Bollinger Bands Multi TimeFrame [DDMG]Indicador Bandas de Bollinger de Marcos Temporales Múltiples.
¡Hola!, te presento mi primer indicador, después de meses intensos de trabajo, investigación y análisis logré realizar este indicador de las bandas de Bollinger de marcos temporales múltiples, si bien son las bandas de Bollinger habituales, te permite seleccionar entre bandas de múltiples marcos temporales para que puedas analizar el comportamiento del precio en el marco temporal que desees, sin necesidad de cambiar la temporalidad, también arroja señales alcistas y bajistas dependiendo del comportamiento entre bandas de distintos marcos temporales, por último y a manera de estudio personal, desarrollé una especie de EMA recíproca o inversa a la EMA 9, su cálculo lo detallo en la sección Cálculo de las Bandas de Bollinger.
Todo esto lo puedes personalizar en el menú de Estilo, dentro de configuración, más adelante te explico cómo.
Sin más, ¡comencemos de una vez!
Con este indicador podrás visualizar las bandas de Bollinger de distintas temporalidades sin importar el marco temporal en el que te encuentres.
Puedes seleccionar cualquier banda de Bollinger de los siguientes marcos temporales: 15 minutos, 30 minutos, 1 hora, 2 horas, 4 horas, 12 horas, 1 Dia y 1 Semana. Éstas, se mostrarán en el gráfico en todo momento, por lo que puedes visualizar las bandas mientras analizas el precio de 5 minutos, el de 1 hora, el diario o el precio que quieras, sin perder detalle del momentum en el que te encuentras según las bandas de Bollinger que hayas seleccionado.
***Puedes seleccionar una o todas las bandas, pero ten en cuenta que entre más bandas selecciones más saturado quedará el gráfico, a pesar de esto fue diseñado para que puedas elegir libremente las bandas, EMAs o fondos que desees, se detallará en la sección Cálculo de las Bandas de Bollinger***
(A mí me gusta utilizar la de 4 horas, la diaria y la semanal, pero te invito a descubrir cuál es la combinación que más te funciona.)
Cálculo de las Bandas de Bollinger:
Se calculan de forma habitual considerando dos promedios móviles exponenciales (EMA), uno de 9 periodos y otro de 20. A la EMA de 20 periodos se le suma y se le restan dos veces su desviación estándar para generar la banda superior y la banda inferior, respectivamente.
De forma adicional y a manera de estudio personal construí una EMA adicional que toma la diferencia entre la EMA 20 o Basis y la EMA 9 y se la suma a la EMA de 20 periodos (Basis), llamada EMA Built .
Como consecuencia obtenemos una especie de EMA recíproca o inversa a la EMA 9, que se encontrará a la misma distancia entre EMA 9 y EMA 20 pero en sentido opuesto. Esto nos arroja 5 niveles sobre los cuales se pueden tomar decisiones: Banda Superior, EMA 9, EMA 20, EMA Built y Banda Inferior.
Si no te sientes conforme con esta EMA Built o crees que está muy saturado el gráfico puedes desactivar ésta y cualquier banda o EMA de cualquier temporalidad antes descrita en la configuración en el menú “Estilo”.
Código para el cálculo de EMA Built:
basis = ma(src, MT_length, maType)
ema = ma(src, ST_length, maType)
//Distance between EMA 20 and EMA9
difEMAs = basis - ema
//Replicates the distance between EMA 20 and EMA 9 but in inverse direction of the EMA 9
emaBuilt = basis + difEMAs
Para su cálculo en pine script, utilicé como base el cálculo del indicador de trading view de las Bandas de Bollinger, sin considerar la opción de offset y agregando la EMA Built, así como permitiendo que el promedio móvil de baja temporalidad (9 periodos) tenga distintas opciones para su cálculo (aplican también para el de 20 periodos):
• SMA (Simple Moving Average o Promedio Móvil Simple)
• EMA (Exponential Moving Average o Promedio Móvil Exponencial)
• SMMA (Smoothed Moving Average o Promedio Móvil Suavizado)
• WMA (Weighted Moving Average o Promedio Móvil Ponderado)
• VWMA (Volume Weighted Moving Average o Promedio Móvil Ponderado al Volumen)
Para poder observar las distintas bandas en todo momento, se diseñaron con colores llamativos que puedan generar un contraste visual interesante para detectar los cruces alcistas y bajistas, así como cambios de tendencia de distintas temporalidades; sin embargo, puedes ajustar el color, la transparencia y el grosor de las bandas, así como su fondo, en todo momento en el menú Configuración -> Estilo.
Cruces alcistas y bajistas
En la teoría de los promedios móviles (exponenciales, simples, etc), se utilizan típicamente 2 promedios de distintas duraciones para poder estimar cambios en la tendencia. Usualmente se utilizan promedios móviles de corta duración (9-12 periodos), media duración (20–40 periodos) o larga duración (+50 periodos); sin embargo, no hay una regla general y puede variar el rango de periodos según su duración, por ejemplo, hay quienes consideran que larga duración es a partir de 100 o 150 periodos y hay quienes consideran que es a partir de 200.
Cruce alcista:
Un cruce alcista sucede cuando la EMA de corta duración está por debajo de la EMA de media/larga duración y lo cruza de abajo hacia arriba. En este caso un cruce alcista se da cuando la EMA de 9 periodos (azul) cruza de abajo hacia arriba a la EMA de 20 periodos (naranja), a continuación, un ejemplo con las bandas semanales:
Cruce Bajista:
Por contrario, un cruce bajista se da cuando la EMA de 9 periodos está por encima de la EMA de 20 periodos y la cruza de arriba hacia abajo:
Comportamiento del precio en tendencias alcistas:
En tendencias alcistas, el precio típicamente se encuentra por encima de la EMA de 20 periodos y de 9 periodos, es más probable que regrese a la EMA de 9 periodos para continuar por encima de esta, lo anterior confirmaría la tendencia alcista y terminaría cuando suceda el cruce bajista.
Comportamiento del precio en tendencias bajista:
Contrariamente, en una tendencia bajista, el precio se mantendrá por debajo de la EMA de 20 periodos y de 9 periodos, con retornos eventuales a la EMA de 9 periodos para continuar por debajo y confirmar la tendencia bajista. Esta tendencia llega a su fin cuando ocurre un cruce alcista.
Si bien los cruces son fáciles de identificar, ten en cuenta que al término de una tendencia el precio oscilará por lo que se pueden presentar varios cruces alcistas y bajistas antes de confirmar el cambio de tendencia. Ten precaución y recuerda respaldar tus decisiones con otros indicadores y un buen análisis. Típicamente tomar una decisión en las señales iniciales o al inicio de un término de tendencia no suele ser una buena decisión, tienes que esperar a que se consolide el movimiento u obtener confirmaciones por patrones, otros indicadores o según tu propio análisis e investigación, recuerda que ser paciente y estar bien informado ayuda a tomar mejores decisiones.
Ruptura de bandas superior e inferior:
Al considerar la desviación estándar de la EMA de 20 periodos, estamos considerando la volatilidad promedio del precio en 20 periodos, por lo que, en la teoría, cuando existe normalidad en los datos, el 95.45% de éstos se encontrarán a una distancia de 2 desviaciones estándar.
. **Publicaré un indicador de Bandas de Bollinger Multidesviación Estándar, espéralo**
Dicho lo anterior, podemos inferir que una ruptura de la banda superior o inferior es un movimiento atípico que podemos esperar sea corregido rápidamente, sin embargo, no podemos saber con certeza la profundidad de esta corrección, por lo que la EMA de 9, 20 periodos y la EMA Built ayudan a establecer objetivos, sin embargo, ten en cuenta que el precio podría acercarse, pero no llegar a ninguno de estos niveles y continuar con su tendencia.
Si bien la ruptura de las bandas superior e inferior suele ser corregida rápidamente, ten en cuenta que puede tratarse del primer aviso de cambio de tendencia por lo que si estas en una tendencia bajista, por ejemplo, que se ha prolongado y el precio rompe la banda superior, sería una buena salida dado el contexto bajista que ha tenido, sin embargo puede que tras esta ruptura, el precio corrija (caiga) muy poco y continúe su crecimiento rompiendo nuevamente la banda superior, marcando el fin de la tendencia bajista y el comienzo de la alcista; es necesario operar con cuidado por que aunque en el corto plazo salirse en las bandas superiores y entrar en las bandas inferiores puede ser una buena opción, en el mediano o largo plazo puede ser la peor decisión si no entras de nuevo o te sales del mercado, así que hay que estar bien atentos en los rebotes del precio y considerar entrar o salir del mercado en EMAs, siempre confirmando con otros indicadores, patrones y tu propio análisis.
Señales alcistas:
Mi estudio personal sobre las bandas de Bollinger Multi Timeframe me ha llevado a encontrar aspectos interesantes sobre el comportamiento de bandas de temporalidades bajas contra bandas de temporalidades altas. Te detallo a continuación el significado de cada señal y el nivel al que predice el precio se acercará.
Señal Alcista Semanal:
Figura en forma de triangulo ascendente de color verde de tamaño normal y sin transparencia, situada por debajo de las velas japonesas.
Esta señal predice que el precio tendrá una tendencia ascendente hacía la EMA 9 Semanal, puede cruzar dicha EMA o bien quedarse muy cerca sin llegar a tocarla.
Señal Alcista Diaria:
Figura en forma de triangulo ascendente de color verde de tamaño pequeño y transparencia de 20%, situada por debajo de las velas japonesas.
Esta señal predice que el precio tendrá una tendencia ascendente hacía la EMA 9 Diaria, puede cruzar dicha EMA o bien quedarse muy cerca sin llegar a tocarla.
En las primeras señales podemos observar que el precio tiende a la EMA 9 Diaria pero no la toca, en las siguientes señales podemos ver que el precio cruza la EMA 9, 20 y Built diarias, estos niveles son salidas, la señales puedes utilizarlas como señales de compra y una vez que el precio llegue a la EMA 9, 20 o Built hay que vender.
Señal Alcista de 4 Horas:
Figura en forma de triangulo ascendente de color verde de tamaño diminuto y transparencia de 40%, situada por debajo de las velas japonesas.
Esta señal predice que el precio tendrá una tendencia ascendente hacía la EMA 9 de 4 Horas, puede cruzar dicha EMA o bien quedarse muy cerca sin llegar a tocarla.
Señal Alcista de 1 Hora.
Figura en forma de circulo de color verde de tamaño pequeño y transparencia de 10%, situada por debajo de las velas japonesas.
Esta señal predice que el precio tendrá una tendencia ascendente hacía la EMA 9 de 1 Hora, puede cruzar dicha EMA o bien quedarse muy cerca sin llegar a tocarla.
Señal Alcista de 15 minutos
Figura en forma de circulo de color verde de tamaño diminuto y transparencia de 30%, situada por debajo de las velas japonesas.
Esta señal predice que el precio tendrá una tendencia ascendente hacía la EMA 9 de 15 Minutos, puede cruzar dicha EMA o bien quedarse muy cerca sin llegar a tocarla.
Señales Bajistas.
Las señales bajistas actúan igual que las alcistas, pero en dirección contraria, recordando que el precio caerá con tendencia hacia la EMA 9 de la temporalidad de la señal, pero puede llegar o no llegar, puede cruzar o rebotar apenas la toque.
Señal Bajista Semanal: Precio caerá con tendencia a EMA 9 Semanal.
Señal Bajista Diaria: Precio caerá con tendencia a EMA 9 Diaria.
Señal Bajista 4 Horas: Precio caerá con tendencia a EMA 9 de 4 Horas.
Señal Bajista de 1 Hora: Precio caerá con tendencia a EMA 9 de 1 Hora.
Señal Bajista de 15 Minutos: Precio caerá con tendencia a EMA 9 15 Minutos.
Las figuras tienen el mismo tamaño y transparencia que las alcistas, pero son de color rojo y en forma descendente situándose por arriba de las velas japonesas.
Señal Bajista Semanal (ejemplo):
Configuración -> Entradas de datos
A continuación, te doy más detalle de lo que puedes hacer en el menú de Entradas de datos dentro de Configuración. (Desgraciadamente no puedo subir imágenes del menú pero espero ser claro en la explicación, de lo contrario, no dudes en preguntarme.
Lo primero es seleccionar las bandas de las temporalidades que desees.
Puedes elegir entre la semanal, la diaria, la de 12 horas, la de 4 horas, la de 2 horas, de 1 hora, de 30 minutos, 15 minutos y 1 minuto. Esto lo diseñe así para que no importe el tipo de trader que seas, puedes obtener señales en marcos temporales cortos (1 min – 1 hora), medios (1 hora - 4 horas) o largos (4 horas-semanal).
Cada una de las bandas tiene 3 opciones: Calcular las Bandas de Bollinger, Mostrar las bandas y Mostrar las señales MG.
Calcular las Bandas: Como su nombre lo indica calcula las bandas que selecciones, esto es necesario por si quieres ligar algún otro indicador, por ejemplo, podrías calcular las bandas, pero no mostrarlas, de esta forma, no saturar el gráfico y garantizas que el otro indicador funcione correctamente. (Más adelante publicaré una tabla que utiliza este indicador para decirte de forma resumida si el precio está en tendencia alcista o bajista, en cada una de las temporalidades de este indicador).
Mostrar las bandas: Muestra las bandas, podrías tener seleccionado el cálculo de todas las bandas pero que solo muestre 1, 2 o 3 bandas, por ejemplo, y así no saturar el gráfico.
Mostrar Señales MG: Muestra las señales alcistas o bajistas que puedes interpretar como señales de compra y venta, respectivamente. Ten en cuenta que cada señal predice que el precio buscará la EMA 9 de la temporalidad de la señal que elegiste (puede llegar y cruzarlo o solo acercarse sin tocarlo), por lo que es necesario tomar decisiones cuando el precio se aproxime a dichos niveles.
Por último, en la sección “Bollinger Bands inputs” puedes ajustar el número de periodos para los promedios móviles de corta y larga duración (se establecen por defecto en 9 y 20 periodos, respectivamente). El tipo de promedio móvil que desees entre SMA, EMA, SMMA (RMA), WMA o VWMA (Se establece la EMA por defecto y su selección afecta a los promedios de corta y media duración), y el número de desviaciones estándar (por defecto, 2 desviaciones estándar)
Por último, a veces se distorsionan las bandas con la data actual, si te pasa esto solo desactiva o activa la última opción “Espere el cierre de los intervalos de tiempo” .
Distorsión en Bandas y EMAs superiores:
Como puedes observar, al analizar el precio de 1 minuto con bandas de temporalidades superiores, en este caso 15 minutos, 4 horas y diaria, estás últimas se van distorsionando ya que se calculan en tiempo real, si no quieres que pase esto solo desactiva la última casilla “Espere el cierre de los intervalos de tiempo” y se corregirá:
Configuración -> Estilo:
En la sección de “estilo” dentro de configuración, puedes cambiar las figuras de estas señales, su color o la posición en donde se grafiquen. De igual forma, puedes ajustar el color, la transparencia, el grosor de línea o el tipo de línea de cada una de las bandas (Upper, EMA9, EMA 20 o Basis, EMA Built y Lower) en las distintas temporalidades antes descritas, así como activarlas o desactivarlas. También puedes cambiar el color o transparencia del fondo, así como activarlo o desactivarlo.
Por último, te recomiendo que, en la última sección de Configuración -> Estilo, “Precisión”, desactives las últimas dos casillas para no saturar el eje del precio en el gráfico. De lo contrario, te aparecerá el valor de cada banda (Upper, EMA9, EMA 20/Basis, EMA Built y Lower) de cada temporalidad seleccionada en su color respectivo.
Espero lo disfrutes y te diviertas aprendiendo y analizando los distintos cruces entre bandas, podrás notar que puedes crear tus propias estrategias y analizar un sinfín de combinaciones.
Estoy trabajando duramente para construir otro indicador que trabaje con este indicador considerando distintos cruces y momentos anticipados al cruce basados en ATR (Average True Range) con la intención de facilitar la toma de decisiones, en otro más para saber de forma práctica el tipo de tendencia (alcista/bajista) en el que se encuentra el precio según las Bollinger Bands Multi TimeFrame y en otro más de Bandas de Bollinger Multi Desviación Estándar, ¡así que espéralos!
Recuerda siempre hacer tus propias investigaciones y análisis, vale más la pena pasar varias horas o días analizando el precio y creando a una estrategia a arriesgarse por FOMO, ten en cuenta respaldar siempre tus decisiones con análisis técnico y/o fundamental.
Me despido por el momento y espero que este indicador te ayude mucho, no dudes en darme tu feedback, es muy importante para mí y me ayuda a seguir mejorando, así que no lo dudes, encantado de saber qué te parece.
Si quieres saber más sobre estrategias basadas en Bandas de Bollinger o quieres profundizar sobre la utilidad de este indicador, házmelo saber en los comentarios, será un gusto poder ayudar.
If you want to know more about strategies based on Bollinger Bands or want to delve deeper into the usefulness of this indicator, let me know in the comments, I will be happy to help.
تحليل الاتجاه
CheckList LIT AwakeningCheckList LIT Awakening en Español
Contiene la lista de confirmaciones necesarias para una entrada con la estrategia LIT.
Traducción del Check list original
VIX CANDLESThe VIX CANDLES indicator is designed to visualize the Williams VIX Fix, a volatility measure that mimics the VIX index but applies to different financial instruments.
This indicator calculates a custom "VIX-like" value based on the highest close over a specified look-back period and plots the result as candlesticks. It also includes an Exponential Moving Average (EMA) to help identify trends and potential buy/sell signals.
Williams VIX Fix Calculation: Measures volatility by comparing the current low to the highest close over the given period, then expressing the result as a percentage.
Custom Candles: The VIX Fix is displayed as a set of candlesticks where the body is colored based on whether the close is higher (green) or lower (red) than the open.
Exponential Moving Average (EMA): An EMA is applied to the VIX Fix value to smooth the data and identify trend changes. The EMA's length is customizable.
Trade Direction Labels: Labels are plotted when the VIX Fix crosses above or below the EMA, signaling potential buy (▽) or sell (△) opportunities.
Customization: Colors for the candlesticks and EMA, as well as the look-back period and EMA length, can be adjusted to suit your preferences.
This indicator is useful for traders looking to track volatility and identify potential trend shifts in the market. By combining the Williams VIX Fix with an EMA, it provides a more dynamic view of market conditions, helping traders spot extreme volatility and adjust their strategies accordingly.
Multi-TF Pivots V1The Multi-TF Pivots Indicator is a powerful and customizable pivot point tool for TradingView. This script allows traders to calculate and display pivot points on a wide range of timeframes, from 1-minute to weekly intervals. It supports both Classic and Fibonacci pivot styles and includes options to customize line colors, label positions, and price visibility. The indicator is ideal for traders who rely on pivot points for intraday and swing trading strategies, offering a clear visual representation of key support and resistance levels. With its flexibility and comprehensive features, this indicator is an essential tool for precise technical analysis.
اندیکاتور Multi-TF Pivots یک ابزار قدرتمند و قابل تنظیم برای محاسبه و نمایش پیوت پوینتها در پلتفرم TradingView است. این اسکریپت به معاملهگران امکان میدهد پیوت پوینتها را در طیف گستردهای از تایمفریمها، از ۱ دقیقه تا هفتگی، محاسبه و نمایش دهند. این اندیکاتور از سبکهای پیوت Classic و Fibonacci پشتیبانی میکند و گزینههایی برای شخصیسازی رنگ خطوط، موقعیت برچسبها و نمایش قیمتها دارد. این ابزار برای معاملهگرانی که به پیوت پوینتها برای استراتژیهای معاملاتی روزانه و نوسانی متکی هستند ایدهآل است و نمایش بصری واضحی از سطوح کلیدی حمایت و مقاومت ارائه میدهد. با انعطافپذیری و ویژگیهای جامع خود، این اندیکاتور یک ابزار ضروری برای تحلیل تکنیکال دقیق است
Crazymoney.aiImportant Notes:
Indicators Are Tools, Not Guarantees:
Indicators are not trading advice or a 100% guarantee. You must use them alongside your own knowledge and analysis.
Past Performance Disclaimer:
While our indicator has been tested and shows a good win rate, always remember that "Past performance is not a guarantee of future results."
About This Script:
This script is designed using a combination of multiple indicators, but it’s far more sophisticated than simple "if 2 indicators say buy, we buy" logic. It incorporates coded logic that acts as a "brain" to make decisions. While it can't avoid all bad trades, it aims to reduce false signals significantly.
Additionally, the script is designed to prevent the common issue of repainting found in many other buy/sell signal scripts.
I suggest forward testing this script for a few days to understand how it works and to build confidence in its application.
Settings Breakdown:
1. Entry Type:
1. All Trades: Displays unfiltered trades without applying any logic.
2. AI: Filters trades using built-in logic for more accurate signals.
2.Stop-Loss (SL) Type (Red Line):
1. None: No stop-loss applied.
2. Safe: Larger stop-loss determined by the script’s logic.
3. Aggressive: Smaller stop-loss based on the signal candle’s (candle with a square on top/bottom) high or low.
3. Take-Profit (TP) Type (Green Line):
1. None: No take-profit applied.
2. RR: Take-profit based on the risk-reward ratio, adjustable using the RR. Mult. setting.
4. "Are You Greedy?" Checkbox: If checked, this option shows signals for when you can add more quantity or reduce your position based on logic.
5. Magic Levels: Displays support and resistance levels as black lines.
6. Yellow Candles refers to training SL hit or SL hit or Traget it.
Refer to the chart on the indicator page for visual guidance and markings.
LevelUp^ Power Trend ScreenerScreen for symbols in a Power Trend using the Pine Screener. This screener supports all equity types from stocks to ETFs to crypto.
When a Power Trend is active, there is a stronger than usual uptrend underway. The concept of a Power Trend was created by Investor's Business Daily to mimic the trading style of IBD's Founder and legendary trader, William O'Neil.
🔹 What Starts A Power Trend?
✓ Low is above the 21-day EMA for at least 10 days.
✓ 21-day EMA is above the 50-day SMA for at least five days.
✓ 50-day SMA is in an uptrend.
✓ Close up for the day.
🔹 What Ends A Power Trend?
✓ 21-day EMA crosses under 50-day SMA.
✓ Close 10% below recent high and below the 50-day SMA.
🔹 Screening Features - Setting Your Search Criteria
There are various search options that can be customized to meet your preferences.
▪ In A Power Trend
To cast the widest net, select only this option and all stocks in a Power Trend will be returned.
▪ Power Trend Started
This option will search for symbols that began a Power Trend on the most recent daily bar.
▪ Power Trend Ended
This option will search for symbols where there was an active Power Trend, however, it ended on the most recent daily bar.
▪ Days In A Power Trend
This option can be helpful if you would like to find stocks that recently entered a Power Trend, for example, stocks that have been in a Power Trend for less than 5 days. Another use would be to search for stocks where the Power Trend has been active for a longer period of time, for instance, over 50 days.
▪ 1 Week % Change
With this option you can search for stocks that are up/down a specific percentage over the past week. For example, search for stocks in a Power Trend that are up 5% or more in the past week.
▪ 1 Month % Change
Similar to the above, narrow the search to percent changes based on monthly data. For example, return stocks in a Power Trend that are down 10% or more in the past month.
▪ Limit Symbol Types
If you have a watchlist that has multiple symbol types, for example stocks and crypto, you can set this option to limit the search to one or more symbol types. You can configure this option by clicking the drop-down to the right of the indicator name and selecting Settings.
🔹 Installation And Usage
▪ Mark this indicator as a Favorite.
▪ Use the Pine Screener to search for Power Trends.
▪ Save the search results to a watchlist.
▪ View the watchlist in TradingView.
🔹 Power Trend Indicator
This screener is designed to be used along with the Power Trend indicator to view Power Trends on your chart.
🔹 Important Notes
▪ This indicator is for screening, there is no visible output on the chart.
▪ Once you mark this screener as a Favorite, you can remove it from your chart.
▪ The Power Trend concept as defined by Investor's Business Daily is based on moving averages on the daily timeframe. Given this requirement, this screener is also limited to searching the same timeframe.
Abz Simple TrendThe goal of this indicator is to provide an "at-a-glance" trend-oriented moving averages indicator that helps with medium and long term trades and investments.
It should work on any chart timeframe but is intended for people interested in how the price is trending over longer timeframes.
Everything in the indicator is calculated against a weekly chart. This means if you're viewing it on another chart timeframe, such as the daily chart, the indicator will show the lines in the same places.
This indicator is intended to be easy enough for people without significant technical chart reading knowledge: Red means the market momentum is likely negative. Green is "bullish".
This is a lagging indicator. If you're new, this may seem like a bad thing, but markets eventually "revert to the mean". They tend to overshoot up and down from major trend lines, but eventually reconnect.
The indicator tracks 4 different moving averages:
- The Main moving average that is the thick, bright line on the chart
- The momentum line
- The 28w moving average (with smoother applied)
- The slow moving average (200w with special filters and smoother applied). This is the final mean reversion line.
The indicator is set up with multiple alerts and you can adjust everything via the settings.
Just remember that no indicator is a "cure all". You should not blindly trade based on the signals this gives out. It is not optimized to be the perfect trading bot but it will help to validate or invalidate your decisions. It's my favorite "at-a-glance" indicator, but I always look at the price action and see when the price reverses as that will occur before the indicator confirms it.
Other indicators that may help you confirm your decisions include: Volume, MACD, and RSI (especially when you understand divergences between the price action and the RSI).
Previous Day High and Low by DRK TradingThe Previous Day High and Low Indicator is a simple yet powerful tool designed for traders who want to keep track of critical levels from the previous trading session. This indicator automatically marks the high and low of the previous day on your chart with dashed horizontal lines, making it easier to identify key support and resistance zones.
Horizontal Lines: Clearly marks the previous day's high and low levels.
Dynamic Updates: Automatically updates at the start of a new trading day.
Visual Clarity: Includes labels at the start of the day for quick reference.
Customizable: Works seamlessly across all timeframes and instruments.
Use Case:
Identify potential breakout and reversal zones.
Enhance intraday and swing trading strategies by focusing on key price levels.
Plan stop-loss and target levels based on historical price movements.
This indicator is perfect for price action traders, intraday scalpers, and swing traders who rely on past price behavior to make informed decisions.
Statistical Trend Analysis (Scatterplot) [BigBeluga]Statistical Trend Analysis (Scatterplot) provides a unique perspective on market dynamics by combining the statistical concept of z-scores with scatterplot visualization to assess price momentum and potential trend shifts.
🧿 What is Z-Score?
Definition: A z-score is a statistical measure that quantifies how far a data point is from the mean, expressed in terms of standard deviations.
In this Indicator:
A high positive z-score indicates the price is significantly above the average.
A low negative z-score indicates the price is significantly below the average.
The indicator also calculates the rate of change of the z-score, helping identify momentum shifts in the market.
🧿 Key Features:
Scatterplot Visualization:
Displays data points of z-score and its change across four quadrants.
Quadrants help interpret market conditions:
Upper Right (Strong Bullish Momentum): Most data points here signal an ongoing uptrend.
Upper Left (Weakening Momentum): Data points here may indicate a potential market shift or ranging market.
Lower Left (Strong Bearish Momentum): Indicates a dominant downtrend.
Lower Right (Trend Shift to Bullish/Ranging): Suggests weakening bearish momentum or an emerging uptrend.
Color-Coded Candles:
Candles are dynamically colored based on the z-score, providing a visual cue about the price's deviation from the mean.
Z-Score Time Series:
A line plot of z-scores over time shows price deviation trends.
A gray histogram displays the rate of change of the z-score, highlighting momentum shifts.
🧿 Usage:
Use the scatterplot and quadrant gauges to understand the current market momentum and potential shifts.
Monitor the z-score line plot to identify overbought/oversold conditions.
Utilize the gray histogram to detect momentum reversals and trend strength.
This tool is ideal for traders who rely on statistical insights to confirm trends, detect potential reversals, and assess market momentum visually and quantitatively.
Market Structure Trend Targets [ChartPrime]The Market Structure Trend Targets indicator is designed to identify trend direction and continuation points by marking significant breaks in price levels. This approach helps traders track trend strength and potential reversal points. The indicator uses previous highs and lows as breakout triggers, providing a visual roadmap for trend continuation or mean reversion signals.
⯌ Breakout Points with Numbered Markers :
The indicator identifies key breakout points where price breaks above a previous high (for uptrends) or below a previous low (for downtrends). The initial breakout (zero break) is marked with the entry price and a triangle icon, while subsequent breakouts within the trend are numbered sequentially (1, 2, 3…) to indicate trend continuation.
Example of breakout markers for uptrend and downtrend:
⯌ Percentage Change Display Option :
Traders can toggle on a setting to display the percentage change from the initial breakout point to each subsequent break level, offering an easy way to gauge trend momentum over time. This is particularly helpful for identifying how far price has moved in the current trend.
Percentage change example between break points:
⯌ Dynamic Stop Loss Levels :
In uptrends, the stop loss level is placed below the price to protect against downside moves. In downtrends, it is positioned above the price. If the price breaches the stop loss level, the indicator resets, indicating a potential end or reversal of the trend.
Dynamic stop loss level illustration in uptrend and downtrend:
⯌ Mean Reversion Signals :
The indicator identifies potential mean reversion points with diamond icons. In an uptrend, if the price falls below the stop loss and then re-enters above it, a diamond is plotted, suggesting a possible mean reversion. Similarly, in a downtrend, if the price moves above the stop loss and then falls back below, it indicates a reversion possibility.
Mean reversion diamond signals on the chart:
⯌ Trend Visualization with Colored Zones :
The chart background is shaded to visually represent trend direction, with color changes corresponding to uptrends and downtrends. This makes it easier to see overall market conditions at a glance.
Length : Defines the number of bars used to identify pivot highs and lows for trend breakouts.
Display Percentage : Option to toggle between showing sequential breakout numbers or the percentage change from the initial breakout.
Colors for Uptrend and Downtrend : Allows customization of color zones for uptrends and downtrends to match individual chart preferences.
The Market Structure Trend Targets indicator offers a strategic way to monitor market trends, track breakouts, and manage risk through dynamic stop loss levels. Its clear visual representation of trend continuity, alongside mean reversion signals, provides traders with actionable insights for both trend-following and counter-trend strategies.
Nimu Market on DemandNimu Market On Demand is an innovative tool designed to provide a visual representation of market demand levels on a scale of 1 to 100. This scale is displayed at specific intervals , making it easy for users to understand market demand fluctuations in real time.
To enhance analysis, Nimu Market On Demand also incorporates the Relative Strength Index (RSI) with key thresholds at . RSI is a widely-used technical indicator that measures market strength and momentum, offering insights into overbought (excessive buying) or oversold (excessive selling) conditions.
The combination of the Demand graph and RSI enables users to:
Identify the right time to buy when the RSI falls below 30, signaling an oversold condition.
Determine the optimal time to sell when the RSI rises above 70, indicating an overbought condition.
With an integrated visualization, users can effortlessly observe demand patterns and combine them with RSI signals to make smarter and more strategic trading decisions. This tool is designed to help traders and investors maximize opportunities in a dynamic market environment.
Absorption AnalysisThe Absorption Analysis indicator identifies potential market turning points by analyzing volume, price patterns, and market structure across multiple dimensions. It combines traditional technical signals with volume analysis and success rate tracking to provide high-probability reversal opportunities.
Signal Types & Classification
1. Pattern-Based Signals (W-Bottom & M-Top)
**W-Bottom Pattern**
- Pattern Structure:
* Price makes a low below the lower Bollinger Band
* First bounce occurs with price moving higher
* Secondary test forms a higher low
* Final confirmation with bullish close above lower band
- Volume Requirements:
* Must exceed 1.5x the 20-period volume moving average
- Visual Indicators:
* Blue dotted line appears at pattern low
* Line remains until broken by price
* Label shows volume and percentage from baseline
- Success Tracking:
* Pattern stored in historical database
* Success measured by upward price movement
* Historical success rate displayed with signal
**M-Top Pattern**
- Pattern Structure:
* Price makes a high above the upper Bollinger Band
* First pullback occurs with price moving lower
* Secondary push forms a lower high
* Final confirmation with bearish close below upper band
- Volume Requirements:
* Must exceed 1.5x the 20-period volume moving average
- Visual Indicators:
* Orange dotted line appears at pattern high
* Line remains until broken by price
* Label shows volume and percentage from baseline
- Success Tracking:
* Pattern stored in historical database
* Success measured by downward price movement
* Historical success rate displayed with signal
2. Technical Reversals
**Bullish Reversal**
- Entry Conditions:
* Previous candle closes below lower Bollinger Band
* Previous candle must be bearish
* Current candle closes above lower band
* Current candle must be bullish
- Volume Validation:
* Volume must exceed 1.5x 20-period MA
- Visual Markers:
* Green label at reversal point
* Includes volume context
- Trading Implementation:
* Suggests strong buying pressure overcoming selling
* Often marks end of downward price exhaustion
**Bearish Reversal**
- Entry Conditions:
* Previous candle closes above upper Bollinger Band
* Previous candle must be bullish
* Current candle closes below upper band
* Current candle must be bearish
- Volume Validation:
* Volume must exceed 1.5x 20-period MA
- Visual Markers:
* Red label at reversal point
* Includes volume context
- Trading Implementation:
* Suggests strong selling pressure overcoming buying
* Often marks end of upward price exhaustion
3. Volume-Based Reversals
**High Volume Bear to Bull**
- Signal Formation:
* High volume bearish candle (2.5σ above mean)
* Immediately followed by high volume bullish candle
- Market Psychology:
* Shows strong selling being absorbed by buying
* Often indicates institutional accumulation
- Visual Identification:
* Purple "HV Bull" label
* Includes volume statistics
- Trading Context:
* Strong signal for trend reversal
* Most effective at support levels
**High Volume Bull to Bear**
- Signal Formation:
* High volume bullish candle (2.5σ above mean)
* Immediately followed by high volume bearish candle
- Market Psychology:
* Shows strong buying being absorbed by selling
* Often indicates institutional distribution
- Visual Identification:
* Purple "HV Bear" label
* Includes volume statistics
- Trading Context:
* Strong signal for trend reversal
* Most effective at resistance levels
4. Absorption Signals
**Buy Absorption**
- Technical Requirements:
* High volume conditions (2.5σ above mean)
* Spread momentum must be negative
* Fast spread MA below slow spread MA
* Bullish closing candle
- Market Interpretation:
* Indicates buying pressure absorbing selling
* Often precedes upward movement
- Visual Markers:
* Red label with volume context
* Placed at significant price levels
**Sell Absorption**
- Technical Requirements:
* High volume conditions (2.5σ above mean)
* Spread momentum must be negative
* Fast spread MA below slow spread MA
* Bearish closing candle
- Market Interpretation:
* Indicates selling pressure absorbing buying
* Often precedes downward movement
- Visual Markers:
* Green label with volume context
* Placed at significant price levels
Volume Analysis Components
Volume Calculation
- Rolling baseline volume calculated based on timeframe:
* Monthly: 6-period sum
* Weekly: 12-period sum
* Daily: 20-period sum
* Intraday: Proportional to timeframe
- Net volume = Bullish volume - Bearish volume
- Volume percentage calculated against baseline
- High volume threshold = 2.5 standard deviations
- Pattern volume threshold = 1.5x 20MA
Exchange Aggregation
- Primary symbol (chart) always included
- Optional secondary symbol data
- Combines volume data for stronger signals
- Useful for crypto markets with split liquidity
Success Rate Implementation
Rate Calculation
- Based on user-defined lookback period
- Separately tracked for each pattern type
- Bullish patterns: Percentage of times price moved higher
- Bearish patterns: Percentage of times price moved lower
- Used to filter alerts with minimum threshold
Pattern Storage
- Arrays maintain historical pattern data
- Limited to lookback period size
- Oldest patterns removed as new ones form
- Constantly updated success rates
## Trading Implementation
### Signal Priority
1. Pattern Signals (W/M)
- Highest reliability due to complex criteria
- Must meet all volume and price conditions
- Line break provides clear invalidation
2. High Volume Reversals
- Strong indication of institutional activity
- Clear volume confirmation
- Immediate reversal potential
3. Technical Reversals
- Traditional technical analysis backbone
- Enhanced with volume confirmation
- Good for trend trading
4. Absorption Signals
- Early warning system
- Best used with other confirmations
- Good for position building
Best Practices
- Look for multiple signal types aligning
- Consider higher timeframe context
- Use success rates to filter setups
- Monitor volume context closely
- Wait for candle closes
- Use line breaks for clear invalidation
- Consider market structure
- Pay attention to success rates
- Use appropriate position sizing
Risk Management
- Use pattern breaks for stop losses
- Consider historical success rates
- Larger positions for multiple signal confluence
- Respect timeframe hierarchy
- Monitor volume for confirmation
- Use proper position sizing
- Consider market volatility
This indicator provides a comprehensive framework for identifying potential market turning points while maintaining rigorous risk management through multiple confirmation factors and clear invalidation levels.
Profitability Visualization with Bid-Ask Spread ApproximationOverview
The " Profitability Visualization with Bid-Ask Spread Approximation " indicator is designed to assist traders in assessing potential profit and loss targets in relation to the current market price or a simulated entry price. It provides flexibility by allowing users to choose between two methods for calculating the offset from the current price:
Bid-Ask Spread Approximation: The indicator attempts to estimate the bid-ask spread by using the highest (high) and lowest (low) prices within a given period (typically the current bar or a user-defined timeframe) as proxies for the ask and bid prices, respectively. This method provides a dynamic offset that adapts to market volatility.
Percentage Offset: Alternatively, users can specify a fixed percentage offset from the current price. This method offers a consistent offset regardless of market conditions.
Key Features
Dual Offset Calculation Methods: Choose between a dynamic bid-ask spread approximation or a fixed percentage offset to tailor the indicator to your trading style and market analysis.
Entry Price Consideration: The indicator can simulate an entry price at the beginning of each trading session (or the first bar on the chart if no sessions are defined). This feature enables a more realistic visualization of potential profit and loss levels based on a hypothetical entry point.
Profit and Loss Targets: When the entry price consideration is enabled, the indicator plots profit target (green) and loss target (red) lines. These lines represent the price levels at which a trade entered at the simulated entry price would achieve a profit or incur a loss equivalent to the calculated offset amount.
Offset Visualization: Regardless of whether the entry price is considered, the indicator always displays upper (aqua) and lower (fuchsia) offset lines. These lines represent the calculated offset levels based on the chosen method (bid-ask approximation or percentage offset).
Customization: Users can adjust the percentage offset, toggle the bid-ask approximation and entry price consideration, and customize the appearance of the lines through the indicator's settings.
useBidAskApproximation A boolean (checkbox) input that determines whether to use the bid-ask spread approximation (true) or the percentage offset (false). Default is false.
percentageOffset A float input that allows users to specify the percentage offset to be used when useBidAskApproximation is false. The default value is 0.63.
considerEntryPrice A boolean input that enables the consideration of a simulated entry price for calculating and displaying profit and loss targets. Default is true.
Bid-Ask Approximation (if enabled): bidApprox =, timeframe.period, low) Approximates the bid price using the lowest price (low) of the current period. askApprox =, timeframe.period, high) Approximates the ask price using the highest price (high) of the current period. spreadApprox = askApprox - bidApprox Calculates the approximate spread.
Offset Amount: offsetAmount = useBidAskApproximation ? spreadApprox / 2 : close * (percentageOffset / 100) Determines the offset amount based on the selected method. If useBidAskApproximation is true, the offset is half of the approximated spread; otherwise, it's the current closing price (close) multiplied by the percentageOffset.
Entry Price (if enabled): var entryPrice = 0.0 Initializes a variable to store the entry price. if considerEntryPrice Checks if entry price consideration is enabled. if barstate.isnew Checks if the current bar is the first bar of a new session. entryPrice := close Sets the entryPrice to the closing price of the first bar of the session.
Profit and Loss Targets (if entry price is considered): profitTarget = entryPrice + offsetAmount Calculates the profit target price level. lossTarget = entryPrice - offsetAmount Calculates the loss target price level.
Profit Target Line: Plotted in green ( with a dashed line style (plot.style_linebr) and increased linewidth (linewidth=2) when considerEntryPrice is true.
Loss Target Line: Plotted in red ( with a dashed line style (plot.style_linebr) and increased linewidth (linewidth=2) when considerEntryPrice is true.
Upper Offset Line: Always plotted in aqua (color.aqua) to show the offset level above the current price.
Lower Offset Line: Always plotted in fuchsia (color.fuchsia) to show the offset level below the current price.
Approximation: The bid-ask spread approximation is based on high and low prices and may not perfectly reflect the actual bid-ask spread of a specific broker, especially during periods of high volatility or low liquidity.
Simplified Entry: The entry price simulation is basic and assumes entry at the beginning of each session. It does not account for specific entry signals or order types.
No Order Execution: This indicator is purely for visualization and does not execute any trades.
Data Discrepancies: The high and low values used for approximation might not always align with real-time bid and ask prices due to differences in data aggregation and timing between TradingView and various brokers.
This indicator is for educational and informational purposes only and should not be considered financial advice. Trading involves substantial risk, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Always conduct thorough research and consider your own risk tolerance before making any trading decisions. It is recommended to combine this indicator with other technical analysis tools and a well-defined trading strategy.
Puell Multiple BTC | JeffreyTimmermansThe Puell Multiple is a metric that assesses the relationship between mining profitability and market cycles. It is calculated by comparing the daily value of newly issued coins (USD) to the 365-day moving average of daily coin issuance (USD).
This indicator works best on the 1D BTC Chart. When interpreting the Puell Multiple, it can generally be understood as follows:
High values indicate that miner profitability is significantly higher than the yearly average. This may lead to an increased incentive for miners to sell off their holdings, putting additional selling pressure on the market.
Low values suggest that miner profitability is lower than the yearly average. In this case, miners might experience financial strain, causing some to reduce their hash power by shutting down mining rigs. This, in turn, can reduce the number of coins being sold into the market, as remaining miners need to liquidate fewer coins to maintain operations, thereby decreasing the impact on the liquid supply.
The Puell Multiple is a metric used primarily in the cryptocurrency space, specifically for Bitcoin, to assess whether Bitcoin is overvalued or undervalued in relation to its mining rewards. It helps to gauge the profitability of miners and, by extension, to assess market conditions.
This Puell Multiple is invented for Long-Term, Trend Following Systems.
The Puell Multiple trend can be visualized through the color of the bars, which represents the direction of the trend, while the background indicates the strength of that trend.
Bar Color: The color of the bars typically changes to reflect whether the trend is bullish or bearish. For example, green bars may indicate a strong bullish trend, while red bars signal a bearish or declining trend. The color coding helps to quickly interpret the market's overall movement in relation to mining profitability.
Background Color: The background of the chart is used to reflect the strength of the trend. A darker or more intense background may signify a stronger trend, indicating that the market conditions are more pronounced, while a lighter background can suggest a weaker or more uncertain trend, showing less certainty in the market’s direction.
Together, the combination of bar color and background provides a clearer picture of both the trend's direction and its strength, making it easier to assess potential market behavior based on miner profitability and market cycles.
Puell Multiple and Moving Average: They can be used as an extra tool to confirm the bullish or bearish trend. When the Puell Multiple is above the Moving Average, this will suggest and confirm that the trend is bullish.
How you score this for your own systems is up to you.
Puell Multiple BTC | JeffreyTimmermansThe Puell Multiple is a metric that assesses the relationship between mining profitability and market cycles. It is calculated by comparing the daily value of newly issued coins (USD) to the 365-day moving average of daily coin issuance (USD).
This indicator works best on the 1D BTC Chart. When interpreting the Puell Multiple, it can generally be understood as follows:
High values indicate that miner profitability is significantly higher than the yearly average. This may lead to an increased incentive for miners to sell off their holdings, putting additional selling pressure on the market.
Low values suggest that miner profitability is lower than the yearly average. In this case, miners might experience financial strain, causing some to reduce their hash power by shutting down mining rigs. This, in turn, can reduce the number of coins being sold into the market, as remaining miners need to liquidate fewer coins to maintain operations, thereby decreasing the impact on the liquid supply.
The Puell Multiple is a metric used primarily in the cryptocurrency space, specifically for Bitcoin, to assess whether Bitcoin is overvalued or undervalued in relation to its mining rewards. It helps to gauge the profitability of miners and, by extension, to assess market conditions.
This Puell Multiple is invented for Long-Term, Trend Following Systems.
The Puell Multiple trend can be visualized through the color of the bars, which represents the direction of the trend, while the background indicates the strength of that trend.
Bar Color: The color of the bars typically changes to reflect whether the trend is bullish or bearish. For example, green bars may indicate a strong bullish trend, while red bars signal a bearish or declining trend. The color coding helps to quickly interpret the market's overall movement in relation to mining profitability.
Background Color: The background of the chart is used to reflect the strength of the trend. A darker or more intense background may signify a stronger trend, indicating that the market conditions are more pronounced, while a lighter background can suggest a weaker or more uncertain trend, showing less certainty in the market’s direction.
Together, the combination of bar color and background provides a clearer picture of both the trend's direction and its strength, making it easier to assess potential market behavior based on miner profitability and market cycles.
Puell Multiple and Moving Average: They can be used as an extra tool to confirm the bullish or bearish trend. When the Puell Multiple is above the Moving Average, this will suggest and confirm that the trend is bullish.
How you score this for your own systems is up to you.
Puell Multiple BTC | JeffreyTimmermansThe Puell Multiple is a metric that assesses the relationship between mining profitability and market cycles. It is calculated by comparing the daily value of newly issued coins (USD) to the 365-day moving average of daily coin issuance (USD).
This indicator works best on the 1D BTC Chart. When interpreting the Puell Multiple, it can generally be understood as follows:
High values indicate that miner profitability is significantly higher than the yearly average. This may lead to an increased incentive for miners to sell off their holdings, putting additional selling pressure on the market.
Low values suggest that miner profitability is lower than the yearly average. In this case, miners might experience financial strain, causing some to reduce their hash power by shutting down mining rigs. This, in turn, can reduce the number of coins being sold into the market, as remaining miners need to liquidate fewer coins to maintain operations, thereby decreasing the impact on the liquid supply.
The Puell Multiple is a metric used primarily in the cryptocurrency space, specifically for Bitcoin, to assess whether Bitcoin is overvalued or undervalued in relation to its mining rewards. It helps to gauge the profitability of miners and, by extension, to assess market conditions.
This Puell Multiple is invented for Long-Term, Trend Following Systems.
The Puell Multiple trend can be visualized through the color of the bars, which represents the direction of the trend, while the background indicates the strength of that trend.
Bar Color: The color of the bars typically changes to reflect whether the trend is bullish or bearish. For example, green bars may indicate a strong bullish trend, while red bars signal a bearish or declining trend. The color coding helps to quickly interpret the market's overall movement in relation to mining profitability.
Background Color: The background of the chart is used to reflect the strength of the trend. A darker or more intense background may signify a stronger trend, indicating that the market conditions are more pronounced, while a lighter background can suggest a weaker or more uncertain trend, showing less certainty in the market’s direction.
Together, the combination of bar color and background provides a clearer picture of both the trend's direction and its strength, making it easier to assess potential market behavior based on miner profitability and market cycles.
Puell Multiple and Moving Average: They can be used as an extra tool to confirm the bullish or bearish trend. When the Puell Multiple is above the Moving Average, this will suggest and confirm that the trend is bullish.
How you score this for your own systems is up to you.
Uptrick: Arbitrage OpportunityINTRODUCTION
This script, titled Uptrick: Arbitrage Monitor, is a Pine Script™ indicator that aims to help traders quickly visualize potential arbitrage scenarios across multiple cryptocurrency exchanges. Arbitrage, in general, involves taking advantage of price differences for the same asset across different trading platforms. By comparing market prices of the same symbol on two user-selected exchanges, as well as scanning a broader list of exchanges, this script attempts to signal areas where you might want to buy on one exchange and sell on another. It includes various graphical tools, calculations, and an optional Automated Detection signal feature, allowing users to incorporate more advanced data scanning into their trading decisions. Keep in mind that transaction fees must also be considered in real-world scenarios. These fees can negate potential profits and, in some cases, result in a net loss.
The primary purpose of this indicator is to show potential percentage differences between the same cryptocurrency trading pairs on two different exchanges. This difference is displayed numerically, visually as a line chart, and it is also tested against user-defined thresholds. With the threshold in place, buy and sell signals can be generated. The script allows you to quickly gauge how significant a spread is between two exchanges and whether that spread surpasses a specified threshold. This is particularly useful for arbitrage trading, where an asset is bought at a lower price on one exchange and sold at a higher price on another, capitalizing on price discrepancies. By identifying these opportunities, traders can potentially secure profits across different markets.
This script was developed to help traders who frequently look for arbitrage opportunities in the fast-paced cryptocurrency market. Cryptocurrencies sometimes experience quick price divergences across different exchanges. By having an automated approach that compares and displays prices, traders can spend less time manually tracking price discrepancies and more time focusing on actual trading strategies. The script was also made with user customization in mind, allowing you to toggle an optional Automated-based approach and choose different moving average methods to smooth out the displayed price difference.
Arbitrage is the practice of buying an asset on one market (or exchange) at a lower price and simultaneously selling it on another market where the price is higher, thus profiting from the price difference. In cryptocurrency markets, these price differentials can occur across multiple exchanges due to varying liquidity, trading volume, geographic factors, or market inefficiencies. Though sometimes small, these differences can be exploited for profit when approached methodically.
The script includes a variety of user inputs that help tailor the indicator to your specific needs:
1. Compared Symbol 1: This is the primary symbol you want to track (for example, BTCUSDT). Make sure it's written in all capital and make sure that it's price from that exchange is available on Tradingview.
2. Compare Exchange 1: The first exchange on which the script will request pricing data for the chosen symbol.
3. Compared to Exchange: The second exchange, used for the comparison.
4. Opportunity Threshold (%): A percentage threshold that, when exceeded by the price difference, can trigger buy or sell signals.
5. Plot Style?: Allows you to choose between plotting the raw difference line or a moving average of that difference.
6. MA Type: Select among SMA, EMA, WMA, RMA, or HMA for your moving average calculation.
7. MA Length: The lookback period for the selected moving average.
8. Plot Buy/Sell Signals?: Enables or disables the plotting of arrows signaling potential buy or sell zones based on threshold crossovers.
9. Automated Detection?: Toggles an additional multi-exchange data scan feature that calculates the highest and lowest prices for the specified symbol across a predefined list of exchanges.
At its core, the script calculates price1 and price2 using the function to fetch close prices from two selected exchanges. The difference is measured as (price1 - price2) / price2 * 100. This results in a percentage that indicates how much higher or lower price1 is relative to price2. Additionally, the script calculates a slope for this difference, which helps color the line depending on whether it is trending up or down. If you choose the moving average option, the script will replace the raw difference data with one of several moving average calculations (SMA, EMA, WMA, RMA, or HMA).
The script also includes an iterative scan of up to 15 different exchanges for Automated detection, collecting the highest and lowest price across all those exchanges. If the Automated option is enabled, it compiles a potential recommendation: buy at the cheapest exchange price and sell at the most expensive one. The difference across all exchanges (allExDiffPercent) is calculated using (highestPriceAll - lowestPriceAll) / lowestPriceAll * 100.
If enabled, the Automated detection feature scans all 15 supported exchanges for the specified symbol. It then identifies the exchange with the highest price and the exchange with the lowest price. The script displays a recommended action: buy on the lowest-exchange price and sell on the highest-exchange price. While called “Automated,” it is essentially a multi-exchange data query that automates a portion of research by consolidating different price points. It does not replace thorough analysis or guaranteed execution; it simply provides an overview of potential extremes.
The variable allExDiffPercent is used to show the overall difference between the highest price and the lowest price found among the 15 pre-chosen exchanges. This figure can be useful for anyone wanting a big-picture view of how large the arbitrage spread might be across the broader market.
The script provides two main modes of signal generation:
1. Raw Difference Mode: If the user chooses “Use Normal Line,” the script compares the percentage difference of the two selected exchanges (price1 and price2) to the user-defined threshold. When the difference crosses under the positive threshold, a sell signal is displayed (red arrow). Conversely, when the difference crosses above the negative threshold, a buy signal is displayed (green arrow).
2. Moving Average Mode: If the user selects “Use Moving Average,” the script instead references the moving average values (maValue). The signals fire under similar conditions but use the average line to gauge whether the threshold has been crossed.
1. Add the script to your chart in TradingView.
2. In the script’s settings panel, configure the symbol you wish to compare (for example, BTCUSDT), choose the two exchanges you want to evaluate, and set your desired threshold.
3. Optionally, pick a moving average type and length if you prefer a smoother representation of the difference.
4. Enable or disable buy/sell signals according to your preference.
5. If you’d like to see potential extremes among a broader list of exchanges, enable Automated Detection. Keep in mind that this feature runs additional security requests, so it might slow down performance on weaker devices or if you already have many scripts running.
The script currently supports up to 15 exchanges: BYBIT, BINANCE, MEXC, BLOFIN, BITGET, OKX, KUCOIN, COINBASE, COINEX, PHEMEX, POLONIEX, GATEIO, BITSTAMP, and KRAKEN. You can choose any two of these for direct comparison, and if you enable the Automated detection, it will attempt to query them all to find extremes in real time.
The exchanges and current prices & differences are all plotted in the table while the colored line represents the difference in the price. The two thresholds colored red are where signals are generated. A cross below the upper threshold is a sell signal and a cross above the lower threshold is a buy signal. In the line at the bottom, purple is a negative slope and aqua is a positive slope.
If you enable too many visual elements such as signals, additional lines, and the Automated-based scanning table, you may find that your chart becomes cluttered, or text might overlap. One workaround is to remove and reapply the indicator to refresh its display. You may also want to reduce the number of displayed table rows by disabling some features if your chart becomes too crowded. Sometimes there might be an error that the price of an asset is not available on an exchange, to fix this, go and select another exchange to compare it to, or if it happens in Automated detection, choose a different asset, ideally more widely spread.
This indicator stands out due to its multifaceted approach: it doesn’t just look at two exchanges but optionally scans up to 15 exchanges in real time, presenting users with a much broader view of the market. The dual-mode system (raw difference vs. moving average) allows for both immediate, unfiltered signals and smoother, noise-reduced signals depending on user preference. By default, it introduces dynamic visual cues through color changes when the slope of the difference transitions upward or downward. The optional Automated detection, while not a deep learning system, adds a functional intelligence layer by collating extreme price points from multiple exchanges in one place, thereby streamlining the manual research process. This combination of features gives the script a unique edge in the TradingView ecosystem, catering equally to novices wanting a straightforward approach and to advanced users looking for an aggregated multi-exchange analysis.
Uptrick: Arbitrage Monitor is a versatile and customizable Pine Script™ indicator that highlights price differences for a specified symbol between two user-selected exchanges. Through signals, threshold-based alerts, and optional Automated detection across multiple exchanges, it aims to support traders in identifying potential arbitrage opportunities quickly and efficiently. This script makes no guarantees of profitability but can serve as a valuable tool to add to your trading toolkit. Always use caution when implementing arbitrage strategies, and be mindful of market risks, exchange fees, and latency.
This script is provided for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice or a guarantee of performance. Users are encouraged to conduct thorough research and consider the inherent risks of arbitrage trading. Market conditions can change rapidly, and orders may fail to execute at desired prices, especially when large price discrepancies attract competition from other traders.
FCPO Smart Shooter EnhancedFCPO Smart Shooter 🎯
A powerful and intelligent trading indicator specifically designed for FCPO (Crude Palm Oil Futures) trading. Combines advanced technical analysis with AI-driven signals to identify high-probability trading opportunities.
Key Features:
• Dual Analysis Mode: Choose between AI-powered signals or pure technical analysis
• Dynamic Stop Loss: Adapts to market volatility using ATR
• Smart Entry Points: Identifies trend reversals and continuation patterns
• Session-Aware: Optimized for FCPO trading sessions (Morning/Afternoon/Night)
• Clear Visual Signals: Distinct color-coded buy/sell signals with targets and stops
Technical Components:
• Ichimoku Cloud components for trend direction
• MACD for momentum confirmation
• Bollinger Bands for volatility
• ADX for trend strength
• Custom AI scoring system analyzing multiple factors
Signal Types:
🔵 Blue Labels: AI-powered BUY signals
🟣 Purple Labels: AI-powered SELL signals
🟢 Green Labels: Technical Analysis BUY signals
🔴 Red Labels: Technical Analysis SELL signals
Status Dashboard:
• AI Score: Overall market analysis score (0-100)
• Trend: Current market trend status
• Volatility: Market volatility level
• MACD: Momentum direction
• RSI: Overbought/Oversold conditions
• Volume: Volume analysis
• Prediction: Short-term market prediction
How to Use:
1. Select your preferred analysis mode (AI or Technical)
2. Watch for signal labels that appear with clear entry, target, and stop levels
3. Monitor the status dashboard for additional market insights
4. Trade only during active FCPO sessions for best results
• Target Ticks: Set your profit target (default: 15)
• Stop Loss: Set your risk limit (default: 10)
• AI Analysis: Toggle between AI and Technical analysis modes
Best Practices:
• Use larger stops during high volatility
• Confirm signals with market structure
• Monitor trend strength before entry
• Respect session times for better accuracy
Note: This indicator combines multiple technical factors with AI analysis to provide trading signals. Always use proper risk management and consider market conditions before trading.
Disclaimer: This indicator is for educational purposes only. Always do your own analysis and trade at your own risk.
Version: 1.0
Author: @miqoness
Last Updated: December 2023
FCPO Smart Shooter EnhancedFCPO Smart Shooter 🎯
A powerful and intelligent trading indicator specifically designed for FCPO (Crude Palm Oil Futures) trading. Combines advanced technical analysis with AI-driven signals to identify high-probability trading opportunities.
Key Features:
• Dual Analysis Mode: Choose between AI-powered signals or pure technical analysis
• Dynamic Stop Loss: Adapts to market volatility using ATR
• Smart Entry Points: Identifies trend reversals and continuation patterns
• Session-Aware: Optimized for FCPO trading sessions (Morning/Afternoon/Night)
• Clear Visual Signals: Distinct color-coded buy/sell signals with targets and stops
Technical Components:
• Ichimoku Cloud components for trend direction
• MACD for momentum confirmation
• Bollinger Bands for volatility
• ADX for trend strength
• Custom AI scoring system analyzing multiple factors
Signal Types:
🔵 Blue Labels: AI-powered BUY signals
🟣 Purple Labels: AI-powered SELL signals
🟢 Green Labels: Technical Analysis BUY signals
🔴 Red Labels: Technical Analysis SELL signals
Status Dashboard:
• AI Score: Overall market analysis score (0-100)
• Trend: Current market trend status
• Volatility: Market volatility level
• MACD: Momentum direction
• RSI: Overbought/Oversold conditions
• Volume: Volume analysis
• Prediction: Short-term market prediction
How to Use:
1. Select your preferred analysis mode (AI or Technical)
2. Watch for signal labels that appear with clear entry, target, and stop levels
3. Monitor the status dashboard for additional market insights
4. Trade only during active FCPO sessions for best results
• Target Ticks: Set your profit target (default: 15)
• Stop Loss: Set your risk limit (default: 10)
• AI Analysis: Toggle between AI and Technical analysis modes
Best Practices:
• Use larger stops during high volatility
• Confirm signals with market structure
• Monitor trend strength before entry
• Respect session times for better accuracy
Note: This indicator combines multiple technical factors with AI analysis to provide trading signals. Always use proper risk management and consider market conditions before trading.
Disclaimer: This indicator is for educational purposes only. Always do your own analysis and trade at your own risk.
Version: 1.0
Author: @miqoness
Last Updated: December 2023
FCPO Smart Shooter EnhancedFCPO Smart Shooter 🎯
A powerful and intelligent trading indicator specifically designed for FCPO (Crude Palm Oil Futures) trading. Combines advanced technical analysis with AI-driven signals to identify high-probability trading opportunities.
Key Features:
• Dual Analysis Mode: Choose between AI-powered signals or pure technical analysis
• Dynamic Stop Loss: Adapts to market volatility using ATR
• Smart Entry Points: Identifies trend reversals and continuation patterns
• Session-Aware: Optimized for FCPO trading sessions (Morning/Afternoon/Night)
• Clear Visual Signals: Distinct color-coded buy/sell signals with targets and stops
Technical Components:
• Ichimoku Cloud components for trend direction
• MACD for momentum confirmation
• Bollinger Bands for volatility
• ADX for trend strength
• Custom AI scoring system analyzing multiple factors
Signal Types:
🔵 Blue Labels: AI-powered BUY signals
🟣 Purple Labels: AI-powered SELL signals
🟢 Green Labels: Technical Analysis BUY signals
🔴 Red Labels: Technical Analysis SELL signals
Status Dashboard:
• AI Score: Overall market analysis score (0-100)
• Trend: Current market trend status
• Volatility: Market volatility level
• MACD: Momentum direction
• RSI: Overbought/Oversold conditions
• Volume: Volume analysis
• Prediction: Short-term market prediction
How to Use:
1. Select your preferred analysis mode (AI or Technical)
2. Watch for signal labels that appear with clear entry, target, and stop levels
3. Monitor the status dashboard for additional market insights
4. Trade only during active FCPO sessions for best results
• Target Ticks: Set your profit target (default: 15)
• Stop Loss: Set your risk limit (default: 10)
• AI Analysis: Toggle between AI and Technical analysis modes
Best Practices:
• Use larger stops during high volatility
• Confirm signals with market structure
• Monitor trend strength before entry
• Respect session times for better accuracy
Note: This indicator combines multiple technical factors with AI analysis to provide trading signals. Always use proper risk management and consider market conditions before trading.
Disclaimer: This indicator is for educational purposes only. Always do your own analysis and trade at your own risk.
Version: 1.0
Author: @miqoness
Last Updated: December 2023
3 EMA Crossover Strategy with AlertsThis strategy works very well with XAUUSD with 3M TF & BTCUSD with 1M TF
Lokesh(bank nifty option buying) MA Crossover with RSI use it directly in bank nifty option chart for 5 minute time frame specialy for put buying
SMC/ICT Market Structure & FVG - Free Version [APERTA]This is a free indicator that visualizes the SMC/ICT market structures and fair value gaps (FVG).
Free version does not provide trading signals.