arnaud Legoux Moving Average
DEMA - Double Exponential Moving Average
DSMA - Deviation Scaled Moving Average - Contributed by Everget
EMA - Exponential Moving Average
HMA - Hull Moving Average
JMA - Jurik Moving Average - Contributed by Everget
KAMA - Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average - Contributed by Everget
LSMA - Linear Regression , Least Squares Moving Average
RMA - Relative Moving Average
SMA - Simple Moving Average
SMMA - Smoothed Moving Average
Price Source - Plotted based on source selection
TEMA - Triple Exponential Moving Average
TMA - Triangular Moving Average
VAMA - Volume Adjusted Moving Average - Contributed by Duyck
VIDYA - Variable Index Dynamic Average - Contributed by KivancOzbilgic
VMA - Variable Moving Average - Contributed by LazyBear
VWMA - Volume Weighted Moving Average
WMA - Weighted Moving Average
WWMA - Welles Wilder's Moving Average
ZLEMA - Zero Lag Exponential Moving Average - Contributed by KivancOzbilgic
Disclaimer : This is not financial advice. Open-source scripts I publish in the community are largely meant to spark ideas that can be used as building blocks for part of a more robust trade management strategy. If you would like to implement a version of any script, I would recommend making significant additions/modifications to the strategy & risk management functions. If you don’t know how to program in Pine, then hire a Pine-coder. We can help!
[MT] Strategy Backtest Template| Initial Release | | EN |
An update of my old script, this script is designed so that it can be used as a template for all those traders who want to save time when programming their strategy and backtesting it, having functions already programmed that in normal development would take you more time to program, with this template you can simply add your favorite indicator and thus be able to take advantage of all the functions that this template has.
🔴Stop Loss and 🟢Take Profit:
No need to mention that it is a Stop Loss and a Take Profit, within these functions we find the options of: fixed percentage (%), fixed price ($), ATR, especially for Stop Loss we find the Pivot Points, in addition to this, the price range between the entry and the Stop Loss can be converted into a trailing stop loss, instead, especially for the Take Profit we have an option to choose a 1:X ratio that complements very well with the Pivot Points.
📈Heikin Ashi Based Entries:
Heikin Ashi entries are trades that are calculated based on Heikin Ashi candles but their price is executed to Japanese candles, thus avoiding false results that occur in Heikin candlestick charts, this making in certain cases better results in strategies that are executed with this option compared to Japanese candlesticks.
A more visual and organized way to see the results and necessary data produced by our strategy, among them we can see the dates between which our operations are made regardless if you have activated some time filter, usual data such as Profit, Win Rate, Profit factor are also displayed in this panel, additionally data such as the total number of operations, how many were gains and how many losses, the average profit and loss for each operation and finally the maximum profits and losses followed, which are data that will be very useful to us when we elaborate our strategies.
Feel free to use this template to program your own strategies, if you find errors or want to request a new feature let me know in the comments or through my social networks found in my tradingview profile.
| Update 1.1 | | EN |
➕Additions: '
Time sessions filter and days of the week filter added to the time filter section.
Option to add leverage to the strategy.
5 Moving Averages, RSI, Stochastic RSI, ADX, and Parabolic Sar have been added as indicators for the strategy.
You can choose from the 6 available indicators the way to trade, entry alert or entry filter.
Added the option of ATR for Take Profit.
Ticker information and timeframe are now displayed on the dashboard.
Added display customization and color customization of indicator plots.
Added customization of display and color plots of trades displayed on chart.
Now when activating the time filter it is optional to add a start or end date and time, being able to only add a start date or only an end date.
Operation plots have been changed from plot() to line creation with
Indicator plots can now be controlled from the "plots" section.
Acceptable and deniable range of profit, winrate and profit factor can now be chosen from the "plots" section to be displayed on the dashboard.
Aesthetic changes in the section separations within the settings section and within the code itself.
The function that made the indicators give inputs based on heikin ashi candles has been changed, see the code for more information.
Dashboard label now projects correctly on all timeframes including custom timeframes.
Removed unnecessary lines and variables to take up less code space.
All code in general has been optimized to avoid the use of variables, unnecessary lines and avoid unnecessary calculations, freeing up space to declare more variables and be able to use fewer lines of code.
| Lanzamiento Inicial | | ES |
Una actualización de mi antiguo script, este script está diseñado para que pueda ser usado como una plantilla para todos aquellos traders que quieran ahorrar tiempo al programar su estrategia y hacer un backtesting de ella, teniendo funciones ya programadas que en el desarrollo normal te tomaría más tiempo programar, con esta plantilla puedes simplemente agregar tu indicador favorito y así poder aprovechar todas las funciones que tiene esta plantilla.
🔴Stop Loss y 🟢Take Profit:
No hace falta mencionar que es un Stop Loss y un Take Profit, dentro de estas funciones encontramos las opciones de: porcentaje fijo (%), precio fijo ($), ATR, en especial para Stop Loss encontramos los Pivot Points, adicionalmente a esto, el rango de precio entre la entrada y el Stop Loss se puede convertir en un trailing stop loss, en cambio, especialmente para el Take Profit tenemos una opción para elegir un ratio 1:X que se complementa muy bien con los Pivot Points.
📈Entradas Basadas en Heikin Ashi:
Las entradas Heikin Ashi son operaciones que son calculados en base a las velas Heikin Ashi pero su precio esta ejecutado a velas japonesas, evitando así́ los falsos resultados que se producen en graficas de velas Heikin, esto haciendo que en ciertos casos se obtengan mejores resultados en las estrategias que son ejecutadas con esta opción en comparación con las velas japonesas.
📊Panel de Control:
Una manera más visual y organizada de ver los resultados y datos necesarios producidos por nuestra estrategia, entre ellos podemos ver las fechas entre las que se hacen nuestras operaciones independientemente si se tiene activado algún filtro de tiempo, datos usuales como el Profit, Win Rate, Profit factor también son mostrados en este panel, adicionalmente se agregaron datos como el número total de operaciones, cuantos fueron ganancias y cuantos perdidas, el promedio de ganancias y pérdidas por cada operación y por ultimo las máximas ganancias y pérdidas seguidas, que son datos que nos serán muy útiles al elaborar nuestras estrategias.
Siéntete libre de usar esta plantilla para programar tus propias estrategias, si encuentras errores o quieres solicitar una nueva función házmelo saber en los comentarios o a través de mis redes sociales que se encuentran en mi perfil de tradingview.
| Actualización 1.1 | | ES |
Filtro de sesiones de tiempo y filtro de días de la semana agregados al apartado de filtro de tiempo.
Opción para agregar apalancamiento a la estrategia.
5 Moving Averages, RSI, Stochastic RSI, ADX, y Parabolic Sar se han agregado como indicadores para la estrategia.
Puedes escoger entre los 6 indicadores disponibles la forma de operar, alerta de entrada o filtro de entrada.
Añadido la opción de ATR para Take Profit.
La información del ticker y la temporalidad ahora se muestran en el dashboard.
Añadido personalización de visualización y color de los plots de indicadores.
Añadido personalización de visualización y color de los plots de operaciones mostradas en grafica.
Ahora al activar el filtro de tiempo es opcional añadir una fecha y hora de inicio o fin, pudiendo únicamente agregar una fecha de inicio o solamente una fecha de fin.
Los plots de operaciones han cambiados de plot() a creación de líneas con
Los plots de indicadores ahora se pueden controlar desde el apartado "plots".
Ahora se puede elegir el rango aceptable y negable de profit, winrate y profit factor desde el apartado "plots" para mostrarse en el dashboard.
Cambios estéticos en las separaciones de secciones dentro del apartado de configuraciones y dentro del propio código.
Se ha cambiado la función que hacía que los indicadores dieran entradas en base a velas heikin ashi, mire el código para más información.
El dashboard label ahora se proyecta correctamente en todas las temporalidades incluyendo las temporalidades personalizadas.
Se han eliminado líneas y variables innecesarias para ocupar menos espacio en el código.
Se ha optimizado todo el código en general para evitar el uso de variables, líneas innecesarias y evitar los cálculos innecesarios, liberando espacio para declarar más variables y poder utilizar menos líneas de código.
[D] Dudu 95 Strategy Template ver.1.1.Hello Guys! Nice to meet you all!
This is my Second script after changing My Profile Name!
I updated my strategy template before - I added some filter conditions (EMA, ADX, DMI).
If there's something to update, I will update this script!
Thank you!
I made this based on the open source strategies by jason5480, kevinmck100, myncrypto.
Thank you All!
### Filter
1. Can Choose whether to use filter.
2. Filters Based on ATR, EMA, ADX, and DMI are ready to use.
### StopLoss
1. Can Choose Stop Loss Type: Percent, ATR, Previous Low / High.
2. Can Chosse inputs of each Stop Loss Type.
### Take Profit
1. Can set Risk Reward Ratio for Take Profit.
- To simplify backtest, I erased all other options except RR Ratio.
- You can add Take Profit Logic by adding options in the code.
2. Can set Take Profit Quantity.
### Risk Manangement
1. Can choose whether to use Risk Manangement Logic.
- This controls the Quantity of the Entry.
- e.g. If you want to take 3% risk per trade and stop loss price is 6% below the long entry price,
then 50% of your equity will be used for trade.
2. Can choose How much risk you would take per trade.
### Plot
1. Added Labels to check the data of entry / exit positions.
2. Changed and Added color different from the original one. (green: #02732A, red: #D92332, yellow: #F2E313)
[fpemehd] Strategy TemplateHello Guys! Nice to meet you all!
This is my fourth script!
This is the Strategy Template for traders who wants to make their own strategy.
I made this based on the open source strategies by jason5480, kevinmck100, myncrypto. Thank you All!
### StopLoss
1. Can Choose Stop Loss Type: Percent, ATR, Previous Low / High.
2. Can Chosse inputs of each Stop Loss Type.
### Take Profit
1. Can set Risk Reward Ratio for Take Profit.
- To simplify backtest, I erased all other options except RR Ratio.
- You can add Take Profit Logic by adding options in the code.
2. Can set Take Profit Quantity.
### Risk Manangement
1. Can choose whether to use Risk Manangement Logic.
- This controls the Quantity of the Entry.
- e.g. If you want to take 3% risk per trade and stop loss price is 6% below the long entry price,
then 50% of your equity will be used for trade.
2. Can choose How much risk you would take per trade.
### Plot
1. Added Labels to check the data of entry / exit positions.
2. Changed and Added color different from the original one. (green: #02732A, red: #D92332, yellow: #F2E313)
Risk Management Strategy TemplateThis strategy is intended to be used as a base template for building new strategies.
It incorporates the following features:
Risk management:
Configurable X% loss per stop loss
Configurable R:R ratio
Trade entry:
Calculated position size based on risk tolerance
Trade exit:
Stop Loss currently configurable ATR multiplier but can be replaced based on strategy
Take Profit calculated from Stop Loss using R:R ratio
Configurable backtesting range by date
Trade drawings:
TP/SL boxes drawn for all trades. Can be turned on and off
Trade exit information labels. Can be turned on and off
NOTE: Trade drawings will only be applicable when using overlay strategies
Includes section with useful debugging techniques
Strategy conditions
Trade entry:
C1: Price is above EMA line
C2: RSI is crossing out of oversold area
C1: Price is below EMA line
C2: RSI is crossing out of overbought area
Trade exit:
Stop Loss: Stop Loss ATR multiplier is hit
Take Profit: R:R multiplier * Stop Loss is hit
The idea is to use RSI to catch pullbacks within the main trend.
Note that this strategy is intended to be a simple base strategy for building upon. It was not designed to be traded in its current form.
Mark MinerviniHi everyone,
Just sharing a script that I made when I began to be interested in Mark Minervini, Wiliam O'Neil, Nicolas Darvas,.. trading style.
This script displays :
- 10 EMA (orange)
- 20 EMA (blue light)
- 50 SMA (blue)
-150 SMA (green)
-200 SMA (red)
- Shows when the stock is "extended" from EMA10 to high of the candle (Works in Daily, you can adjust the % to make it match with the stock's volatility)
(Shows a red area between price and 10 EMA)
- Shows when Mark Minervini's trend template is respected by highlighting green between 150 & 200 SMA.
I Although added bollinger bands and 5 EMA for very strong stocks. (I never use them)
Have fun
Strategy Backtesting Template [MYN]A few people have been asking me to share my backtesting template. Currently I use this as my starting point for validating existing strategies and developing new ones.
Trading Date Range
Trade Direction
4 progressive take profits with target percents and percentage of position to take profit on (Thanks adolgo)
Variable percentage Stop Loss
Automatic ProfitView Alert Syntax builder for Longs and Shorts
ADX checkbox to automatically add conditional logic to your strategy
BEST Strategy Template AutoviewHello Traders
I've build a strategy template building for you the AUTOVIEW commands
I made this template based on this documentation:
You can select whether you want to use an SL or not, a TP or not, using the borrow/repay feature (only for Binance), ... and it will build dynamically the Autoview commands and will send them when entry/exit alerts trigger.
The template accept SL/TP in percentage or pips/USD distance from the entry price
MAGICAL !!!! (not really, just some dumb coding)
Users will have to specify from the settings:
- the Autoview account name
- the symbol name: I couldn't capture it from the chart because sometimes the symbol name on the broker side is different than the one from the TradingView side
- the position size
- the broker name (Tradovate, Binance, Bitmex, FTX, ...)
- if you want to send the alerts to your DEMO or LIVE account
- a debug mode to check if your alerts are well formatted
- and a few other interesting options...
If you want to use it, you'll have to update the dummy entries logic lines 97-98 and replacing those two lines by your own stuff
I'll make the ProfitView and 3Commas and Alertatron versions shortly.
Basically the same script but with the commands built for those 3 automation third-parties.
Best regards
Moon Launch Alerts Template [Indicator]I created this indicator/study script because i ran into the issue that the same Alerts would fire multiple times. For example it would trigger a Long signal when already being in a Long. I guess there would be no issue with a very basic strategy but with a larger script and many variables, it seemed to create complications.
This is resolved by a TradingLine oscillator and only when it switches to a new and different position from previous, will it trigger an Alert.
If you are in a Long and it signals Long again, then this is seen as a "Continuation Long" in the Alerts settings. You can use this condition to add to your existing position (Optional). Continuation signals are plotted as bright green/red dots.
You will notice there's an option to uncheck "Trade Shorts" and "Trade Exits" signals.
Lets say you choose not to trade Short and Exits, then your Long would only Exit once a Short signal is detected.
This could prove useful for Back-testing purposes.
This quick example script uses the EMA 10, EMA 200, emaPlus1Atr and emaMinus1Atr.
To use in your script, you will need to modify and add your own BUY/SELL/EXIT signals in the box where it says:
Hope someone will find this useful, or even just as an additional visual confirmation for your own trading strategy and script.